How the Muslims intend to turn Sweden into the next Spain. How the white turns to shit skin brown

A few centuries ago, the Muslims conducted an experiment in Europe, this experiment was called Spain. A whole nation slowly turned from white Europeans to brown Arabs. After the moors (Muslims) exported millions of white Europeans onto North Africa, they put those people into slavery and thus dealth, slowly ridding Whites from their land. And the rest? They raped them over generations until they got the right level of shitskin. The proof of this is in how lazy the Spanish are, which is their inherited mohammadian decadence.

But now in the modern era, with global travel and open borders, the Spanish experiment has exported itself to Sweden. The purist of nations, of true Ayran people now on its knees. Something that took centuries is happening in decades and any attempt to avert the cultural enrichment is labeled racist.

History will repeat itself, white will turn to brown. The rape of white Europeans centuries ago is happening all over and will we do anything? No, because we have too many beta males. And those not cucked are screamed out both by the minorities and the progressives.

While this trend is quite sad, turning white land into muck land, the sadder part is the cucked Swed reaction, but hey! Who can afford history classes when you've got diversity education to attend!

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Nice alternative facts you got there.

How does it feel being an actual Arab rape baby mate? You're never getting Gibraltar back by the way.

Bait harder. Still not mad.

The only fact I require is how shitskin your entire nation is.

Keep going.

He said! He really said it! I can't believe he said it, and on Sup Forums too, secure behind anonymous! Oh my god, the absolute mad man! My God, is the OP the saviour of the white race?

Sweden's reaction is no less pathetic than yours, shithead. Or did you personally drive to Rotherham and publicly execute the shitskins?

They want it back because it's the only white place near them. They can't risk reversing the shitification.

Fuck you.
Enjoy Sadiq Khan.
Blas de Lezo presente

Brexit - Checkmate

Now get back to your kebab shop and stfu.

The Brexit which stops European immigrant, not shitskin, you uneducated piece of shit?


They were the Great Roman Empire...
They were always a little brownie T-T

The Muslims intend to turn Sweden into the epicenter of culture and science of its time?
Well isn't that fancy?

>posts a latin american immigrant

spaniards are white, but keep cherrypicking immigrants and gypsies you paki cunt

>That unibrow
Has that fucker ever heard of tweezers?

Yeah. You're right. The entire nation is arab.

"European immigrant" - Implying EU citizens are automatically white. When they don't let in a million rapefugees to diversify their population, then you might be on to something. Until then git gud cucklord.

Such arab, many Allah akbar, woooooow.

You still failed to address the point that the UK is equally hapless in its dealing with its shitskin problem, you fucking mug. And in fact, withdrawing from the UK, India and Pakistan are very likely to leverage free movement in exchange for a trade deal, meaning more shitskins. What do you think a GLOBAL Britain looks like, my man? Brown.

>withdrawing from the EU**

>Posts stockphoto for a Japanese cosmetic company as proof Spain is white.

Can't even conduct research correctly, the Arabs and Cucks are out in force.

Wtf are you talking about?


>Ferran Calderon Model & Father Barcelona

Muslim here.

The Spanish banks literally funded the current economic boom of Germany. They're not lazy, they just got ripped off by the banking Jew as usual.

>India and Pakistan are very likely to leverage free movement in exchange for a trade deal

Hahahah, do you even read the news or are you illiterate? May is conducting a hard brexit to tackle immigration and secure her parties position.

If you think she'll cut off EU immigration to open Paki and Indian immigration, you're either a fool or a cuck that's dreaming. In this case, probably both.

Contact me when you form an argument that isn't electoral suicide. Git gud.

>tfw basque mater race
maketos BTFO

She's been forced into Hard Brexit by the EU's stubbornness and the tension in her own party as well as the population - she herself was in favour of remaining in the EU. But the Conservative backbenchers are still in favour of the project of globalization and mass immigration, just not within the protectionist EU which hampers economic growth by actually LIMITING immigration from non-EU countries. You've just misinformed, my man, and the next few years are going to be hell for you. Pakistan and India are very likely to get free movement in exchange for a trade deal. Immigration isn't going down; shitskin immigration is going up. What are you going to do about it? Absolutely nothing, lad.

Spain expelled Muslims, ever heard of Reconquista during middle ages?

Turning Sweden? Worry about UK too bro.

Blames the EU and the party, ignores the majority of the British population. If you're going to make an argument, at least do research.


Blown The Fuck Out

>blames the people running the show
>not the sheep who follow
Yes? The referendum was a stroke of luck by David Cameron thinking he wouldn't win a majority, so promising it to secure against UKIP hoping he would enter back into a coalition with LibDems who conveniently refuse the referendum. The British still voted for New Labour repeatedly, literally electing The Blair Creature three times, and electing the heir to Blair David Cameron twice. You think Enoch Powell is gonna run for election and win? Nah, the Conservatives are gonna win again and hoodwink the British people again and people like you will be say how great it is - again - because you're fucking retarded.

