Can we have a Sup Forums books thread?

Can we have a Sup Forums books thread?

Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ

Good evening, lad.

Posting only books that I have read. In no particular order.

Plato - Republic
Hobbes - Leviathan
Milton - Areopagitica
Mill - Principles of Political Economy
Rand - The Shruggening
Aristotle - Politics
Bastiat - The Law
Smith - The Wealth of Nations
Marx - Capital
Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
Hoppe - Democracy: The God that Failed
Various - The Federalist Papers

I'll add more as/if I remember. Obviously a broad understanding of the conditions under which these books were written is important as well. One should have already read the major mythological and cultural texts accompanying these works as well as at least one guide to critical thinking and philosophical method.

Bump for interest. I am always looking for new books for my library.

This book depressed the fuck out of me and I had to stop reading it.


This is the newer one, and it is supposedly bigger in scope.!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg


forgot pic

Are you guys going to preorder Buchanan's new book?

Good thread.

Submission by Michel Houellebecq. Good satire of the degenerative path of western civilization and how Islam will supplant it. He's a dry, frenchy bastard so it's tough to say where the satire ends and the prophecy begins. Also taught me a lot about French literature, which I had not read much of beyond Voltaire.




No one? So much for "white supremacy" you illiterate bastard.

Thanks for the dump, friend. Will look through and add some of these to my list.

culture of critique by kevin macdonald

For my legionaries

Pivotal point in American history wherein the USA exploited the wedge between the USSR and China for a foreign policy coup.

TL;DR: America used China to isolate the USSR politically, opened up American markets for Chinese goods.

China was shit, it's now the largest economy of the world because of Nixon's decision.

Has anyone read pic related? Is it any good? I feel like it might be good but is probably shit tier.

Oswald Spengler

Nope, looks like shit desu.

Also you're fat I guess.

>reading the paper Jew
Good goy

please post genius tier stuff

what do you mean?

1913 - Charles Emerson
The Cold War - John Lewis Gaddis
The Pope and Mussolini - David Kertzer
Revolt Against the Modern World - Evola
The Culture of Critique - Kevin MacDonald

Ernst Jünger = FICTION


Written in the 90s, almost everything in it has come true.

And a great redpill for normies on why Islam is not a friend of the west

Been trying to get this going for a few months now. No one seemed interested. Currently reading Human Smoke. I'll read anything you guys agree on and we can set a time to make a thread and discuss it.

literature not from bulgaria

Same could be said for Australia

this and the first yurope are now available in print
still waiting for amazon to send my copies though

Good bantz you fucking turkslav cunt


Plato and Aristotle were degenerate faggot pederasts.

at least they aren't niggers

Varg is a faggot too, he got fucked in the ass in prison and liked it.

You'll still never be white though.


Fuck off, abo.

No wonder you defend faggots, your abo culture fucks boys too.


someone will post the 'Foundation for Exploration" and then everyone will start fagging over it but I can't find a pdf anywhere

R8 my tastes

>taking the bell curve seriously

pic related is me, I'm an autistic loser who never achieved anything but in IQ terms I'm closer to Einstein than I am to the average person

>this guy every time

>In a communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd or critic.


>Only then will the separate individuals be liberated from the various national and local barriers, be brought into practical connection with the material and intellectual production of the whole world and be put in a position to acquire the capacity to enjoy this all-sided production of the whole earth (the creation of man).

Marxism, not even once.

>By maintaining that the crimes of history are the result of error, Enlightenment philosophers create a problem of evil as insoluble as any that confronts Christian theologians. Why are humans so fond of error? Why has growing knowledge been used to establish new kinds of tyranny and wage ever more destructive wars? In struggling to answer these questions Enlightenment thinkers cannot help falling back into a view of history as a battle between light and dark. The light may be that of knowledge and the darkness that of ignorance, but the view of the world is the same.

>Modern political religions may reject Christianity, but they cannot do without demonology. The Jacobins, the Bolsheviks an the Nazis all believed vast conspiracies were mounted against them, as do radical Islamists today. It is never the flaws of human nature that stand in the way of Utopia.

what up brainlet

Nobody has been able to sell me on that book. It looks somewhat idiotic from the only quote of it I've read.


yeah what is that about, seen in multiple trheads

>it's another le "middle class liberal goes to the sticks and gawks at poor white people like they're zoo animals" book!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ

Umm, you didn't even read so much as the cover, which was kindly posted for your convenience. If you did you would have noticed the word "memoir."

It's based on his experiences and of other soliders he knew, but it's not biographical.

you took an online IQ test and think highly of yourself. You calling me a brainlet is the equivalent of a guy in high heels and an afro calling another guy a manlet

Read the Greeks/Romans and Edmund Burke but skip the fashy memebooks. Evola and Spengler are interesting reads but I wouldn't prioritize them highly because they're somewhat esoteric. Ditch the rest of that shit and read pic related.

>he hasn't read Culture of Critique

actual pleb desu


it's the official mensa test you fucking retard

don't know, see people cumming all over it non-stop on /pol

What is he even talking about?

Sounds like meh gibs from the gov't so i can chill and do whatever I want whenever I want.

so are your priests, but they have made contributions to the West as well

Reading the classical authors, reading the Western canon and reading the major pol-sci texts found on any syllabus (Bentham, John Stewart Mill, Burke, Carlyle etc) is a much better way to become well read and develop a complete education than reading a bunch of shit from a Sup Forums infographic or the Golden One's recommended list.

