Samantha Bee discovers a Nazi


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What a fucking dumb annoying dyke, she needs to just go away


wtf, I hate nazis now

Samantha Heeb is hilarious, if only because whenever she shows up leftists REEEEEEEEEEE about her trying to keep niggers out of her childrens' fancy school.

Is that really considered a Nazi haircut or are all things Nazi now?

Who is Samantha Bee?

Unfortunately she made the video private, before i could view or download it...

This post is in hope someone did... or knows a way to retrieve the video

When is she going fucking bankrupt? I want her jobless.


The dudes an anti-trump cuckservative.

Im glad he has cancer 2bh

Anything that isn't colored hair and problem glasses is nazi



If that's a nazi haircut, then how come every liberal faggot I see has it?

Yeah, you'd have to have brain cancer to get that sort of haircut

>Barber: What kinda cut you want today family
>Him: I want to fuck shit

Here you go buddy

Not official. From a channel that basically pirates her video.

If the cunt was really sorry, she'd pay him some of her Jew gold.

Samantha Bee is one of the most insufferable cunts...

You know what to do, lads.

Spread it anywhere and everywhere. Let's ruin a bitch's career.



not taking responsibility lmao.
we cant gas the kikes soon enough

So his brain cancer made him decide that was a good hair style?

If a girl wore that cut, she'd be a progressive feminist fighting the ways of the patriarchy


>removed the guy that wasn't a nazi and had cancer. But left all the others who also aren't a Nazi but they just don't have cancer so it's okay to make fun of them.
Fucking liberals

>we deeply apologize for offending you

Not for being a stupid cunt?

Life imitates art


Force her to donate her jew golds toward Brain Cancer research as way of apology.

Except she's a Catholic, not Jewish.

Why does Sup Forums see Jews where there aren't jews? You do realize this destroys your credibility towards normies yes?

I know this is bullshit but good on them for fucking with her anyway.

how about forcing her to pay for that guy's chemo while wearing a nazi outfit

source? would be beautiful if true

Nobody will care. If anything I'm mad she didn't insult the dumb bitch who tweeted "boo hoo he has cancer." How is that an excuse for that fucking haircut?

She isn't catholic you faggot pakistani little shit swilling piece of subhuman algo filth. Kill your self you heretical dumb faggot.

God Bless

>le normies credibility
you need to go back to leftypol you dumb faggot

>hurr durr nazi haircut
What the fuck is wrong with liberals? Do these morons think everyone has nigger hair or some shit? I pretty much need my hair to be like this or it looks awful

Let's ruin that's bitchs career.

As much as I hate her it's a bad precedent to set to have your career ruined for making a joke about someone with a condition you didn't know about

They said "deeply apologize" you guys come on.

It's called a mirror and is made for situations like this

There's literally nothing to ruin. Her show is awful and no one watches.

Not him but google it its true. They are trying to bus poor students in from another town and she is fighting against it. There is a quote were she told her group of parents not to talk to the media.

Who cares? This is war, you retard,

That's a different guy. The dude with cancer isn't Foley, he's just the guy who complained.

No you idiot the radiation treatments cause hair loss

Life imitates art.

How is this news?

>personal account

>edited our page with no mention of our mistake

>Is that really considered a Nazi haircut or are all things Nazi now?

That's not even an actual nazi haircut. It's closer to an undercut from the 30s in America.

Example: John Dillinger

So yes, everything is nazi.

I hope this blows up on her

Poo discovers loo

"Offending" is a weird way of saying "publicly declared you a dangerous Nazi to my audience of dozens."

>Samantha Bee hates young people with brain cancer and won't let minorities into her children's school


Gotta have principles

>worrying how hair looks
kys faggot

Her face. Her face alone provokes a simmering anger in me.

Why? When the enemy has none?

>stage 4 brain cancer

poor dude

If we're going to be better than them

>Won?t let minorities in her children's school?

the bitch spent 10 minutes talking shit about what a man likes to eat

it wont msm are all on the leftist aganda. they all cover each others ass except fox might say something if it turns out to be true. but the whole thing is retarded you dont get a haircut like that because you have cancer.

What's the difference between a normal "apology" and a "deep apology"? What's the metrics for depth when measuring apologies?

it's not news faggot... but it should be...

We need to blow up any small mistake by these "comedians"

Unfortunately if her and her husbando literally making her kids public school keep all the niggers out won't hurt her, this won't eiter

>not giving a shit about your appearance
There's a happy medium between looks-obsessed faggots and slovenly neckbeards

I'm not watching this whole thing, give me a timestamp please

imagine if a right winger made this mistake
think the media would leave that story alone?

Never said don't worry about apperance
shave your head like a man

timestamp?.. I can't suffer watching thru this shit

Or just go to a barber, drop $20 then not have to think about your hair for a fortnight.

15:30 it starts

Excuse me? Stage 4 cancer? That means that you're on death's doorstep. There is no fucking way. He's lying. Makes me sick. Lost three family members to it in the last 6 months. Disgraceful.

What is bad about brain cancer and why does that excuse him from the hair cut?

haha like all liberals. love niggas....but dont have them near me.

I hear she wears those ill fitting pant suits because she refuses to wear her actual size that's double digits.

I got you, lazyfag

people survive cancer all the fucking time you dolt, stage 4 does not necessitate an appearance of a sick child alien creature. fuck sakr.

I believe it was in NYC that wanted to send minorities to schools that are mostly white and Liberal. She and other Liberals who have kids in the to be desegregated schools were against it.

But not enough that he can have a hair cut?

JUST on the sides ?

A half assed apology will leave you asking for more. A real deep apology will clean the back of your teeth m8

Stage 4 means that it spread through the whole body, fuvkwit. There is no recovering from that. He'd be in bed, very very VERY sick from the chemotherapy and painkillers or in an exquisite amount of pain.

15:49 just for Nazi hair part.

BaconBro strikes again

My dad only lost most of his beard hair and the light hairs on the back of his head and neck. It has different effects, not everyone goes completely bald. Wasn't as bad as JUST hair though haha


[crowd laughs]

>steals someone else's video
Fine, whatever, it's a big show. Who cares.
>shove it full of ads
Fuck right off faggot.

The chemo fucks with your hair. I only had a small tuft left on my head during treatment. Hits people differently, but he's likely just started treatment and the sides were the first to go, so he just shaved then. I did the same.

16 minutes in.

>Stage 4 means that it spread through the whole body, fuvkwit.
No it doesn't. Stage 4 means it's metastasized to a different organ. Not your entire body.

since when does Sup Forums give a shit about cancer victims

why do newfags think you are supposed to be edgy? msm told you we are? nigger we have always stood up for the underdogs until you faggot ass middleschoolers flooded the place.

Stage three means that it has spread to lymph nodes. The next step is infection of the rest of your organs through bloodstream. Stop talking out your ass.

I wish I'd seen your post earlier. All that fuckin drivel

>women are funny

Remember when that racist canadian whore didn't want niggers in her kid's school. I 'member.

Samantha "Dumb" Beee-itch gets it wrong? This is my shocked face.


Apologies for not posting the timestamp in my comment but i thought I posted the video from where the CPAC segment started.

Yeah, and they're the ones who set it