How to respond to this shit?

How to respond to this shit?

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That slut friendzoned me, fucking bitch.

Stop being a beta faggot.

You're free to do whatever you want and me too so I decided to treat you like shit

Who cares


Rise above it

"toxic masculinity" is attacking a man for being able to do basic math


With rape

I think it's basically correct. Though I think women can too often lead a guy on without realizing it. I think women are used to everyone being friendly toward them all the time, whereas men are right, so a lot of men perceive a lot of friendliness and attention as romantic interest. But to women it's just another social interaction.


Who cares what women think

And whining about it attacks other people's right to criticize your choices.
Looks like we all end up with a draw.

sounds like something a dumb cunt would say

The feminine Anima opresses men through sexual selectivity and that's no joke.

Who cares what sluts think?

Most "slut shaming" is done by women to other women because they know that sluts are disgusting and it's an easy insult that cuts deep, it's like the female version of "nigger".

The term "friend zone" is used by beta males who care what women think, to shame them for choosing men who don't.

Everything women do is a shit-test, user.

Women know exactly what they are doing.
Don't fall for their bullshit.

Don't be such a cunt.

Go MGTOW and gas the cunts

The context is slippery, you can have the right to say yes without saying yes to everything

If you'd save yourself for the marriage bed you'd avoid these problems

"Friendzone" is a valid concept, but since most men who are friendzoned are ugly betas it's ok to laugh at them and by extension the term.

But "friendzone" is legitimately a thing, and it's 9 times out of 10 a woman taking advantage(usually financial) of a man because she knows he wants to fuck her.

how about not at all?

You eliminate both by returning to traditional marriage.

A well placed punch to the face.

Lying about your age or weight is rape by consent being given under false pretexts.

Why respond, that's true, "friend zone" is insecure beta talk.


kek breddy good

>How to respond to this?
Yeah, nobody gave a shit bitch.

All Hail AI Waifus

But friendzone is to insult guys, not girls

"Cunt" is attacking you because he knows you're right.

>how dare you use your senses and mind to judge my actions you are a big meanie head

you don't

only way to deal with women is to slap them on the ass and tell them to get back to the kitchen

Why did they attribute the quote to And "bitch" is attacking women for their right to call you out on it?

That's not a person, silly feminists.

>How to respond to this shit?

Just walk away. Fucks sake.

Having a right to something doesn't make you immune to criticism

You have a right to free speech. I have a right to say that you should shut the fuck up

Yeaaaa....not fucking quite. "Friend Zone" is the term used to label women's capacity to keep "no" a secret to themselves while still selling the idea that "yes" is possible. And that'd be bad enough if that's where it stopped, but it goes further. Friend zone is also generally the state of a woman having her cake and eating it too.

The friend zoned male is essentially an accessory which the woman uses for her own selfish desire to emotionally fall back on every time her real target rejects her. She doesn't even recognize the agency of the guy. If he should find happiness or start to learn how to consistently cease being in the friend zone, she will become angry, jealous, and try to rein him in. I'm not going to go as deep as it goes, but "Friend Zone" is NOT just a woman's right to say no. Further, a "bitch" isn't attacking women and their right to call anyone on it. A bitch is the one who gets righteously indignant for calling out their hamstering bullshit and then proceeds to vindictively try to attack you in the honorless ways that only women can.

"Slut" is also not an attack on their right to say "yes," it is an attack on their lack of self-awareness and self-control and again, their righteous indignation that causes them to believe that they should hold similar market value to a girl who CAN exercise self-control and has the self-awareness to realize that maybe banging every dude with some definition in his shoulders, a chin strap beard, and a couple tattoos is a pretty dumb way to live. So whoever posted that isn't just a slut or a bitch. She's a dumb bitch and more than likely a dumb slut which puts her in my world beneath sluts, bitches, and even the Dark Triad style girls that friend zone stables of guys to serve as personal mind-slaves.

Slut: a woman who has sex with lots of people. This is derogatory because it's easy for women to have sex with lots of people, therefore it's implying she has low standards or mental issues. Other women hate sluts the most because they lower the market value of pussy.

Friend zone: when a guy wants to fuck a girl but he plays it safe trying to start out as friends then go for a relationship or fuck. The girl mistakes this for him just wanting friendship because women are as naive as 4 year olds. The man then feels slighted when he realizes the relationship is only platonic, however he is partially to blame for this outcome as well for acting like a fucking faggot.

Bitch: an annoying woman.

The best defense is a good attack

What's wrong with women always assuming that their pussy is all men want?

They feed into their own assumptions and then feel entitled to your response.

Pussy pass denied.

Let's dispelled the fiction that women don't know what they're doing. Women know exactly what they're doing

My dick is attacking women for having a vagina.

Introduce them to the consolation of stoic philosophy so their happiness is not contingent on the whims of the people around them. Of course, that will probably be mansplaining, so let them rot in their own turbulence.

Feminists: Feeling like every single thing is an attack on them.

