I want to hear an insight from Vodka nation about their next election.
Who are you voting for?
What are their policies?
What is Navalny?
What is wrong with Zhirik?
Puitn 88 term?
Do you want to kill yourself?
And other questions appreciated.
I want to hear an insight from Vodka nation about their next election.
Who are you voting for?
What are their policies?
What is Navalny?
What is wrong with Zhirik?
Puitn 88 term?
Do you want to kill yourself?
And other questions appreciated.
Other urls found in this thread:
I predict a Putin victory. Sadly I don't think I would make any money on this bet with one of those online gambling things.
Bump for interesting topic though. It would be pretty Russia-level hilarious if they just kept one Putin body double after the next as spokesman for the next few decades.
>Who are you voting for?
>What are their policies?
Raise wages, fight corruption.
>What is Navalny?
Opposition leader. Pretty good guy, but I sometimes wonder if he is not a Putin's or someone else's agent.
>What is wrong with Zhirik?
He is Putin's shill.
1) pic related
2) same shit as every other party
3) guy who tries to expose corruption
4) zhirik is a clown
5) sure why not
6) yes
>He is Putin's shill.
Is it really that bad?
Can you give me link to their page.
>I predict a Putin victory
I really don't look forward it but it will be even worse with Zhirik.
This shit exists
is LDNP showing any based campaigns for grannies,giving free shit?
The important question is do Russians know who counts the "votes"?
>Is it really that bad?
What exactly is bad? Being a Putin's shill? It's bad enough, don't you think.
Zhirik is an absolute joke. Sure, his talk may be hard, but no one actually believes he would do anything of it.
>This shit exists
well they are patriots, so that's one way of showing that.
>is LDNP showing any based campaigns for grannies,giving free shit?
personally i haven't noticed anything like that. some time ago i think they gave away free theatre tickets for the veterans. and some mugs maybe
>unironically voting in Russian election
kill yourself
Putin is best leader for Russia. Fixed economy, army, degeneracy, how can other cucks even compete?
tell me why the apple party are not good
>how can other cucks even compete?
By having more votes.
>>unironically voting in Russian election
>kill yourself
>Who are you voting for?
I don't
>What are their policies?
The White Genocide
>What is Navalny?
>What is wrong with Zhirik?
Jewish clown
>Puitn 88 term?
Russian idiots deserve it for their passivity don't they?
they are pretty decent in my opinion
>Russian idiots deserve it for their passivity don't they?
Same here Ivan.All Ex-soviet countries are just LARPING how great they are while in reality they are all shitty corruption ridden,poor shitholes,maybe except Estonia.
there are no good choices
>Putin and United Russia
more corruption and incompetence
>any of liberals including Navalny
faggotry, feminism, muh European values
literally run by a half-jew
I can go on but tl;dr we're doomed
Russia having elections? oh boy i cant wait to hear our media's whining on tv.
>Russian election
>Who are you voting for?
>What are their policies?
Those who are against migration from muslim countries, against islamization, against turning a blind eye on crimes of some minorities, and in the meantime against desintegation of the country and against sucking western (((human rights))) boipussies.
Which is to say: NONE.
>What is Navalny?
Another kike shill.
Although, I like how he makes our moronical politicians butthurt.
>What is wrong with Zhirik?
Do you need Mccain and Alex Jones crossmix on steroids as a head of Russia? Do we?
>Puitn 88 term?
Nah, 14 is more like it.
>Do you want to kill yourself?
Im comfy af
>against migration from muslim countries, against islamization
Do you really have that many churkas?
Do they even speak Russian?
Putin literally signed amnesty for 300,000 Tajiks banned from entering Russia
Shoygu will be the next president
Zhirik maybe a clown, but he speaks truth about commies.
>Zhirik maybe a clown, but he speaks truth about commies.
Truth=/= Menstruating screaming argumentation.
I really don't want Baltic states to be annexed.
I tell you more, there's .su domain.
You know what it stands for?
> Who are you voting for?
Democracy is degeneracy. God save the Tsar
> What are their policies?
Russia is ruled by commies and liberals saluting further degeneracy
> What is Navalny?
Cuck who had a chance to become a real russian leader but chose to side with (((opposition)))
> What is wrong with Zhirik?
fucking (((clown))), anyone who believes he is some kind of nationalist is a degenerate
> Puitn 88 term?
seems like it
> Do you want to kill yourself?
>You know what it stands for?
Soviet Union
From that sounds like Putin is the best of the evils.
