Continuing from
Ask away. I'll give it my best.
Continuing from
Ask away. I'll give it my best.
When are the Germans going to start doing shit? I mean the 4th reich and stuff.
What is the future of the U S of A?
When we die, does our consciousness inhabit the same body in the next universe? Same genetic code, family, etc, or will it be a different person? Could I be a different gender or race?
ETA on this fourth Reich? Or things that need to happen before they're ready?
When will the shit actually hit the fan? When is the big "reveal" and humanity know the truth about what's going on?
> in b4 "Soon"
Also can we get past the firmament? Are there really holes in it?
Is space just a vast amount of water? What's really going on up there?
Anything you can talk about the firmament, that'd be awesome.
Any cool/awesome facts that we should know, that'll help us all further humanity? Or awaken us?
Convince me that this isn't a larp.
Whay role does Trump have and what goes down with the space nazis in Antarctic like you suggested?
Did the people behind Iron Sky know stuff or were they just guessing?
Why wont they save us?
We're being subtly tortured by sadistic kikes, and these kikes and their pets even cannibalize and rape kids.
Why do they wait? We are loyal to our Fuhrer. Pic definitely related.
Why bother man?
Either kys or move on.
What's bothering you so much?
If whites aren't native to earth then where did we come from?
Why are you so slow?
What is your profession?
Why did they take your family?
I'm 22, what are some interesting things to look out for in my lifetime?
What are 'greys'?
Way ahead of you mate
What's going on in the Yukon? Pro German? Counter German? Just trying to hide?
Is the existence of a widespread technology grid (power/comms/radio) a net asset or liability?
How much of this shit is planned vs. improvised?
Seriously, can shit just go down already?
At this point, rather die in a blaze of glory than fucking punch a keyboard for 30 more years for nothing.
Are you familiar with the youtube channel Thule Productions? He says a lot of the same things as you when it comes to the 4th Reich/Imperial Germans.
Also... any idea when we will see the return?
What shape will it take? Flying disks?
Where does Trump lie in the grand scheme of things? Good or bad?
In your last thread you said that ETs want nothing to do with Earth until we achieve a world that's ruled by one governing body.
You also said that the Germans are against globalization and have the Earth's Best interests in mind
Why would we not want anything to do with interstellar societies? Going by this logic alone, shouldnt we want globalism?
Hello user.
Are 100% of the "ufo" sightings we read about just experimental test flights from global superpower countries?
Its been asked twice now OP:
I doubt you can give a timeframe for security reasons, but I know many of us feel here something strange about this year. Two dates that have been thrown around are 7/7 and 9/23. Care to comment on either of these dates or another to mark on the calendar?
Any other signs to watch out for that will indicate we are close?
> Makes new thread
> no replies
CIA get ya up there?
OK OP, you didn't answer me on Nazi Antarctica so lets see if I have more luck now.
I've heard on Sup Forums about Solomon's temple who used to be in the north pole, except that the north pole is now the south one. And we humans were allegedly made there. Could you possibly be talking about this?
Or maybe is it aliens living there? How can they survive in suck extreme weather?
What is the eu?
Not OP, but tomorrow will be a globally eventful day.
what about the Germans and CIA and their hacking of biology with depopulation weapons such as engineered transmittable cancer?
I can answer that. Its the kikes.
Will we have a destruction ending, enslavement ending, true freedom ending or what nigga
maybe yahweh is extraterrestrial and the covenant jews made is a very real thing
and when god reappears, this will when the world is sufficiently united under a one government rule courtesy of the hard efforts of jews, and these "chosen people" are chosen for his mercy and everyone else is sent to the recycle bin
I feel like lately this is said about everyday
How do we join or support the "good guys" and how will we know they are the good guys?
Is Agartha a cool place?
I'd like to have a nice beach house by the central sun after all this kikery business is over.
Hints at what tomorrow brings?
Well, everyday is a holiday.
But not tomorrow.
>no replies
When the world is at its breaking point. Hunger, famine, religion/racewars, debt...
They will offer salvation. They will be painted as many things.
AntiChrist, Devil, Evil Extra Terrestrials.
>over 30 posts in and OP hasn't replied
I blame anon5 for this increase of Sup Forums larping.
>be OP
>make new thread
>ignore new thread
Do you mean 3/11 or 3/10?
What can you give us in terms of a timeline for future events?
As a crypto kike mixed breed Bobby Fischer is my hero. Also Solzhenitsyn
>sonderkommando applications when?
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
I hate religion however I can relate to Jesus being tortured before he was extinguished.
Jesus was real.
Religion is Bullshit.
His "father" is real.
They may be God's to us, not to Intergalactic societies though.
According to many prophecies then the 4th reich ARE the Satan
more Antarctica sauce
frozen pyramids? melting ice? nuclear power? nazi base? aye lmao?
I haven't seen that .gif since I first started going on Sup Forums, nice to see an image with an '08 mark on it.
This sounds like a psyop to radicalized the right so far right that cucks start swaying to the left.
But since there's conflicting sides based on your statements (and questions that haven't been answered), which pray tell, is the "right" side?
Germans and the 4th? I can only assume, since whomever opposes them want us as feed.
I wonder what the real Nazis think about Sup Forums and people like the Daily Stormer?
How's that bottle of Rye?
Also, does the 4th Reich like Kek and Thoth?
Doesn't Religion contribute to a shared sense of direction, and therefore could be called the earliest form of meme magic?
