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Either the people in charge of everything really love triangles or this shit goes deeper than any of us could have anticipated. Good find.

Fucking pizza trudeau

>Truedau hates hair on his pizza

Does this surprise anyone?

Give links, faggot. Time to see if Castro's bastard likes pizza or hotdogs

the url is in the picture

I'm not gonna get out of my motor scooter and type that shit put it in a comment


Take your only original meme back to leftpol, commie piece of shit.

I wish the Soviets were still around to massacre your people again.

pedo symbol
this proves pizzagate

Whelp, I'm off to commit suicide comrades =D
Life is truly fucked.
See you all in the obituary.

Undeniably so. Everyone btfo.

I double check and it true. The picture is in the 2015-2016 annual report pdf

> fondation
nice try faggot


i wan 65K of succulent hot dogs

That dog fucker is also prochild fucker.

Trudeau you stupid fuck wit.

unfortunately for confirmation bias, the spiral is not an uncommon design element.

Bump for justice

It's french you fucking faggot shill. I swear to god you Shareblue niggers are the dumbest fuckers on the planet. Literally kill yourself.

A triangular spiral is

yes but the triangle spiral it just too much. Send inquisitors for questioning