>Slav fags don't know Russia is not a democracy
they all suck
ER will eventually make the healthcare and education collapse in next 10-15 years and then run to London with their $$$
It's fucking Russia do you people unironically believe that they won't rig the elections?
They rigged American elections but their morally above rigging their own? Kek at the delusional ppl ITT
do you unironically believe that russia rigged american elections?
Do Russians unironically have faith in Putin?
>election general
>for Russia
Wtf? we all know Russia isn't a democracy and Putin will do whatever he wants
Why can't America have propaganda like Russia? Some Russians actually have sincere pride
Pic related. Conversation with Russian qt proud of strong country
Putin doesn't have to rig the elections, I mean look at his approval ratings, he's by far the most popular politician in the country
>Who are you voting for?
Navalny. He would be a terrible president, but that's alright, because he's not going to win anyway.
>His policies
Started out based on strong anti-immigration program, considerably smaller goverment, and separating church, business and state. Over time, mellowed down to just "muh corruption".
Putin's personal jester.
>Putin's 88th term
Obviously, elderly voting block will sustain him even if he somehow makes the rest of demographics mad. The hope is that he will have to arrest and kill a lot of people right before the elections, at least it will spoil his public image (a bit).
>Do you want to kill yourself?
I don't want to, I have to.
Silly Latvian.
Elections don't exist in mighty Russian soil.
>Do you really have that many churkas?
Big cities, yes. Enough to make us worry. Our police do good job, but who's to say how it could turn out in the future.
Hope our heads have some contingency plan. But judging, that Medvedev uses gmail for internet shopping... well, fuck.
>Do they even speak Russian?
Yes, to be fair, some of them are partially culturally compatible due to soviets.
Still, cultural enthropy is playing its role. And they are certainly bring crimes of a worst kind with them.
>Wtf? we all know Russia isn't a democracy and Putin will do whatever he wants
Discussing opinions is bad?\
>Checks flag
Shitskin with 0.5% European blood and shitty teeth.
Why would I discuss anything?
i unironically think that he is the one who can somehow manage this wasteland. that is for now
Do you even check flags?
>Discussing opinions is bad?
I don't have a problem with people discussing Russian elections, but it does seem a bit redundant
I unironically think the Russian people are stronger than their government.
i still have faith in #notallleafs. silly me
>but it does seem a bit redundant
I know but we really lack perspective in most cases.
>Raise wages, fight corruption.
>Opposition leader.
Thats fucking rich, especially for someone who gets funded by Soros.
You probably can guess this, but our counter-intelligence operatives are well aware that Putin can be threatened by destabilizing Russia if he's not nice to the churkas. I don't have a solution for you, but it would be for the best to keep them under tight control.
What I would like to see is a very public US/Russia collaboration BTFOing ISIS in order to make it good and OK to promote the idea of a secular state with cultural unity that allows some outsiders but doesn't tolerate any bullshit from them.
Yeah, i'll just vote for Putin-san. But if we're talking about being democratic, Lavrov is the one. He is Putin's right hand right now, kinda
that is true, two revolutions in a hundred years showed that. but i guess people just want some god damn peace and quiet, therefore nobody cares
We just had parliamentary elections recently, so not in 5 (or was it 6 now) years. Next year are presidential elections.
I voted for communists because fuck you :^). Probably not going to go to presidential since Putin will likely win even without my vote.
Ruling party policy is supporting whatever the president says.
Navalny is a cuck and CIA plant.
Zhirik while funny, often speaks the truth. Kinda like more batshit Trump.
Putin can get another term, then he will have to switch for someone else, but there's still a lot of time until then.
Yes though politics and economics have only a small influence on that.
>Talking shit about Jews and Muslims can warrant consequences
Redpilled, amirite?!
Get a better leader like what we're trying to do.
Voting means nothing in Russia.
Parliament parties are puppet parties, all adoring Putin and supporting everything he does.
Navalny is somewhat most youth woud appreciate.
Guns, weed, freedom, clear taxation, check&balances, small government, federalism, anti-immigration and so on.
so you are saying?
Commies that meet up with popes. Are you for real, my dude?
>I voted for communists because fuck you
Please don't do this.Our diaspora votes for pro Russians,because Muh Russians fuck improvements, and everything gets even more corrupt. Never vote for shits n giggles,Some people want kids.
yesterdays communists are todays popes.
>Fixed economy
Orthodox nationalistic communism is the way to go. :^)
But seriously, in the previous Duma they sometimes presented at least SOME opposition to more moronic laws that UR tried to push, but in the new one all other parties are completely irrelevant so it doesn't matter either way.
>Russian election general.
