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>black piece of shit
A little redundant, no?
I'm sorry, sir. As a bitch ass white boi, I have no right to talk down to any other race on this planet, especially not superior Black Men. Us white bois are not even worthy to look upon Black Men. They are the Superior Beings.
it's a sad day in America when you can't even tell the truth.
You try to hard, lurk more.
Wait, am I reading this correctly? The black student literally assaults the white student, then the white students runs away and rightfully insults the black guy... and THIS is the headline?
>black kid pucks on white kid
>white kid calls back kid names
>black kid continues the violence
This is why you never go to schools less than 85% white
>Niggers lying
What else is new?
>My son attacked another student TWICE
>I'm afraid to send my son back to that school because the school is violent towards my son
The niggers behavior is NOT the issue here! You can't negatively utter a person's race when in a confrontation! Not ever! Wow, just wow, this kid needs to be re-educated.
Why should we care? Blacks should go back to Africa if they feel discriminated.
>Nigger attacks white
>white calls him a black piece of shit
>Nigger attacks white again
>Nigger mom plays the victim
>nigger attacks white kid first
>Everyone acts like it wasn't the niggers fault
Fucking hang all niggers from trees
Shocking video shows highschooler using naughty words!
I have seen this type of shit unfold 100 times going to a mixed high school. A huge fat black dude that is like 6'3 230 at 16 already usually picks on/bullys a white kid out of boredom. His own mother cannot control him, doesn't have a father. I guarantee you he had been bullying that white kid for no reason.
trying too hard buddy
Sticks and stones will break your bones.
But names will always trigger a racially insecure black man.
This is what always happens in america
Niggers pull a gun on a white man's child, get killed white man is racist
I used to get beat up by niggers and have the teachers tell me it's because I wasn't friendly enough
I, for one, will nit ever return to america until the day every nigger on the planet has been slated for killing.
I don't care about taking america "back" if it doesn't involve complete genocide. Nothing short of conplete annihilation is a oermanent fix
Niggers should be fucking exterminated.
they always cry victim when they're the violent scum attacking the innocent.
Wait a second
>Black kid attacks white kid
>White kid throws an insult
>Black kid attacks again
And the black kid is somehow the victim? what the fuck?
Do you honestly think a little white kid has been calling that guy racist names for months and threatening to kill him? People actually believe this shit? Look at how he reacted when he was thrown to the ground.
happened all the time when I was in highschool.
went to hs in charlotte district
Dindus are the worst.
>feral nigger animal attacks white kid
>white kid doesn't even call him a nigger, says piece of shit
>nigger drags him too the floor
>nigger is somehow a victim here
I am actually confused
The percent nigger is more important to me than the percentage of white people. I went to a 60% white school with the rest of the students being well integrated chinks and poos (I live in vancouver) and there were no problems.
Schools with niggers and spics is what you have to avoid.
getting real tired of this shit tbqh lads
No, they wanted strong slaves, not you weak bitches
because being a nigger is the worst thing in the world you can be, even niggers know this.
That is why if you remind a nigger that he is a nigger, it is the worst thing you can possible do.
haha you dont have a race mulatto retard, you're utter shit
Who gives a fuck?
The black on white murder, rape and assault rates are fucking astronomical compared to vice versa.
There was recently a pack of violent niggers randomly punching a white guy trying to walk down a street downtown. It's on video too.
Scroll down to watch the video (Facebook embedded)
The video starts off with some nigger in his car filming the pack of wild niggers randomly throwing punches at the white dude:
>"Dey jus wacked [?] a white nigga. Look" he says while laughing.
It's impossible to understand niggerspeak so he might have used a different word for "wacked".
black people call white people all kinds of racist slurs all of the time and no one bats an eyelash
In high school, I had a nigger spit at me from a balcony for no other reason than being white.
Yep, welcome to America.
Because niggers are the protected class. They are like special needs people and must be coddled. Also the writer of the article is a nigger.
and then he gets thrown down the exact same way
This is a daily occurance in the US
Niggers attacking whites
And they are ESPECIALLY allowed to violently attack whites if the white did/said anything "racist"
>The black student’s mom told WNCN that she had moved to Wake Forest for a better life for her family, but that now she is worried about her son.
Nigger animals moving their nigger kids to whiter schools, is still rabid white hating niggers
This is the sort of shit that cuckservatives support happening on a daily basis
These comments are fucking gold
My nigga, juan
More like Micah might be a dumb nigger but he knows hitting the teacher will put him in prison
So let me get this straight, black attacks white, white says some words, the headline focuses on the words, not the attack ? surely the assault is the issue here not the verbal response.
its a nigger website
U a raycis
>blacks harass and attack white students daily
>not a peep from the news
>some black kid gets called a piece of shit
>full fucking article about it
>The black is immunized against all dangers: one may call him an thief, idiot, thug, piece of shit,it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him Black and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>TFW he realizes white women are cancer, and only the most cancerous among them will fuck a nigger.
>nigger bullies white kid for months
>white kid tries to actually not be a beta cuck
All niggers must hang.
