Why do normies on Facebook like this guy?
Why do normies on Facebook like this guy?
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normies like him????????
wtf I hate PJW now
Because they're not so contrarian that they dislike literally everything that is popular.
Because he is like the shallow end of the red pill pool
Because he's one of the best conservative commentators out there. The only reason you guys don't like him is because Sup Forums told you not to.
>he's actually being censored off Facebook for posting articles about Vault 7
He's doing something right, don't see you getting actively censored by Facebook.
Because they're normies.
Rare flag
Been on Sup Forums since 2012.
Whats wrong with him exactly? PJW blows Leftists the fuck out on the regular and hits all the right points.
Because he's a gigantic homosexual.
(((They))) always use these homosexuals, pedophiles, genocidal maniacs, or jews to "represent" the right.
Not sure why so many here don't like the guy, and other "alt-light" commentators. He brings a wider audience and puts people on the right path. Hard to bring in discontent and critical minds with "gas the kikes" - even Hitler realized that.
>one of the best conservative commentators
>not a basic attention-seeking link poster
do it right faggot
I like him. He deconstructs the ridiculous narratives down to there absurd basics and destroys them in a concise, easy to digest manner. Intro to redpill.
lol only myspace angles make this dude look like anything other than a prissy fag
Memes aside, even though I think he is not perfect I like him. He has been in this for long time, since the early 2000s iirc, and he during the early online conspiracy community days. He's not like Lauren (((Southern))) or any of those money-grabbing kikes.
>don't see you getting actively censored by Facebook
I've had about 15 accounts disabled in the past year and numerous pages unpublished. My buddy from the UK had over 90 accounts disabled last year alone. There are only 52 weeks in a year. Wrap your head around those numbers.
You don't SEE other people getting censored on facebook, because they are actually, really, and truly being censored.
Because fuck the mayne stream meteor
Why not? The points he makes are all valid, i.e-Shitskins do not assimilate into civilized society.
Because he speaks the truth.