Did u make this picture urself you inbred cuck?

¿Quién te dio eso? ¿Sabino Arana?

>Nah, the Conservatives are gonna win again and hoodwink the British people again and people like you will be say how great it is

Yes I will and Lib Dem cucks like you will still be at the bottom of the pile bitching and moaning from the mudpile you created.

I'm not a LibDem supporter, lad, and you just got schooled. I really, really doubt you're even old enough to vote.

You like it pancho?

Genetistas. Puedes comprobarlo tu mismo.

I can smell the love for failed Farron a mile off. Especially when your making half-baked arguments how we'll all be proved wrong by Brexit and India will force a free movenment deal.

You're a washed up failed remainer praying for the leave vote to have unintended consequences. But just like the GE, you failed to win just like you failed to win this argument.

También habrá que ver qué es eso de North West African. ¿La tribu germánica de los vándalos?
Sí, los vascos estarán por debajo de la media. Pero no al 0

Are you so stupid you can only argue by misrepresenting the person you're talking to as something else? That's a sign of stupidity, my man. Read a fucking book.

I voted leave because the EU is a disaster which failed to deal with the banking crisis, failed to deal with the migration crisis; it's a haven for politicians to retire to and live in luxury while doing nothing. I didn't vote leave because shitskins because the EU has no hand in the shitskins, except in its failure to deal with the difficult migration crisis, which it didn't cause (Hillary Clinton and the US did).

What I've been explaining through this thread is that the Conservative party are equally dogshit. They're forced reluctantly to leave the EU and they're committed to a "GLOBAL" Britain. I don't want free movement and immigration, but that's what you're doing to get with a Conservative government if you let them trick you again, you stupid cunt.

After the weakness of the current and few past generations is either killed or bred out of whites refusing to reproduce, many like this glorious hero will appear and retake the homelands of the faithful, for Christ the king.

>what is reconquista
open a history book


the genetic, linguistic, and cultural damage was already done by then, pavel

you dont conquer a land and hold it for over 700 years without permanently changing it

why do you think spanish has so many words with arabic roots?

Pues north west african son genes moros simple y llanamente, nada que ver con tribus germánicas.
Y 0 es real, los estudios genéticos no engañan. Supongo que Arana tenía razón al fin y al cabo.

Survival of the fittest, Swedes have proven to be unfit for survival. Whites will wake up eventually, it's already happening at an accelerated rate.
Also, a reminder, there are more white people now than ever before. Nearly 200 million non hispanic whites in the US alone, an increase of almost 10 million in 30 years.
Stay in excellent shape, keep your mind sharp and stay ready. Things aren't that bad, yet.

It's actually cool

¿Eres separatista?

Weren't you importing pakis and pajeets in bulk during the last 50 years, britcuck?

Can shove that huge rock up you pussy, bland milk bastard.

Dont basques live in matriarchies? And that's why they got conquered so easily?

Por supuesto.

Paki here. The UK did invite many from the old Commonwealth to come and rebuild the country after WW2.

The majority of Pakis and Indians who are now here came during the Blair years of hell (1997-2010) when he basically deliberately opened the gates to the 3rd world (not just the commonwealth but the entire fucking 3rd world).

It was good here pre-1997. Most of us Pakis just integrated and got along and didn't bomb stuff. Then 9/11 happened and things went to shit very quickly. It's not going to get any better, the Pakis like me who were born here are either moving to mainland Europe or going to the countryside.

Qué desgracia.
Vasconia españolísima

we gotta get rid of our fucking cucks.they make me sick

Is it true 55% of pakis in this country are inbred?

What? Quite the opposite if you pay attention to that map.

Most likely. My family's neighbour in London (I don't live in that shithole any more) is a literal inbred and married his 1st cousin and has 3 inbred retard kids who are basically little jungle animals with no sense of what is right or wrong at all. If we still had guns, I would have shot that bastard and his worthless family for the embarrassment his type cause me.

How the typical spaniards from madrid looks like.

True :(

You really should spend more time on thinking about your own country and look at the demographics of London and some other cities. While Sweden is a sick brainwashed society of utopian multiculturalist cultists, your island has not only tons of Muhammadans but ones that have operated many rape gangs your authorities knew about and did nothing about in fear of being called racist. Muhammadans even literally BTFO'd Brits on 7/7 and your cuckstablishment did nothing but appeasement in response.

No. You have other cunts to trade with.

>You are full of shit.