I understand the distaste for "organized" religion due to the fact that any human institution can become corrupted. However, I think a religious culture is important for social cohesion. Even if not everybody believes in the literal sense, they still are "cultural" Christians
Its possible to endorse globalism as an ideal and detest "globalism", the current version/path were going down. No idea if thats relevant to OP
Qi Men Dun Jia?
What are the elites really using humanity for? I get trying to force everyone into one race, one language, one culture, but... why?
My guess is that like it has to do with the Samson option. Op already stated it's already being implemented. So I'm going to assume the like elite are essentially holding the world hostage with a nuclear apocalypse to ensure the Reich doesn't break humanity free from their reign.
Clearly, getting to the bottom
Checked btw
More Antarctica stuff bitte.
When will Der Fuhrer Come to save us ?
Eternal slavery
LARPing like this should be a bannable offence. This isn't /x/.
Aldebaran apparently.
You'd have to work out what "globalism" means. To me, a good form of "globalism" is a world of unique nations, cultures, and people, that work together in commerce and exchange of ideas. Due to nuclear capability, I think there's a real deterrent against jingoism becoming the norm like it was in the 1800's-early 1900's era of nation states.
Put simply, the nation state is the largest unit in which a group can functionally unite in a direct political way. Anything larger becomes too easily corrupted, so I firmly believe that a global government would be the worst tyranny ever known in our history.
How will we signal to the furher we're on his side?
How could the German Reich have survived this long? Where do they get their people from?
>AntiChrist, Devil, Evil Extra Terrestrials.
And are they not?
They are foreigners, they have no place here and do not deserve our trust, not to mention that their for now future actions have echoed in time and are not so hidden to those that are not slumbering.
You will see, they are deceitful and will try and succeed at corrupting our beloved Yggdrasil.
Earth will die because of them, and most importantly it will suffer a death so painful that even the stars will weep.
Discord to keep chatting about this and to circulate info
Why mods prune last thread right before archive? Fucking mods.
Will we live long enough to see the Fourth Reich?
To close to the truth.
it's not just one nebulous culture
it has to be a uniform government-dependent slave culture
if you went to a planet to try and turn them into servants, or take resources without uproar, would you want a huge section of the population to start rebelling and firing nukes? no, you want a nice welcoming population of doormats who'll gladly accept your otherworldly wisdom in exchange for their well-being and freedoms
it's really simple, it's just global elite conspiracy with added aliens
As the other user said. Slavery and tyranny. Essentially global communism, where the elites live in lavish fortresses, funded by the slavery of the dumbed down and controlled masses. Likely a linking elite of police and military who maintain direct physical control of the masses it necessary. But the people would be so brainwashed through their dumbed down state (mass miscegenation), limited education (think farenheight 451), and consumer culture to replace religion, philosophy, and national culture
I've been the same person through 3 deaths now.
I haven't died "naturally" though, so I couldn't tell you.
Are these God's 'to us' living in another dimension? Who are they? What is their purpose? What is ours?
Does it matter? Nothing will change.
Nothing can be done
OP is a faggot as always and should either kill him/herself or move on and do something productive rather than bitch on Sup Forums.
I've thought of it like this, stupid example but works in my head.
Think of god as a father, Jesus as his son and the world we live in as a game or simulation the father created. He gave his son admin rights on the server with godmode enabled.
Of course. But I'm wondering the greater point; the end point. They have their fortress and a huge pool of broken humanity. What to do with all that resource? Is there some religious purpose the elites wish to come to fruition? Or is it just greedy power? I can't help but feel the elite must believe they are doing it all for some greater purpose. Naturally, humans are too greedy to work together for so many centuries to have such control... except in cases of religion.
I think we've lost him to the whisky. He's probably passed out over the keyboard.
>except in cases of religion.
what do you mean except? you mean including.
But his father did not tell his son who he is.
His son must discover who he is.
When he does, the cycle begins again.
You OK OP?
Interesting. Forgot that part. To expand on the retard theory, then it's like he downloaded his consciousness into the simulation. Like Roy the game. And it took him a long time to realize who he actually is.
Religion seems to be the only concept that keeps a people bound to a single cause for multiple centuries across multiple nations. Greedy people working for simple power or money, even working together, will inevitably turn on each other as their greed consumes them. Once done so, their control falls apart. I have a theory that the Rothchilds and tons of other families, businessmen, bankers, and elites, *think* they have found some kind of "truth". Whether what they believe is real or not is irrelevant- *they* think it's real. I'm just curious what they really believe and what their eventual goal is, after enslaving humanity.
>worshiping money isn't a religion
>what their eventual goal is, after enslaving humanity.
That's simple, they will be as "gods", literally.
Keep it coming. OP!
For just 50$ you can become me in your next life, I was Marcus Aurelius once, now I'm an unemployed, alcoholic Finn.
Nature is a miracle.
New black knight satellite footage
Wow how vague fuck you stupid leaf
If this post ends in odds then nazis will help us from apocoleepse
Come on!!!! Don't die on us OP! Anons are with thee
all the semitic religions are the worship of saturn. kikes are soulless demonic subhumans and the braindead husks who worship semitic gods have sold their souls (if they even had one). 'worship' in the modern sense is in and of itself a flawed act of subservience and cuckoldry, a willing slavery to malicious forces.
1/5th apparently is enough to put OP on the floor.
that or he got bored of the LARP and had a good lulz