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And Nazism isn't about killing jews
If feminism isn't about hating men, then why is literally every other article, blog post, and speech about feminism centered entirely around "disproving" that it isn't about hating men?
If there's smoke, there's fire.
I love this.
>A feminazi stole muh icecream
>A feminazi stole muh ghostbusters.
>A feminazi dared to request strong, female characters in muh favorite show
You guys are so irrationally stupid, that feminists could teach you the meaning of feminism clockwork orange style and you still wouldn't get it. I also think it is a waste of time, and we should devote more time teaching other woman what it really is, especially older woman who have this image of an angry straw feminist. If they don't listen to us, they might listen to their mothers, eh?
But also, teaching the next generation the importance of equality between the sexes might be easier than stubborn, grown men set in their ways. It's like how they say its better to start learning a foreign language when you're a child. Equal treatment for women is a foreign language for grown men.
>Sup Forums cannot refute this
OP and this are true. Sadly Femnism is very often about hating men. Nazism is legit regardless thou
Men and women are not equal. At anything. We're dimorpic and comlpementary. Pretending otherwise is simply denying reality. I would much rather live in truth than delusion but each to their own.
Most are Rotorphobes
watch and men have a life that makes getting into careers easier for them
it dicriminates women, thus there should be a more feminine apprach to how our society is
>Grown men doesnt learn new tricks
More like you cant fool them
Women are *much* better off in society than men (and it keeps getting better for them).
They get formalized special treatment everywhere and retain their traditional privileges. Feminism is mostly about maintaining special privileges at this point. Equality of opportunity (plus a lot of special programs to help them) has been achieved a LONG time ago.
Feminists try to maintain the idea that the differences of outcome is due to oppression and sexism instead of different choices people make because they want different things out of life and are willing to put up with different things, etc.
They want to justify government interventions to force equality of outcome. There are political motivations behind all of this and this has large consequences on society. A lot of people aren't able to look at this rationally because feminism and equality has become dogma.
This is the main reason a lot of people have started to hate feminism. It's an aversion to logical thinking and the set of tactics they use to try to stifle debate.
Women love to claim they're 100% equal to men in every way until it's time to lift something heavy.
you see, this is why equality is needed, and this is why we need feminism
you just proved my point
>Feminism isn't about hating men
>Feminism can help men to!
>Feminism is defintiely a independently rooted movement, not one often funded by corporations and established governers with the intention of pushing a counter culture to natural society, so they can basically usurp and steal money as women bitch and whine at men being abusive, despite the fact that their who ideological principles were founded upon male ideas of liberty and progression.
I'm talking about mental issue
noy psyical dumb lifting that men are pretty much only needed for
I proved nothing but your excellent bait. Have a good day
>men have a life that makes getting into careers easier for them
nature has certainly blessed men
>it dicriminates women, thus there should be a more feminine apprach to how our society is
Men aren't discriminated against because we can't give birth to new humans. We're not demanding a more masculine approach to society because of the gifts and limitations that nature has provided us.
>is given an inch
>wants a mile
You're just proving his point, whore, now out.
>only need for
>noy psyical dumb lifting that men are pretty much only needed for
and there it is. Misandry on full display.