The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Marx believed that all that we think that people are today, is because of society made them that way. Society indoctrinated them that way, or mainly economics did.

So in a true free world(of communism) people would be smarter, more creative and better in every way possible because none of these systems of oppression and exploitation would be holding them down.

He literally believed all that you are is because of society.

He once wrote
>consciousness of men does not determine society but rather it is society that determines the consciousness of men

this goes a lot deeper than the sense you get from reading it, it goes to the fundamental level of your being, he believed.

No. For Marx, doing whatever you want whenever you want is, fundamentally, an act of PRODUCTION, of labor, and not merely one of consumption and enjoyment. For him, the fundamental fact of human nature is a dialectical process of man with nature through the modification of nature through labor. The communist system is supposed to bring about the end of alienation, a kind of situation which made labor meaningless for man, thus robbing him of his true humanity. Under this system, human potential is supposed to be realized through meaningful labor which, a situation in which, for some reason, each and every laborer is appreciably more productive than under a capitalist system. He is also freer, unconstrained by capitalist demands of production.

Why this should come about is unclear, but it never the less is the utopian vision.

My mind keeps alluding to reading Ride the Tiger but I hesitate to buy it for something more relevant or maybe it is. Whatever great work new or older

For a guy who talks about being educated, you really don't provide any arguments whatsoever

have you ever been on an IQ test thread with that site on Sup Forums? everyone has 140 IQ +

>bring about the end of alienation, a kind of situation which made labor meaningless for man, thus robbing him of his true humanity.

and all of that is flimsily supported by shoddily explained 'work is man's species being'.

>based on what Marx?

so the rest of your drivel would make sense?

There's no reason to think that, not one. If people could survive and reproduce without moving, we would all be trees.

>have you ever been on an IQ test thread with that site on Sup Forums? everyone has 140 IQ +

found a brainlet!

>only people who think of themselves as smart will even attempt to do the test because of their vanity
>from those, only the ones who actually get good scores would then post them on Sup Forums
>this is how you get the whole thread with 130+ IQs when in reality like 5 people in a thousand should have a 130+ IQ

Chink masterrace reporting for duty.

You can get e-readers used pretty cheap, then just read whatever you like that's in the public domain on that, if money is an issue.

Is Gulag Archipelago recommended reading? I heard Jordan Peterson mention it.

>Marx - Capital

Fuck off Jew.

>hurr durr reading a book is the same thing as agreeing with it

This book will open your eyes!

He basically restructures Stoicism and Nietzsche to say that we can act either destructively or constructively and gives some pretty solid arguments for how this duality is the underlying framework for a lot of our behavior. He explains that with free will it is up to us to decide which path in the duality to go down. Then he basically goes on a rant for 30 pages about how men should be men, women women, and how the sexual liberation was a mistake, but explains it in a philosophical manner (destructiveness, etc.). Then he advocates for working together to achieve an agrarian society that also has the capacity to explore the universe. A little far fetched but interesting. I can see interest from pol because he is essentially a traditionalist who believes that through each individual's actions, the "collective conscious" can be manipulated in favor of curbing destructiveness. I.e shitposting against degeneracy has sway over society.

you were saying?

You better of read major theory on psychology, sociology and philosophy first. The thing why he recommends - it's a great illustration of the underlining human psyche and what limits can it be pushed to by rational ideology.

thanks for answering

The Star Spangled Crown. Should be manditory reading for American Monarchists.


you literally saved someone else's result from Sup Forums and twice at that because if you had taken a screenshot it would ask you before you saved if you wanted that filename given that it already exist and you would have likely changed it then to say something like iq test

>brainlets, when will they be able to think

>psychology, sociology and philosophy
I'm sure I'll get by without wasting time on the non sciences.

no because I already had this on my pc you absolute autist

>non sciences

Pinochet is that you ?

aye aye

You know you want to.

as I have said, there are couple of possibilities here

>you downloaded the picture by clicking the download icon on Sup Forums and it automatically downloaded the image without asking to rename


>you took the screenshot yourself(in whatever manner), where you would have been offered a dialog saying "there's already a file named 'graph.png' would you like to change it. Then you would most likely change it in order to quickly post it by just searching it because then you have just done the IQ test and wanted to post it in the thread so people would see you, which means that ease and speed were factors involved

why do brainlets even live?

you can download the picture from the site and it saves as graph.png. Try it out for yourself


Mustread for anyone who wants to talk about politics, culture or anything related

Why tf are Dominicans so religious.

Great book.

you shared a folder of Monroe andnot books you genius

Didn't expect anyone here liking it. Nice to know there are people like you, user

Brainlet here. How do I read any/all these books?

>tfw to dumb to self-medicate myself with the redpill

Typical potatonigger

Nah but seriously here you go!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

No I mean like literally how do I read these books. Like where do I begin? What is entry level reading? I can't just dive straight into the redpill, it will be too much to comprehend and it will lose all effect

What do you even mean by "red pill"? Turning into a Sup Forums-kind nazi-hipster or getting a less biased view on reality?

Pick one that sounds interesting to you and start reading. Some people create 'reading guides' and flowcharts, but they're really just suggestions. Pick a topic, pick a book, and just tear into it. If it doesn't really grab you, than try another. Culture of Critique is a classic first, though.