>Old Believer
Yet somehow she fell into the same leftist shit every woman tends to. She even praises Antifa and thinks the Left so radicalize. Her main source of news if John Oliver.
Is it possible to redpill this or is it too late?
Repilling a friendo
Tell him this: if white man is gone who is going to work his ass everyday for the blacks? They would starve within weeks or months.
Dude that's like talking to a wall . Some people are too far gone only some insane physcopath mind games combined with a good dicking and lots of choking and slapping during sex can save them so get to it boyo
She is good in bed, but she doesn't want anything beyond sex only because I am this evil fascist alt right nazi
Jesus Christ, she's WAAAAY too far gone dude, she is openly calling for white genocide. I'm astounded she will even allow you to talk to her. You can't talk people down from that. I tried to with a female friend I've had since childhood and her response was to just block me from everything.
I would say just suggest she moves to Germany or Sweden if she likes Arabs so much, Eesti-friend. Let them culturally enrich her.
At this point that is the only possibility for a redpill; she needs to be assaulted or raped by a migrant.
He's 2far2gone duder let it go.
She debates me all the time but every time I bring up facts she just sort of tries to lefty meme it or show a John Oliver video.
I don't think she's too far gone, since she isn't blocking me or anything. She kinda jokes about my white supremecy on itself.
I'd give her credit for entertaining your argument at least, most libtards would just unfriend you
She can't survive a week without dicking so she keeps me around.
Lately we've gotten pretty close and pascionate and when she asked me out I told her about all that shit on our date and now we're here.
Mine dont even reply to my bait, they just keep posting resist trump and muh russian hackers bullshit on facebook
She openly says she wants the destruction of the white race and you say she's not too far gone?? Dude why is this your friend? She belongs in a gas chamber
Is she white? If so tell her she needs to resist these white urges she has for condoning genocide and become better than the conditions she so vocally despises in her own people. Basically just point out she's exactly everything she already hates.
She's sweet and caring when not talking about politics and she got more tits than I could ever ask for.
Drop that. John Oliver.
Just fuck her shit up senpai.
When her main source of information is failuere of a comedian
Listen you dummy. You need to change tactics and play with her emotions.
You need her to think we are victims but dont make it obvious.
You need to outJew her.
Just play with her emotions.
>Her main source of news [is] John Oliver.
HTF can you get an orgasm after knowing this about her? FFS man...
Why do white people hate themselves?
Well played zemljače
Have you tried bringing up the current Arabic slave trade and subjugation of Africans, and how the Black Muslim movement is used to expand Islamic expansion in the west? Also, have you tried explaining that whites today don't have anything to do with slavery personally? It might be easier to talk her into what system of beliefs you agree with, and approaching history this way. If she's communist, deconstruct all the communist empires she supports. If she's socialist explaining how cucked they are should work, by explaining their immigration policy and how it supports a Islamic caliphate dominating Europe.
Where is this woman from? Is she estonian?
That bitch is crazy. Should have been aborted.
Because we are getting more and more libtards that think they are the cause of all the wars but the arabs and jews are causing soo much more wars. But they can play victims and we can just stand and watch because if we strike back its a hate crime
This. Go Scott Adams on her ass
Pick one
this, just ask her when you next fuck her 'you think some smelly chinks could fuck you like this you race traitor whore? admit you love my WHITE, POWERful cock!'
Honestly the world would be better if Muslims and I guess Jews stopped playing world domination. Fighting the Koreans and Chinese is sooooo much easier
Oooooh interesting idea...might work
>Bringing race-play into the bedroom when both persons are white.
You can't save her from us white boi. She belongs to the Big Black Cock now.
You need to provide sources and evidence.
Good lad.
>playing world domination
They actually own the world. Jews own every federal reserve in the world (almost). They gain a lot from wars for an example the Rothschild family got a lot of benefits from the Napoleon wars and no body know that. When someone like us on Sup Forums gives a good argument about this they instantly go "You racist anti-semite"
Why the fuck are you even talking with this faggot, you won't convince him to not hate whites.
I don't believe this also. Nobody speaks like she does in those texts.
You were texting yourself.
Dude, how can you play with those tits when you live in a different country? There are no western women in Estonia. Why are you guys talking in english?
Ask her about Mauritania.
>why is Mauritania up to 14% slaves?
Hmmm really makes you think.
>why did islam end up in Turkey?
Hmmm another brain teaser
>what is Liberia?
You can't reason with these people. I was talking to someone who literally believes that Trump is illiterate.
The only answer is to physically remove them from society.
She literally calls for the eradication of your own people and you call her sweet.
Kill yourself.
Why is it that I'm about 90% sure this is a woman you are talking to? I think it's because she won't listen to reason
Jesus mother of fuck I hate niggers and all who defend them.
>John Oliver
pick one
Cos he made it up and is texting himself.
she's a fucking idiot. Stop wasting your time. White women are the biggest fucking traitors.
Will remember this, based Serb bro
Kosovo Je Serbia
/thread still posted nigger hate meme just in case
as soon as somebody says shit like "destruction of the white race is good" you can safely say they are beyond saving. The only way for these kinds of people to have their minds changed is for them to be subject to REAL oppression.
She's a Russian Old Believer but she doesn't speak any Russian
We speak in English because we met at an English speaking competition so she just sort of sticks to it
>nigger boy admitting his genetics are inferior by lusting over white women
>Why is it that I'm about 90% sure this is a woman you are talking to?
Probably because OP said it's a She.
By "white people" she means the western world knowing full well Russia and China would take over (granted they are immune to cuckoldry, though still commie faggots)
eesti why the fuck are you using english to talk to another eesti?
She's russian but doesn't speak russian? Yet somehow she is living in Estonia only speaking english?
makes me want to DEUS VULT everything, starting with removing womens voting rights.
BIGGEST mistake the west EVER did, and as long as women have the voting right they will always, always continue keep biting the hand that feeds their welfare life and keep votin for new subhumans to come and destroy their own kind.
giving women the right to have a say in politics was hundred times worse than treating (((them))) as normal citizens.
You can't reason somebody out of a position they weren't reasoned into. You're trying to apply dialectic to rhetoric, if you want to actually change her mind you need to attack and shame her for being anti white, don't bother with all the "if it weren't for us there'd be no etc" just tell her shes disgusting, sick and horrible for wishing a people dead and everything they created destroyed. Women respond much better to social shaming than men. If that doesn't work tell her to enjoy her cats and forget about it.
>over 700 million people in Europe
>we will become inbred
Where can i find an English speaking competition?
Desu Senpai.
He is just trolling you. Might be mentally ill, too.
Relatives lived in outskirts of Saaremaa afraid of religious persecution, but once they got out religious dad married businesslady mom.
She has a Western name and a Russian lastname, she doesn't speak Russian fluently but understands it to some degree
She's a jew. Many of the "Russians" who do not speak Russian are kikes.
Congrats you are dating a crazy jew that wants your race dead
If one mentions the bad things whites did just point out to all the good things white Europeans did.
The western culture influenced the entire world to change at least a bit for the better.
She's a strict old believer
Jews are a race you dummy
>wants genocide
>supports communism
No, remember it's permitted for Jews to lie about their faith.
Oy vey i am a slav goyim but even i know that slavs are evil savages who raped poor Turks and deserve genocide
Also as a hardcore christian i want mass muslim migration
it's not his fault that his women all look like orangutans.
lol, this. beware the eternal jewess.