Why the fuck doesn't he legalize weed?

We all know it's going to happen eventually. Trump might as well be the one to do it. It would be a brilliant political move, as it would sway many youths to his side and well as moderate "libertarians" who only care about drugs.

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Because he isn't degenerate piece of shit

now get the fuck out


Sessions already confirmed weed will be a state issue, that was after Spicer's comments which where misconstrued.

He will use the issue when the time is right, call your titties.

He's saving that for reelection in four years.

At least that's what I would do.

>calm your titties

>why doesnt trump just be the most lftist retard ever

you shills arent even trying.

weeds cool bruh

Anything that reduces the power of the state is great in my book.


you the shill, pretending to be ultra ring wing.

weed is for fucking degenerates that need to intoxicate themselves with shit to get on with life.

Potheads are scum of this country and every drug dealer will be hanged for providing drugs to uneducated, disgusting, deplorable teenage pieces of shit.


Waiting for the next election, obviously. Legalizing weed will BTFO millions of liberals.

Here's an articulate and comprehensive answer


He's trying to legalize prostitution instead, weeds not even on his radar

Weed is degenerate.

shut the fuck up you subhuman czcheck, you dont even know what real weed looks like, stupid ass bitch

do you not even care about the economy? of course not, youre not even fucking american. shut the fuck up and go talk about chzecks 40 cent alcohol cunt

this is why Trump got the Black votes...

Youre fucking retarded people literally give away weed in eastern europe

dude chill i am not even czech lmao, i am from Somalia and i can tell you your women love black dicks and weed, i have both

I want to curb stomp every god damn stoner so bad holy fuck kill them all

a real libertarian doesnt make this a federal issue

Czech dude hates weed because he has no friends that give him free weed


So I just need to dial 8008?

>Why the fuck doesn't he legalize weed?
Because "Fox and Friends" didn't tell him to.

I prefer "call your titties." There's a little Freudian layer there, you're telling him to get back with his mom and be taken care of. It's cool.

>"libertarians" who only care about drugs.

We mainly care about taxes, m8. I've been smoking weed for a long time regardless of the law, but tax evasion is too serious and I wont fuck around with that shit.

I don't see how putting yourself in a different state of mind is degenerate if it doesn't hurt you, if right wing parties were going after kids playing tag as degenerate because it is pleasurable and that was a common belief would you be the kind of person to support that belief? Are you a European going through babby's first stage of right wing thought?


Weed is a personal choice. It is great for the economy. Will give the gov. mucho bucks thru tax. Why do you want the government to nanny you on what you can and can't do? Are you fucking 15?


Legalizing weed would also btfo the Mexishit drug cartels so I really don't get why he doesn't do it.

Because the president can't just go 'WEED IS LEGAL AND BY THE WAY PLEASE GIVE ME TAKING LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY FROM TAXES TO BUY MYSELF A MANSION ANS VIDEO GAMES BECAUSE I'M KING OF AMERICA AND CAN DO LITERALLY ANYTHING I WANT!' Trump supports the legalization of weed but he doesn't have the power to just make it legal plus he has much bigger problems than weed.

Get the fuck out Cali Commie fags

Degenerate spic-tier pieces of shit, you bring shame upon the white race and your country
>different state of mind
killing yourself will bring you to different state of mind my friend, try that one, maybe you'll learn something new.
I'm sure you are one of those experimenting guys amirite

He's got some more important things to worry about right now - that's a 3rd or 4th year issue.

Sessions is reported to have said that they're not going to interfere with States who've legalized it, and concentrate on volume dealers and imports, which is really reasonable, all things considered.

Legalizing it at the Federal level will happen eventually.

The only thing Trump is personally using taxes for is travel and security

>Election time 2020
>SJW/Soros propaganda machine/riots in full force
>Trump states he will legalize weed if elected again
>liberal heads explode as they are all forced to vote for a man they hate for access to an intoxicant they love
>democratic party never recovers

Grats, you're the #1 uptight asshole on Sup Forums today.

Why not just get all blacks and Whites on one side so the immigrants can't fight back against us.

because "muh campaign" '

he did run as a republican you know, which probably means he has a bunch of anti-weed fags in his ear

Liberals have bent over backwards to show that they're going to hate Trump even when he does shit they support. His own base would be mad at him if he did it. He can't take votes out of his pocket and throw them away for a demographic that's not going to support him for it.
I want legal pot too, but thinking Trump is going to make it legal isn't really the way to go about it. Instead, try to get a petition going on exclusively liberal campuses getting people to pledge voting for Trump in 2020 if he legalizes it. That's the only chance you got if you don't want to wait for a liberal leader like Justin Trudeau....who knows they only have to dangle the possibility of legalization to secure the pothead vote securely.

If liberals actually gave you pot, they wouldn't have a lock on your vote. Republicans will only shoot themselves in the foot if they give it to you. Neither side has any incentive whatsoever to change the status quo at this moment in time.

That's not what I was saying.

I have a feeling he's going to BTFO all of the libs crying about how much he travels (they never cried about Obama, who was constantly using Air Force One), by cutting a check for the travel out of his own pocket.

Most stoners won't smoke weed in front of their wives' kids, because they know it's wrong and sets a bad example. Yet they all want it legal. Please explain.

