A private system with an insurance mandate like Switzerland or the Netherlands? A nationalized universal public system like the UK? A universal system largely funded via savings and subsidies like Singapore? A pure private model? Something else?
What would Sup Forums's ideal healthcare system be like?
no blacks, spics, or muslims allowed
>he wants to pay for nigger, spics and other useless elements
What ever is most effective
>has best quality of healthcare on Earth by far
>costs the most
Yep, it checks out
Ban all healthcare. Survival of the fittest.
dont kid yourself
you are paying for them in one way or another anyways
>What would Sup Forums's ideal healthcare system be like?
Similar to Narayana Health in India
A for profit hospital chain committed to providing quality care at the lowest cost possible.
First one, single-payer isn't necessary or feasible.
Fine, no white trash either though.
>you are paying for them in one way or another anyways
i choose other
What does the US spend on alcohol every year?
The US has worse health outcomes overall than most developed European countries, and being able to actually afford healthcare is just as important if not more important than differences in care quality desu.
If we had a white ethnostate it wouldn't matter in the slightest.
Please note the US's PUBLIC expenditures are greater than most other countries public expenditures.
The current model saves you nothing in taxes and is in fact a higher health tax burden than most other countries.
You are a legal resident, you get healthcare.
No gibmees for anything else, period.
People who are fat or smokers do not get healthcare, but have to pay for it.
If someone wants platinum plated healthcare, he can pay himself.
somewhat like this.
neither a socialized clusterfuck nor profit-maximizing jewry at the expense of vulnerable patients are ideal.
Ok but if we're not being autistic we have to actually focus on pragmatic externalities, the shitskins aren't going away anytime soon. Poland is essentially an ethnostate and probably has shittier healthcare than any Western European country.
>The US has worse health outcomes overall than most developed European countries
That's got nothing to do with quality of care but due to the structure of the American medical field. Fewer primary care physicians, way more specialists. The result is that Americans walk around with hypertension and diabeetus but cancer and AIDS aren't a big deal.
>tfw paying literally 40 cents for healthcare despite being a third world shithole
feels good man
>In 2010, alcohol misuse cost the United States $249.0 billion
But remember there isn't enough money for single payer healthcare!
free healthcare for whites, while the jews pay for it
Mine would be simple: it would be a free market system with no government involvement and no entitlements.
AKA: just fuck me in the ass please, corporate overlords.
Honestly I've wondered about nationalizing the alcohol, tobacco, etc. other drug and vice industries and using the revenues to pay for healthcare and addiction treatment programs.
here is the thing all shits of healthcare are hackable by CIA/deep state, unless the citizens protect their system against sabotage
anything that is intended for the public good will be hacked and corrupted to control the population
the CIA leaks only exposed hacking technology, but CIA/KGB has mastered hacking society, psychology, and biology long before
Free market doesn't work for healthcare as free market hinges on one side being able to back out of a deal. Backing out of a deal in this case means prolonged illness or death, so people just suck it up and go bankrupt.
Anyway, my healthcare plan is universal healthcare. No bullshit and less cost in the end. The only hurdle are racists and "fuck you, I've got mine" faggots.
Any system that gives you the option to opt out of the public healthcare network if you so choose, eg. vouchers or insurance mandate.
You should never be obliged to pay for a public healthcare system if you deemed it not adequate and chose to use private instead.
What incentive is there in the profit motive to offer cures instead of treatment?
Healthcare is a "market" defined by negative externalities - the cost to a country of unproductive labour sitting on the bench because of curable medical conditions.
the question you should be asking is:
what system of healthcare will cure from
CIA engineered transmittable cancer?
Narayana Health is expanding globally. The free market will prevail in the end, and expose the Big Lie of socialized medicine.
Deport all blacks to Africa. Deport all spicks back to Mexico. Free healthcare for everyone who has a job. Dead beats can go to free community clinics.
Drug addicts will be refused medical service along with gang members.
Addendum to this:
Free markets suppose that information about supposed markets is disseminated freely, demand is voluntary and the market can "price accurately". The key differentiator for healthcare is that
- demand is so inelastic it's a vertical curve - only social policies or attitudes have any real effect on how many people get diabetes, get injured at work or suffer lifestyle illnesses
- If you require emergency care, how exactly can you make an informed choice about which "free market" hospital you can attend? You're unlikely to be able to do this ahead of time, as the emergency is usually a random and unpredictable event.
>Pay 400 Swiss Francs a month for healthcare insurance
>Have a "franchise" of 1500 Swiss Francs, meaning that I have to first pay 1500 Swiss Francs out of my pocket while going to the doctor, insurance only kicks in after spending that much money.
>High quality in the local hospitals
>Very few people in the ER
>Low waiting lists
It works fine, although it's a bit expensive.
Compared to the UK it's much better.
I went to a hospital in London while I was there and it was completely filled with people waiting for a doctor and the place was dirty as fuck.
desu our system is a bit retarded. It was set up immediately after WWII and was touted as glorious utopian services provided to all by the state, but this socialist approach has obvious downsides.
The main one is that the Accident & Emergency departments are always full of people that don't actually have any emergencies. Sprained ankles, cuts and bruises don't belong in A&E. If we had a (low) flat fee for hospital visits (say £100) then I bet waiting times would mysteriously disappear.
Similarly with doctor visits - a small flat charge would eliminate all the morons with common colds coming in and infecting all the elderly in the GP waiting rooms.
But no, we have to adhere to our dumb principle of "free at the point of use".
>Free market, hospitals and insurers have right to refuse service or offer different levels of care
>Universal health care, but only for citizens over a certain tax bracket