Why are white women like this? Should we make Asian females the new master race and reproduce with them?
Why are white women like this? Should we make Asian females the new master race and reproduce with them?
Other urls found in this thread:
>complaining about racemixing
>hurrr lefts go racemix ourselves that will teach them!
shut it faggot
they're not, this is a straman troll thread
remember to but sage in options kids!
By that logic you support white women and black men having sex with each other.
Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!
When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.
No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!
I do desu, idc who people fuck
You know she only with him because of his third leg. It's all about sex for woman bruh. It's the sad truth.
>some white women are whores so we should blend ourselves out of existence
Really makes you think
Your just admiting that whites are the Superior race. basically admitting your women are devolved monkeys that your males dont even want to breed with. >thanks you self cucking nigger
nooo i fucked up my green text
>kill me
They aren't. The only non-trash that date blacks are girls that want to look cool for twitter and instagram, even with literally everything in society telling them to mix the majority don't. Meanwhile Hispanic and Asian women mix like crazy.
In reality she's probably with him because he looks like a succesful guy.
>ugh I hate how our women have sex with other races
>lets do the exact same thing
that is a cuban tranny
Women don't think like that bro. She couldn't give a fuck how successful he is. He has a bigher dick than average dude and thays why she's with him. Nothing more, nothing less.
I saw two coal burners today. In my northern town of 10,000. The good news is one was the fattest ugliest girl I've ever seen possibly . No dad in sight.The other one was like a 5/10 ok face very skinny ok body but she was like 40 and her mullato baby was like 2 years old so it seems her biological clock was near end.
The black she was with could honestly do better he was 28 and tall and ok looking for a nig.
Even thought both these woman where ugly as fuck I felt a rage inside when I walked past those nigger babys
isn't she some kind of semi-celebrity?
I know only a few girls that like black guys and they're all trash. From that point of view it's actually helpful because you can identify skanks easier.
>Why are white women like this? Should we make Asian females the new master race and reproduce with them?
white bois can't compete and are very upset about this fact
James Spader?
They mostly go after the worst of us anyway, let them have them.
All mudsharks will pay the penalty of pushing white genocide when the time comes. Remember that Karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around. Can't wait for the day when we sterilize all of these mudsharks and kick them out of White Nations so they can live in third world shitholes with the niggers they love so much. They will be fucking begging and be on their knees asking us to take them back. We won't and they will rot in that third world shithole.
It's our fault that our women mudshark in our Nations. To many white men are little beta cuck bitches. We need to take control of our women and become men again. We need to show who is the head of the household again. And we need to split our women in half in the bedroom again and give em our B.W.C's.
Reparations for slavery
They already have welfare and food stamps, why not fat ass white women too? They should be kissing our feet.
dude ur some kind of a chink - u prolly never saw a nigger irl
avg nigger is 5'6, smells and is dumb as a BRICK
I've been dating an Asian girl for a few months now. Must say I really enjoy it
not ALL women. This photo clearly shows an mid-upper class woman and such women are naturally whores
>LARP 101
I heard that China once offered like 10 million women to the US, to boost the population. Could you imagine these threads making any sense if half the population was chink? It's the fucking culture not the race. Fuck off with these threads that are trying to speed the decline of the white race.
Just start beheading the coal burners, women are not men you cant use reason and morality to control them only violence.
1 in a million
Let me tell you something, Retardican.
The West cannot recover from feminism. There is nothing to turn the cancer back, not even a hundred more Trump terms could fix this.
Once you let feminism in, you signed your own death warrant. The West is going to fall at some point, because there is no coming back from this.
Haahah, cmon now. Come to Bosnia/Serbia/Croatia, i am 6.4 foot tall 200 pounds of kickboxing machine, and i am barely average around here, we look at blacks same way we look on gypsies.
Because whites are a joke.
>one if the most powerful races
>contributes to science, technology. Diplomacy, empires
>stop other whites from having white dominated countries.
>do everything possible to fuck yourselves up
It was funny at first but it has gotten bad. Good bye white fags.
Slide thread.
Beheading women would turn back feminism.
>be a beta omega male
>why girls wrap around alpha cock
Take a Varg pill and start having 10 children.
... Buy my RPG please.
Fucking stupid bait
>white girls that like black cock
>in Bulgaria
how the fuck did this come to be?
nice trips of truth but you know Retardica doesn't have the guts to do that, because it would be muh isis bogeyman, right?
Never seen it. Literally heard girls calling blacks monkeys and arabs towelheads at work.
same, the very very few nigers ive seen are either a. British fucks who came to study (kek)
b. work related
c. children of diplomats
There is also a nigger at university, she speaks шoпcки бaцe, talks like a pure bred bulgarfag, I have no idea wtf is going on there.
hot pair, any movies with look alikes?