Muh fee fees! How dare you criticize muh addiction!

>why doesn't he just be a liberal then he'll get their votes

Also will motivate us who only care about freedom.

Actually that would be a brilliant move.

the economy, cuck

>Actually that would be a brilliant move.

Also, he is criminalizing his enemies

> CA, WA, NY governments
> which are run by democrats


Why no try it and tell us how it works out for you.

He can't legalize weed, too much corporate interest in its current status and future regulation. Which is really the sad part, we're never actually going to get legalized weed we're going to get regulated bullshit so you have to pay to play in order to sell it. Most people could grow a shit ton in their back yard. It would work beautifully as an unregulated market that wasn't criminalized, but thats not we're going to get from the currect system. You gotta pay money to pour water on a seed. Humans society is really fucking disgusting, we're so not free, we're fucking farm animals

Despite such a policy being in liberals best interests they are so emotionally invested in hating him that no matter they will never vote for him. Furthermore, it would piss off his majority conservative base. It's political suicide.

Freedom Party when

most on the Right dont give a fuck. once the economy is booming, theyll give even less fucks

Because his older brother, Ralph, who Trump idolized, died from a weed overdose. Trump will NEVER legalize Satan's lettuce, get used to it you degenerate pill popper.

>what is Congress

>Trump states he will legalize weed if elected again
Won't work. He lied about releasing his taxes. He will lie about legalizing weed. He needs to get on legalization now.

He only neads to conekt it to his new helth care plan and all coservativs will axept it as a usfull Medical drug.

>what is "tweet"

Same thing with cigarettes. We should be legal and similarly regulated.

>wives' kids

Legalization would increase use and create more Bernie voting libtards. Weed is a cancer. It turns you into a white nigger.

Also keeping it illegal gives cops a reason to arrest niggers and put them where they belong, in a cell, even if they don't have any evidence of any of the other crimes the nigger has committed or will commit.


Even as a libertarian, I find this a surprisingly compelling answer.

He said during a campaign rally that he supports medical and believes that recreational should be left up as a states rights issue.

That was the reason the Nixon ramped up prohibition.

who gives a shit
if you really want weed you can get it, and fairly risk free as well, regardless of the laws

Calm down Nikola, your communist bloc indoctrination is showing.

t. Nigger

They won't legalize it until they can figure out a way to effectively hand a weedopoly over to a fat American corporation.

Because potheads are faggots

Libertarians has become an even more meme word than it was previously in America because of Gary A Leppo's party.
After being liberal and seeing our designation coopted, we called ourselves libertarians, which has the advantage of being an ugly word, but the word still fucking got coopted.
We should throw it all out and call ourselves ansnekism, that should keep the name pure for a few decades.

You clearly know nothing of how the American government works

Please go kill yourslef

Fuck your degeneration, neither weed nor alcohol should've been ever invented.

>communist bloc indoctrination
Get the fuck out
You are the one propagandizing hyper-liberalism with your fellows from Cali with Mr. Fernandez and Mr. Sombrero

in time. he cant do anything without the country wanting to murder him. it'll take a bit of time

He should save it until near the end of his first term.

Faggs will do anything for a blunt.

this. It gives a perfect reason to keep the white degenerates and niggers in jail

Not worth the social degradation that comes with it. Legal cities are fucking disgusting and everything reeks like nigger basil.

No, no, it's true, think about it... A lot of very intelligent people, people who I have a great deal of respect for, tell me, "Mr. Trump, you had an older brother named Ralph who died from substance abuse". Now I love substance abusers, I employ thousands of them, many live in y building, ok? But even they tell me, "Mr. Trump, the Devil's Weed has got a grip on me". And you wanna know what I tell them? I tell them, no alcohol, no smoking, and no drugs... It's true, it's true. Mexico and China, and others, are sending that stuff over here by ton, ok. Now that's because our leaders are incompetent, maybe they're weed addicts themselves, who knows.

nigga, dey got weed in our country, tho.

Source? I believe you

Fuck off. Have you actually visited a legal city?

Because it's a non issue to him, he's going to let Sessions act out his war on drugs fantasies and burn political capital on it.

He'll only reign in Session's leash if it threatens to get him ousted in 2020.

Tiffany trump smokes medical marijuana

And that's why you don't run a billion dollar business. fucking nigger

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I'm going to need a sauce on that. Because the last I heard was Spicer's comments which is as far as we know, the official position of the white house until we hear otherwise from Trump himself.

I didn't have a rich daddy. Trump would just be another grunt if he were born poor.

it's already a federal issue, thanks to the CSA. You can't make it NOT a federal issue until you remove it from federal law.

Checkmate fuckwad.

It would annihilate the moral fabric of our country.

Weed will be federally legalized whenever enough old people die. A lot of them still vote and you shouldn't expect a change until 2024 at the earliest. 11 year olds today would be of legal age to vote.

>Moral fabric

The DEA isn't going to let go of their taxpayer funded cannabis prohibition gravy train. They love their drug and hooker parties too much.

Lmao CO is overwhelmingly white. america is going down the drain because burgers dont know shit about themselves

bumping because you're a kike

In fact this is the most recent thing I can find:
