Drumpf. There. I said it. It's his real name. DRUMPF DRUMPF DRUMPF DRUMPF. Does it make you mad Drumpfkins?
Drumpf. There. I said it. It's his real name. DRUMPF DRUMPF DRUMPF DRUMPF. Does it make you mad Drumpfkins?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut the fuck up drumpftard or i punch you.
>this triggers the rural and suburban retard
Alright this one did it.
#ImWithHer now.
I don't know what's worse, the "drumpf" forced meme, or the "people get really upset when you call him drumpf" forced meme.
This. She won the popular vote. SHE WON
I prefer to call them Trumpkins or Drumpflets.
Awww sweetie. Don't melt little Drumpfflake
reminder that his real name is Drumpf
Triggered Blumpfkin?
Can anyone post the Hildawg county pic?
drumpf blumpf mumpf stumpf frumpf crumpf gumpf pumpf rumpf
Looks like you didn't learn your lesson last time, hold still Hilly this is gonna hurt!
lmao op is a loser nerd virgin
Mr President Donald J. Trump
>Does this trigger you?
He was officially elected by the people and has defeated hilary by miles.
> Does this trigger you?
Hes officially and literally your president.
> Does this trigger you?
Fuck Trumpf
No lol
I've noticed that when liberals say Drumpf they feel a little bit better and are much easier to accept Trump as president.
Is that OC?
Thanks, Hildawgster.
If they're not mad at getting cucked out of their health care, I don't think they'll mind Drumphf's sad little name.
Aww little drumpfkins are triggered.
Drumpf the orange Russian puppet will be impeached . I'm not worried at all.
Keep beating that dead horse as long as you want, sweetie.
so furious right now.
Sweet little drumpflings just don't know how to handle the fact that everyone hates them. Impeachment is coming little drumpfkins. Itsy bitsy teenee weenee microscopic drumpflets.
He still won tho,no matter what happened or what is goih to happen, he won. He beat you guys pretty hard at your own game.
Do you have trouble accepting reality my friend? Don't you like the real world my friend?
And if he gets impeached, Pence is there to back us up.
No, its funny. Is it supposed to make us mad?
She won the popular vote. She IS the president. Drumpf BTFO
S-stop this.. it's not fair that you make fun of g-d emporer Trump!
that was a joke, got ya.
Time to eat dinner blumpfkins
Awww, don' hurt yourself sweetie.
Drumpf lost the popular vote and will soon be impeached for being a Russian puppet. Cheetoman blumpf's win means nothing.
Reminder that Hillary won the popular vote by over 10 million votes
>b-but illegal voters in C-California
Um . . . sorry, sweetie, but there's not evidence of that.
Lmao remember those "madame president" threads?
>Drumpf lost the popular vote and will soon be impeached for being a Russian puppet.
... meaning Pence will become POTUS?
No, in fact please give me more because they're funny.
You obviously came prepared, but I think you will lose.
I will never understand what you shills and trolls want to accomplish by keep spamming that shit, does it make you sexually aroused or something?
The popular vote doesn't matter, it never has. Do you want to change your entire electoral system just because you bunch of millenials didn't get what you wanted?
This is the equivalent of a child throwing a temper tantrum in the store because his mom bought a different kind of cornflakes.
All i can say is try to accept reality, come back down from your paradise world, its actually pretty comfy i' the real world desu
that's only if you include the 2.3 million dead people and illegals that voted in NY state
the 389,000+ fraud votes in Wisconsin and 1.1 million Illegals
the 3.1 million illegals and dead people that voted in Florida
so what legislation has madame president passed this week.
>OP's actual feels
Daily reminder that Trump is the president. Stop crying, nobody gives a fuck that somewhere back in his history his family name was Drumpf.
Why is ancient german surname supposed to be an insult? I don't get it.
Pence will be destroyed by #Queenslay in 2020
Listen sweetie, you need to educate yourself on politics instead of accepting whatever comes out of little Drumpfster's mouth.
Daily reminder that his real name is Donald J DRUMPF
Stop spreading lies drumpftard. We all know that only suburban and rural rednecks voted Drumpf. Educated city people voted Hillary
It's okay, sweetie. Drumpf will be Dumpfed by U.S congress once it's found out he's been pocketing his presidential salary
he's clearly just shitposting
It's about as German as Zuckerberg.
Nigger. There. I said it. It's his real niggerfucking name. NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER. Does it make you mad Obamadrones?
Hi CIA, hows it going? How you finding the whole Vault7 Shindig? Tbh I'm not that shocked you do this nefarious shit but really, you need better memes man, these are normie-tier pepes.
Why would it matter at all that his grandparents name was drumpf? Its not even that weird of a name. You do realize this is blatant racism right?
I don't even care about trump bro,you've got this all wrong.
This is exactly whats wrong with your kind of people. Anybody that opposes your opinion gets pushed into a certain group who are "worth less" so in your head my arguments hold no value. But once again i'm in the real world rightnow, reality we call it.
And here (the real world) i have the right to either listen to your opinion, criticise your opinion or even downright ridicule it if i want to. Thats freedom of speech for you right there kiddo.
I had the education of life not the kind of brainwashing you call school or college
That lazy eye though.
Nomen est omen, Schlomo.
>Educated city.......
i had no idea this triggered anybody.
aaand popular vote isn't important in united states.
lincoln lost the popular vote as well, but won the elections
His real name is what's on his birth certificate, not his grandparents. Saged and
My fucking sides
>lincoln lost the popular vote as well, but won the elections
>drumpfster doesn't even know US history
Sweetie... I don't know how to say this
presidential birth certificates are fake news though, isn't that right Drumpftard?
And fuck rich people
Bu...But Drumpkins BTFO!?!
Are these from the alternate timeline?
>top pictures
The people next to him are not the same. He's not even wearing the same tie colour. Why do you lie, Trumpies?
>Lincoln captured less that 40% of the popular vote but the sectional divisions in the U.S. allowed him to win 17 states and 4 electoral votes in New Jersey. Even though Lincoln did not win the popular vote, he won the election with a total of 180 electoral votes.
and i am not even trump supporter, i just wanted hillary to lose
i was feeling the bern
Wow I hate trump now. Fuck pol go Hillary.
>Drumpfster doesn't even know what popular vote means
Fuckin whiz kidd, gets me every time
Ignore shill threads
Ignore shill posters
sweeties btfo
I miss CTR threads
>i-it doesn't matter Trump lost the popular vote!
Belgium pls you can't convert a shill
wtf i hate drpumnpft now
>call a german by his pre-immigration surname
>call a jew by his CURRENT surname
it's not too late!!! if we keep at it trump will be removed and hillary will be president because he really really want it to happen!!!
This bad shills... It feel sorry for them, the more they post and the more they look like actual retards...
Bruce. There. I said it. It's his real name. BRUCE BRUCE BRUCE BRUCE. Does it make you mad libshits?
This is the funniest poster I've ever seen, hitting most but not all of Killary's hypocritical points. Thank you!
its lit