Putin is strong on building ladas and threatening ww3 but on the other hand my wages have fallen substantially under putin. IF I pick the wrong putin I may get putinvanned.
Best vote putin. In russia leader votes for you.
>It seem Russia is filled with cucks
>voting Navalny
>voting for a Soros funded shill
U r havin a giggle m8 ?
tell that to your governement who was sold to the EU by your own politicians.
>Orthodox nationalistic communism is the way to go.
Patriarch Kiril is not money laundering puppet for oligarchs.Patriarch Kiril loves his herd so much that is why every poor city has golden 24 karat church.
Navalny is SJW.
Zhirik is clown
Putin is meh but ok.
Not anymore.
>>It seem Russia is filled with cucks
>>voting Navalny
>>voting for a Soros funded shill
>U r havin a giggle m8 ?
Thinks actual votes are counted in Russia.
>Zhirik while funny, often speaks the truth
He said Baltic countries shouldn't exist.Me no likey.
>tell that to your governement who was sold to the EU by your own politicians.
At least we can humiliate shitty politicians by voting them out occasionally. Yours just get bigger palaces.
Also compare what someone in Ireland earns in a month Vs what someone in Russia earns in a month.
>U r havin a giggle m8 ?
they are serious abou this.
because they think that being cucked by the west would automatically improve their living condititions. As long they are good doggys and let THEM privatise their countries resources and the country get robbed, they will have money to buy their iphons and shitz.
i fucking hate this traitorous sell-out generation.
Your goverenement is sold out, as is your country.
It doesnt matter anymore who you vote in or out.
And about the wages, wait 20 yrs, and you look like london. High prices but everybody is from 3rd world.
>why can't my government brainwash us better?
russia is a wasteland if you don't live in one of the handful of cities that are have a modicum of wealth and infrastructure
Amen to that, bro.
I also cant believe that they(whoever they are) pushed cultural desintegration in US itself: one of the most ethnically divers countries. I don't need to tell you what horrors that process could bring with itself.
Im more and more becoming assured that, yes, there are malevolent third-party actors in your establishment.
Also, if we don't raise white birthrates we will lose our countries for desintegration eventually. Just a matter of time.
>my wages have fallen substantially under putin
They have fallen so hard people have ran out of places to park their fucking cars in the cities now.
>ran out of places to park their fucking cars in the cities now.
Implying cities.Implying cars.So no one makes investments or savings?
>U were born - Putard was yo president
>U'll die - Putard will b yo president
this kraut knows what's up
To be fair some of that wasteland looks comfy. I know I watched a documentary of this cult living out in the Siberian wilderness and it looks gorgeous out there.
>What I would like to see is a very public US/Russia collaboration BTFOing ISIS
That seems nice until you realize that ISIS is a CIA project to destabilize ME and threaten the enemies of US including Russia.
this also.
dont forget the lowering of the Rubel value because of Oil prices and sanctions.
>comparing wages
its an comparison which is completly ripped out of context at this point.
mum ses all shuld vot for UNITED RUSIA :)
Yeah, that's exactly part of why I want to see it happen. It's a terrible plan from the CIA that is now destroying the US and Europe as well. Ending it will be a good demonstration that maybe we're going to cut our losses and use a better strategy.
> CIA project to destabilize ME and threaten the enemies of US including Russia.
CIA=/=CIA in this situation.
Look at the mess in the US right now, there is infighting going on and nobody knows how its going to end.
Its hard to say whos responsible, except the usual suspects of course.
Yeah, you can throw last 2-3 years into the trash.
No empathy
Worse than niggers
1) Putin, sadly
2) Same as always
3) Western puppet, liberal and a faggot
4) He is puppet, sadly, a decoy if you will. It's like there is opposition in Russia, but yet there is none
sucks to be you i guess...
Another reason why the petty bourgeois should be locked down in jails for being idiots
>imlpying it's a bad thing
I was born Chirac was president, then Sarkozy was president, then Hollande and next year it will be Macron the retarded nigger lover...
I guess I would have preferend the stability thing than the moronic democrashit
Зa Пyтинa гoлocyeт быдлo
>voting for
Jewish subhuman
I'm glad that this piece of shithole that brought down White Europe is going down the drain.
>that brought down White Europe is going down the drain.
what do you care about Europe Ibrahim?
Your mom is degenerate that sucks Putin's cock for drugs.
What is about Navalny? In his video discussing trump's victory he supported his views on islam and travel ban and some other things.
нaзывaeшь мoю мaмy быдлo ?
Because I'm White. Дoхни в нищeтe, yнтep. Хaйль Гитлep - дeды пeтyхи