>Sup Forums is a christian board
>they support the least christian candidate ever
Sup Forums is a christian board
Reminder: the alternative was a literal demon worshipping child sacrificing human trafficker
>never mind the fact that the Bible is filled with people like Saul who burned Christians alive and yet still God worked through them to spread his word
Sup Forums is an atheist board.
Reminder he ate a human brain an wore a human skull bloody crown on his head.
His opinion is instantly invalid.
wasnt this idiot that ate human brains with some subhumans for a documentary?
Reminder: Reza Aslan makes excuses for the same violent jihadists that Trump won't allow into the country.
>atheist retweeting a Muslim telling Christians what their religion stands for.
Yeah I'm gonna take some stupid sand nigger's word for it
>reddit is a leftists board
>supports Bernie sanders and genocide of Palestinians
Yeah, but Trump loves Jews, he likes Larry Silverstein, pays great lip service to Israel and married off Ivanka to a Jew.
So what. Jews want to run the world and we will all die because of it.
REMINDER: CNN aired footage of REZA ASLAN eating a piece of HUMAN BRAIN on Sunday.
Reminder: Reza Aslan is a libtard. 81% of white evangelicals voted for someone who isn't the fucking embodiment of Satan itself, Hillary Clinton.
>Sup Forums is a christian board
I thought we switched to worshipping tha Egyptian chaos God Kek?
Are we going back to Christian LARPing again.
And whats his point? They were going to vote Hillary instead?
That's why I supported him
He's not a zealot christcuck, anything about religion he says is total bullshit and I want that. 2 Corinthians? Evangelicals are fucking retarded and I'd much rather the republican party focus on nationalism than religion
The most disturbing thing about this is that apparently there are a billion hindus.
>He fell for the christian board meme
>stands against everything Jesus ever said or did
He got sauce on that?
>glass breaks
Trump 3:16 says I just whopped your ass
True. Does anybody know of a president that didn't support Israel though?
sage, OP is data mining and not replying. Or a shitpost
jesus was a jew, and pol supports jews.
>Sup Forums is a Christian board
I just realized this says WHITE Evangelicals; that seems to be an unnecessary detail.
Even the devil can quote scripture
Fuck God. Why the fuck is a Muslim trying to shame me into following a false religion?
>bringing religion into politics
thats why the middle east has been a constant warzone since day 1
>le land loss meme
Protip: before 1947, 100% of the land was governed and administered by the British.
The 1947 map also isn't honest, because the West Bank was Jordanian land, which they used in an attempt to exterminate the Jews. It was never administered by Palestinian authorities.
The entire progression of those heat maps intentionally conflate private ownership with governance, and manages to misrepresent BOTH at the same time. For instance, Jews were a presence in Palestine before 1917, and owned a lot of land and property. So why is their no green on the first map?
how do they know Trump doesnt know a single bible verse?
and weren't these the same niggers that said you shouldn't be a jesus freak if you want to be successful/world leader?
This is such a lie. It only makes sense on the surface.
Lets look at our past president's shall we...
George Dubya: Was a literal occultist member of skull and bones and bohemian grove, where they sacrifice wooden children to moloch.
Bill Clinton: pro abortion adulterer pedophile
George B Sr: See Dubya
Ronald Reagan: Literally was an occultist, wife cobducted seances
Jimmy Carter: Good Christian but horrible president
JFK: Not an evangelical, was a catholic and serial pervert.
Compared to most of these guys Trump seems godly. Sure he doesnt quote Bible verses often but when he speaks about Christianity and the Bible it's incredibly glowing. His mom was a big presbyterian, and he genuinely seems like he loves and has a warmth to at the very least the idea of the God of the Bible. He definitely isn't an occultist.
The only reason people dont think hes "Christian" is because he has a loose tongue, but when you compare his life actions and beliefs to the others on this list hes not that bad.
Wow! So he has appreciation for culture?
This. I didn't vote FOR Trump I voted AGAINST a Clinton. And from now on I'm always going to vote against democrats, Clintons and anyone who identifies with them. You people are a serious threat to humanity.
Where did all these idiot jesus larpers come from? Do they actually think a place like this is for them? Can they even read?
I wish he had more poo thrown at him in India
this is the guy that ate human brain and got shit on by a poo in loo
what a fuckin LOSER lmao
He's a closet racist like most Islamists
And Trump is at least a "fan" of the Bible.
reminder: reza aslan takes so much for granted that people should vote before anything else for someone sharing their religion that he doesn't even notice when he slips it out. presumably it's a sin in his eyes for a muslim not to vote for a muslim.
trump never pretended to be knowledgeable about christianity, never even pretended to be a christian. I'm waiting for the day when he comes out as an atheist and the left will attack him for not being religious.
Subtle divide and conquer you got there. Shame if someone were to come along and expose it.
Just because a person is a shit excuse for a Christian doesn't mean they don't believe in Jesus and salvation. We all fall short of the glory of God. That is why Jesus was sent to redeem us.
Can someone who isn't christian run for president?
>>Sup Forums is a christian board
Nice try, shill.
was going to post this
are smuggies a meme even though they're always right?
that spic sure doesn't want to get deported. how about I don't want to vote for the the whore who wants to let all the spics in and ruin america, ok?
was going to post this one
I'm only a Christian when we start crusading again
wtf that guy is middle eastern?
middle easterns are white?
tell these idiots they need to move more to the center and they go batshit insane and start with THIS shit.
>OMG leik don't be so closed minded! It eats the human flesh or it gets the hose!
