why is this needed to be shown in a first world country
Why is this needed to be shown in a first world country
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Squat shit is healthier and cleaner.
this. first-worlders are so lazy they don't mind sitting on the same plastic ring that everyone else sits (and pisses and shits) on.
What the fuck? You are actually supposed to squat when you shit, that's how it's done naturally.
Should I try it? Never done it before and kinda scared
Salam Ahmed
>he actually sits on public toilets
>first world
Thoth says to... Guess I'll try it
Because so many pakis and poo in loos are coming over and shitting everywhere
You know that pile of shit you saw earlier and thought it was dog shit left by a useless owner? It wasnt dog shit 98% of shits on the pavement are because of pakis and pajeets