When are you going to turn on him, Sup Forums, like you turned on George W?
"That’s how a morally bankrupt president soils everyone around him"
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I think we've already reached that point. Most people here have already come to the realization that they got played by a career charlatan. The only reason people here still defend Trump is because their pride wont let them admit they were wrong.
It's honestly kinda sad to watch
Since President Shitbird J. Trump has pretty much broken every single promise he made, I would expect it to be not too much longer....
...however, since the vast majority of Trump voters have an IQ lower than a box of horse shit, I'd expecting them to blindly follow Trump like that sheeple they are.
This. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
Yes, now we will advocate for thirty genders and communism, and praise US universities.
Diversity is our strength.
I don't get it...there's nothing wrong with that photo. Sexism is a very real problem is today's society, it's not even really up for debate at this point.
LOL trump is doing exactly what I wanted
I can only hope he sinks Washington in the Potomac before he's done
Really what promises did he break though?
I know I know, have a pic to cheer you up
>implying he isn't an anti-Federalist wet dream
he isn't draining the swamp. he sent through an EO that was a weak shadow of what he had promised. Granted he might return to the issue but seeins as he has already technically adressed it I wouldn't expect anything
He's still rustling jimmies. What more do you want?
sage this dumb thread
I think it's also fair to say that it's not the most honest, most transparent presidency ever although maybe he didn't mean that either when he said it
God damn I love that image. Thank you. /salute
How is he not draining the swamp?
You realize he doesnt have the power to remove people from congress, right?
He is exposong them so that later they get voted out.
Russian hackers literally rigged the election in favor of Trump, and she still won the popular vote 3million+ votes.
Hillary didn't lose the election, it was stolen from her.
Pull your head out fo your ass you retarded Trump shill.
that's not help at all
what he promised was a 5 year ban on lobbying jobs. he did... 2 years was it? by EO for people from the executive. He had promised to get a law through congress (literally "so that it isn't an EO, so that the next guy can't just remove it") that would put a 5 year ban on the executive AND congress, which is what matters (congress that is). now congress is exempt, there's less time, there's no law through congress and who gives a fuck about people in the executive
Most likely soon now that it's clear he has no conservative principle and is just a populist and lifelong NY democrat who wants a healthcare system that isn't even a step up from Obama
won't release tax returns. Hillary is not in jail. Said he would make insurance more affordable. Mexico would pay for the wall (which will never happen, let alone if the wall gets built). Claimed discretion on deportation. claimed he would divest his business interests (he hasn't)... etc
Is this opposite day or something?
Trump has done everything Sup Forums wanted to far.
Liberal outrage? Check.
Ban muslims? Check.
Undo everything Obama did? Underway.
Create an unending stream of butthurt among the MSM? Check Check Check.
What more could you want?
>t. Conservative American I swear
I don't know about you, but none of those thing are why I supported Trump.
I supported him because I thought he would ruin republics and possibly democrats for a generation, and because we would have fun while it happened.
Fuck knows why americans support him though. lol
I mean, the faces of Hillary supporters on election night alone were worth whatever Trump does for the next four years.
>pissing people off
sorry, that is a position of shitty neighbors, not a quality. As shit burns around you, such as selling off our national treasures (the parks), which pisses off anyone with a brain, Trumpfags will cheer as they get raped in the ass too.
It's concern trolling. Note how he claims to speak for everyone.
How do you do, fellow Sup Forums goers
Seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes!
>Completely missing the part about undoing Obama's damage and immigration ban
at least make your trolling subtle
>t. cognitive dissonance out the ass and cant critique him because I spent all my pocket money on maga hats
I agree with you holeheartedly. Drumpf is like a wolf in cheap clothing. For all intensive purposes, I think he should be inpeached
Fuck off Deep State.
Nobody can even tell the Bushes and the Clintons apart any more.
You cunts were behind Bush and the 6 Gorillion Trillion Sand Niggerland Boogaloo.
Own that shit CIA shills.
Thanks for the input Ricky.
She won a race she wasn't in. Congratulations.
there is no reason to be upset
this, we can't let him get the nuclear codes
When was Sup Forums ever "turned on" to Bush?
>turned on dubya
I never like him
subtle bait