I like this.
This is good.
Are you the same retard who retard who records race for crimes committed in the US?
Take your faggotry back to r/eddit.
Every single thing? What ridiculous nonsense.
This. As opposed to what voting in shillary who was all for partial abortions, dubious trafficking connections, and spirit cooking shit?
>Every republicuck state is on par with a 3rd world country
>The vast majority of blue states have vastly improved education, quality/accessiblity of health care, and general standards of living
Why is the Republican platform to drag down everyone with them? haven't they done enough damage to their own communities?
I know you're going to cherrypick "the misery" of Chicago, Detroit, or Baltimore, but this will only serve to underscore how severely underage and sheltered you are, considering they are considered world class cities even with their urban problems.
tl;dr stay in your containment zones and dont come out.
>>Sup Forums is a christian board
are you retarded?
It is almost like white people voted for a politican and not a priest
>Trump is bad
>Clinton worse, probably most corrupted candidate in US history.
>MSM collectively treat her like North-Korean news agency treats Kim jong-un
>Trump triggers leftist into spergy rage
yeah, picking a candidate really isnt hard here.
Pic related, he's standing next to Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks, receiving an award for helping inner city black youth.
>Sup Forums is an atheist board.
You are lost looking for plebbit
And in the wrong place.
Pol is a Christian board.
You dropped your fedora
Only low IQ idiots actually believe in religion. Trump stands for the parts of the bible that matter and help continue society
is a christian board
>are you retarded?
It sure is. It seems you are retarded.
>Only low IQ idiots actually believe in religion
If that was true you would be very devout.
Sup Forums is a kek board, gtfo Christcucks
>muh false idol and Jesus is the only way
>muh interpret bible verses to fit my narrative
SHALIDAY you faggots
Reza Aslan 8s the biggest faggot of all time.
You just know his new CNN show is total garbage and he will no doubt push for some pantheistic cuck bullshit that would get him beheaded in one of the Muslim countries he thinks are so great.
Total hack.
Faggot I'm a Jew
That's nice.
Doesn't change the fact the quote in OP is 100% accurate.
Must be embarrassing to be such a worthless faggot.
Probably because they vote out of political principle and political ideals, instead of religiously and ideologically motivated principles like shitlibs do.
Liberalism is a cult and a mental disorder.
>muslim lecturing about christianity
Saul burned Christians alive ? What are you talking about ?
Saul was the first King of Jerusalem ? Christ was not even born yet.
Did you mean Paul the Apostle ? He didn't burn Christians, but he did persecute Christians and deliver them.
I guess you forget we just purged a fucking muslim from the WH. Trump is like the fucking pope in comparison.
It puts the towel on its head.
>man who would give up everything he had including his name millions of dollars a massive pay cut and his family's wellbeing to help others isnt Christ like
Cuk pls
Wow that's an actual quote from THE Reza Aslan? I guess I'm voting for Hilldog now.
keep crying pizza nigger
You should revive your native beliefs.
Trump is the anti-Christ, prophesied to fool Christians by speaking "great things" without being a Christian.
This is a Kek timeline in a Kek world and Sup Forums is a Kek board
Yeah they sacrifice "wooden" children.
No one here is unironically a christcuck right?
Most states are Republican. Only CA, HI, and CT have Democrat legislatures and governors.
But, as you twits tell us every frogdamn day, the world doesn't think Trump is wonderful. Therefore he cannot be the Anti-Christ.
They sure did love Obama and Hillary though.
>Reminder 81% WHITE christians
Lmao, these fucking people
And you tell us the polls are fake.
You can't have it both ways Trumpcuck.
Ever wonder how Sup Forums went from hardcore libertarian to fascist seemingly overnight? The Deceiver has many agents.
I don't understand the point of this. They realize that the alternative was someone who's against Christian beliefs, right? Yeah Trump isn't a fucking evangelical but the only other option was someone who not only knows shit about it, but actively is on the side of things the breach the beliefs of the religion.
Trump isn't a bible thumper but he's not doing shit like encouraging abortions either.
>but he's not doing shit like encouraging abortions either.
Just extramarital affairs.
Because libertarians are a fucking joke and the laughing stock of the political world.
Maybe you should leave if it upsets you so much instead of sitting here and bitching like it will change anything.
>The Deceiver has many agents.
you're such a fucking faggot lmfao
Antichrist is quite obviously Obama, seeing as how he's a turd that can never flush.
Trump isn't religious though so he doesn't hold the same standards. Plus Melania is obviously aware and okay with it, she knows what she signed up for this. Nobody cares the nature of Trump's relationship with his wife because that's his personal life.
Everybody cares what happens with abortions though because it affects the laws of the land.
Slick move, Aslan. Focusing on one of the few fringe cults that is more deranged than your own.
have you guys noticed how lately the narrative has devolved into
>if you dont support jews, you MUST support sand-niggers
threadly reminder that israel is an enemy and leading cause of domestic terrorism against the west
>a billion hindus
Lovecraft was right
>Aslan was born into a Shia Muslim family.[62] He converted to evangelical Christianity at the age of 15,[5] and converted back to Islam the summer before attending Harvard.[6]
How retarded do you have to be to return to warlord pedophile beheader worship you stupid mudshit
I know there's a dude named Saul who God renamed Paul who persecuted Christians. I thought he burnt them alive but maybe just burnt the churches. Either way he was a "bad" guy and yet still God worked through him
We have to deal with one thing at a time. You cant be at war with the whole world simultaneously, you stupid fucking hick