>beat up a student
>get called a mean name
am i getting this right?
black people are trash
skip public school and just bus them straight to prison/juvie
> Becaue i'm sending him back to the shooting range is what i'm doing
> (translate: putting him in danger by bringing him to this school)
>Who gives a fuck?
>The black on white murder, rape and assault rates are fucking astronomical compared to vice versa.
>There was recently a pack of violent niggers randomly punching a white guy trying to walk down a street downtown. It's on video too.
>Because niggers are the protected class. They are like special needs people and must be coddled. Also the writer of the article is a nigger.
America is the greatest cancer in the world. It all starts there and from there on it spreads.
"Privilege" and the consequences need to go like right the fuck now. Before long we'll be paying for thin privilege, white privilege, able privilege, my0grandfather-is-born-in-this-country-privilege.
>black kid commits violence
totally fine
>white kid calls black kid a POS
This is what is wrong with America.
Shut up faggots. The white kid is no victim here. He and others had been bullying that black student for months. Other students knew about it, which us why they rallied around him in support to get his suspension dismissed.
>he only used his words
That is no defense. That stupid teacher and any others obviously should have gotten involved beforehand instead of being useless and waiting until after things have already gotten violent.
>I'm sending him back to the shooting range
Maybe if you taught your kid not to physically assault people, and then physically assault them again when insulted for it, you wouldn't have to worry about him provoking someone into shooting his dumbass.
>look up the article
>read the comments
Abandon all hope. I'm getting off this ride.
Looks like someone skipped their "Let black people be violent criminals and say nothing" seminar.
That girl should suck his bbc as an apology, heck she probably will.
>nigger bullies white kid for months
No liar try again
>"Tyler said that the black student was defending himself against harassment that has been going on for months, according to the News and Observer."
>"By Monday, students at the school had rallied around the black student, filming video in which they can be heard chanting in favor of ending his suspension."
The niggers in all their whiteness were bullying the black student.
>News reports on a nigger being killed while he's commiting a violent felony
The news is racist! He was a good boy, going to church every day. They don't even know him, how can they say he had a history of violence?
>News reports on a child calling a nigger "black" after being physically assaulted
What a racist piece of shit. They should've disciplined him months ago for his racist behavior. We don't need actual proof to judge this child as a racist, him responding to an assault with the word "black" makes him racist and incapable of being a victim
niggers man, they really should have stayed in africa
Black Americans. We've known for quite a while, but we're not allowed to do anything about it.
>NC high school
Wish it were the case with college here, there's a lot of blackies around campus.
Burn Sup Forums to the ground.
>bullying someone for months
>the bully is the victim
>"What a racist piece of shit."
Sup Forums in a nutshell, among other things
Aww why do you say that, white boy? is it because you can't compete with black MEN?
Bet you wouldn't say nigger to my face, pussy ass cracker.
lol i really hope your not an Iranian, some of you are alright, get out before trump glasses the place
Black people respond to words with violence
>Bet you won't put yourself in a position to be physically attacked
It's White America's fault too for allowing it.
Where the fuck is this from? Is it fucking real? This is the smoking gun for haulacaust deniers.
We all know black people are liars.
That nigger is like 6'4'' and is scared of a little white boi, so he has to attack him.
Please shitskin, no one is falling for your lies.
>this is news
>gang of niggers kidnapping and torturing a white classmate isn't
Top frigging kek
It doesn't mean your society and people are a bunch of savages you have to be savages here in Europe.
Nigger wrote an article for WaPo about the incident:
> Twice on Thursday, Micah Speed latched onto a white student’s bookbag and yanked him to the ground. That was wrong, Speed’s mother told The Washington Post — but so were the words the other teen said to provoke her son:
> “You black piece of s—.”
Notice how the article implies "black piece of shit" was said before the bodyslam.
Fucking niggers I fucking swear.
>white boy defends himself against physical violence by using words
what a fucking racist piece of shit. Fuck white people.
>act like a piece of shit
>get called a piece of shit
>act like a bigger piece of shit
>still claim to be the victim
it was though?
Not the user you're speaking to, but if you act like a nigger, I have no qualms about calling you a nigger to your face.
That's the problem with society. People are too afraid to call others out on their bullshit, leading to a lack of societal pressure to conform to acceptable standards of behavior.
Also, really? Acting like an arrogant tough guy on an anonymous Internet forum? Way to live up to the nigger stereotype.
Fucker disabled comments. HAHAHAHA. Even (((they))) know they can't fool people.
It's not about the piece of shit part, but because they included black which means there is some inherent hatred. Why not just call him a piece of shit? It's racism.
He didn't attack him because he was scared, the kid just snapped and got tired of the bullying.
>black piece of shit
While the word black being used is a highlight of the story it would still portray the black as the victim because the white kid dared speak against him in the first place. The only acceptable decision is to accept defeat and beg for forgiveness before paying reparations.
He wanted to provoke the kid so that he'd get attention and make it seem like the white kid is the victim. Fuck white people honestly.
isn't that racist of those offended to equate piece of shit with black people. if you were to say white piece of shit you're completely fine but for some reason saying piece of shit to a black person is racist.
leftist racists in action once again behaving as racists while pointing the finger.