Sounds about right.

I don\t think so. Some actually believe guys want to be just friends with them because men and women are equal in their minds.

Lmao this

Guys that get friendzoned only have themselves to blame. I don't buy into getting "led on", not as an adult male anyways. You know what you want, make a move. If she says no then move on.

the science of fpbp

>Pull my dick out of her
>Wipe it off on her pillowcase
>Walk away

There's a reason why I won't build websites for women.

They're like a dog chasing a car. They wouldn't know what to do with it if they got one.

Almost agree 100%

Friend zone isn't always the guys fault. Sometimes the dude just wants to find someone to have a relationship with and figures being friends is a good way to segway into a possible relationship. Dude then builds up the courage to tell friend how he feels, girl says sorry I just wanna be friends.

why do you think women have daddy issues? Their fathers are some of the few males that aren't interested in them sexually, and sexual attraction is the only thing women beleive garners them attention.

You don't. Women don't know how they want to be treated, and never will. Continue calling them sluts and bitches as the situation desires.

>"'Mansplaining' is attacking a man for their right to use basic logic."

These ideas are not taught to them or forced fed to them. They are instinctual inclinations. Females hate to admit that they are all responsible for all their actions.

It is hardwired in their brains to dodge accountability and brainwash any susceptible males that they friendzone because they agree with their irresponsible lifestyle.

It's easy for women to get away with being immature especially if they are attractive. The unattractive have to compensate by being extra slutty.

Its a damn shame the society we live in where no one is held accountable for their own actions because our finger pointing is never an introspection.

Social shaming is a tool for inducing conformity in the name of social norms. These norms make us happier than we would otherwise be and are worth the cost in shaming.

These terms evolved to keep women from making poor behavioral choices. You are free to ignore them if being a slutty bitch is so important to you.



>"Pig" is attacking men for their right to say Yes

>"Chauvinist" is attacking men for their right to say No

And "Misogynist" is attacking men for their right to call you on it.

>"He raped me!"

is attacking men for saying yes.

>"He's gay/impotent"

is attacking men for saying no

Happy I don't bother with jew-ruined western "women". Only deal with the good ones.

1st post and 59th post best posts.

It's not an attack, it's just a word to describe a nasty whore who fucks anyone, cheats & spreads diseases.

>'slut' is attacking women for their right to say yes
no, it's attacking them for saying yes to literally anybody.
>'friend zone' is attacking women for their right to say no.
no, it's just sour grapes. get over it.
>and 'bitch' is attacking women for their right to call you on it
it's just an insult, you colossal bitch.

Victims cannot be winners.

I dont know if I'd agree . Friend zone isn't a thing
The woman isn't friends with the guy (she thinks he's a loser)
And to a large extent the guy isn't actually friends with the woman (he just wants to date her)



Paying attention to women is misogyny.
Ignoring women is also misogyny.

wew lad fucking Rubotâ„¢ posting like it was 2015

Digits don't lie.

It's simple: consider and treat women as autonomous people with the same essential human makeup as yourself and other men. If your ability to do this fails, as it does for everyone from time to time, figure out what went wrong and try to correct it instead of being a defensive asshole who refuses to use basic introspection.

It's not fucking hard unless you are emotionally retarded and can't into empathy.

>sluts think the friendzone term is an attack on them
Fucking kek, what a bunch of victim-complex-ridden cunts. It's used by men, who are expected to make all the moves and win the woman's heart, to recognize that they have been rejected and gotta move on.

Bitches gotta make it about them though. How dare we not just keep beta orbiting them and spoil them with attention and emotional support.

This whole friend-zone-being
-sexist trope is complete and utter horseshit. So the dude is a sexist because he wants to date her and she doesn't? Makes no sense even when you apply feminist "logic".

Furthermore, by that "logic" (friend zone is when romantic advances are rejected) women get friendzoned by men all. the. time.
I friendzone women I dont want to date constantly.

If men would stop being white knight faggots and stop showering women with attention, even for just a year, feminism would cease to exist.

I'm still coddling a relationship I had about a decade ago. God, I miss her so much.

I still think about my first girlfriend from time to time and I'm married. It happens. Life goes on

I got friendzoned so hard. But you're right, I don't really think of her that much as what I've felt for her has melted into my very being and behind every breath I breathe she exists as a constant reminder that there are good women out there in the world.

>you don't
Laugh, shake your head, and move on.

>being a slut is the same thing as giving consent
I know women have shit-for-brains and basically let verbal-diarrhea dribble from their cock-holes with the intellectual-forethought of a parrot; but jesus christ. Is this woman trying to normalize being a slut, or just your average brain-damaged clam?

>there are good women out there in the world
This is a lie

Call them "bitch". It's right there in the manual.

You don't. You laugh, walk away and go about your business. Trying to disprove leftist tautologies is a waste of time and makes you look weak.

>How to respond to this shit?
Call them a slut.

Tell her " stop talking to strangers about sex,slut"