CIA has Meme Warfare Center.
It's not a joke. It's in Wikileaks. They literally made a division for memes.
CIA has Meme Warfare Center
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We were beating them before we even knew we were fighting them.
Must feel bad.
This the greatest thing I have ever seen paid shills making memes professionally can't best a couple thousand autists doing it for fun.
>Feels good
>not posting the full image
you mean like all the trump memes that took over the web like wildfire?
Please post link to Wikileaks page showing this info, or indicate where it is indexed: I have limited time to look.
First post best post.
at their very best they were mistaken for leafs on proxies.
Kek it's true
As far as I can determine, this was part of someone's West Point graduate thesis made back in 2005. I suspect it was a lighthearted way of making something impressive sounding that the instructors wouldn't understand or notice, and not a serious proposal.
So, no?
This is bullshit, or what?
I hope you're right
It's real, it's not from Wikileaks but from a PDF on a .mil website, I was just looking at it yesterday let me try to find it
Lmao they probably had no idea why we shrugged them off so easily.
>Thesis made in 2005
>The era of advice dog and other primordial memes
>Nobody thinks they've invented memes in the first place under a false sense of security by playing to the audience's interests in each demographic.
I sure hope they failed.
news flash
CIA has spy tools, does spy shit
like revealing the army has tanks, uses tanks to blow shit up
It's the original meaning of the word, you idiots. It doesn't mean producing internet pictures with words on them.
The interesting thing about all this actually, is that the term "meme warfare" was originally coined by leftist movements, as a special case of their tactics of "culture jamming" and "detournmént" that date back to the French Situationist movement of the late 1960s and, very ironically, the Frankfurt School.
Thanks, user.
I'm so indebted those of you who have the time to search this stuff out.
Yeah this.
But actually, the real thing is that much more scary.
According to the sources above, the Earth Liberation Front could be considered an early example of meme warfare. The entire organization is really just one giant meme.
Here's one of the PDFs, written by a lieutenant. This is very similar to the one I found, but it's different. There are probably many different memetic divisions.
Forgot to mention, it gets juicy at page 43 of that PDF
Thanks user, but how did this come out if not Wikileaks?
I believe it came out of a prior leak, not the recent one. It just wasn't found until now.
Ah, ok
Advice dog wasn't 2005. I came to Sup Forums in 2007 and advice dog was a newfag meme for me. Must have been like 2011
Quick rundown?
Only rural and suburban beta retards, who jerk off to anime, believe wikileaks, educated city alphas trust the CIA.
>Implying we aren't already the Memetic Warfare Center
Step off CIA or we will sue you for copyright infringement
The sauce -USMC study:
They cant compete with the true genuine meme.
There it is, thanks user. Here it is m8
Check out their homepage too after the PDF, very interesting
delete this, goy
Dat Boi was a completely CIA created meme
Holy shit guys take notes. we need to use this in the kekistani army
We are on the path.
Shadilay brother!
How the fuck do you take a screenshot of text and have it be blurry? No wonder British people beat you up.
bureaucrats are a new feudal class. those cunts do more damage then good and cash in on hard work of others.
when revolutions happen, and they will, those self serving greedy dumbfucks will be the only one to blame.
They fucking suck at memes
I bet they haven't even been here since 2006 newfags need to GTFO
This might be old but...
>it takes the CIA whole teams of people to make memes
It's a waste of money. You can't force memes or fake them. Memes must be based on truth, otherwise they end up failing quickly, or are satirically co-opted to work against the lie the kike pedophile cia wants.
That's where all these bootlicker memes about nationalism, trump, anti globalism, etc have come from
Pretty sure the trump campaign and putin shilled here hard too for several years
>muh Sup Forums redpills
Pretty gay meme t-b-h
Who's got the screen cap of the post when some shill came clean and admitted that in spite of them taking down foreign governments, they couldn't break us?
You must be squirming over how badly you've been losing lately, globalist. Pretty fitting for a worm.
>memes must be based on truth
So Hillary Clinton really is a comatose robo-lizzard and Chuck Norris' tears really can cure cancer?
Dat boi was the same kinda meme as stuff like Thoth and the Bogs. Just a few NEETS pushing a meme super hard.
Those are weak memes, and they failed.
The memes which succeeded were: pizzagate, pedogate, cia nigger, pepe the sad frog (sad because kikes subverted his homeland), hitler memes, kek the lord of entropy etc.
Those retarded normie memes you're talking about last maybe a few months.
Is that a good definition of meme?
I've never been proud about being a useful idiot unlike trumpcucks who shill for the state, but be my guest and guzzle some more on that authoritarian jizz, cockroach.
do not forget the real enemy here: the terrorists. See image. The CIA is not bad in doing what it does because it is protecting people.
>meme engineer
Chuck Norris is years old. Or how about the "Gore invented the internet" meme.
To quote Mark Twain, "A lie can go halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on."
You burgers are lucky bastards. You can now work for the CIA because you have 5+ years of experience in meme warfare.
Maybe those forced feeling memes, like the boganoff BS are made by the CIA?
>useful idiot
>Trump is kicking out my engineering competition with h1b cuts
>manufacturing is picking up meaning more engineering jobs in total for my field
>my family is getting more healthcare subsidies with the GOP plan
>illegals are being kicked out so my uneducated family members will make more
Seems like a pretty good deal paco. Well worth the effort put in.
Kek, you'd shill for the state too if your ideology was in power, don't even lie. Get off your ivory tower too while you're at it, worm.
What if there are both meme-loyalists & global-shills?
Are the Marines with us -or the shit-reeking spooks?
>he thinks Sup Forumss memetics is grassroots
>work for the CIA
>lucky bastards
lol CIA sucks and working there is hell if you have any kind of morals at all whatsoever, which you should if you're not a degenerate.
Do you even know what a meme is?
Memes have been around since we were able to pass an idea on to another human.
In this case, memetics is a subdivision of a propaganda unit.
You truly are an uneducated spaz.
Again, weak memes that have no political power.
I don't think so, but Lenny Face was made by the CIA, hence why it appeard out of fucking nowhere and was extremely forced, it's on the leaks.
Hope your kidding
Normies seemed to love it.
Oh shit waddup.
A-are we big guys, Sup Forums?
>mfw Snowden's secret role was meme engineer
>the egineer is a spy
>Meme Management Officer
>110k a year with benefits
I'm 7.5 inches bone pressed.
>genius tier brain
>nigger tier dick
It was 2006, newfag.
I think this is one of those examples of just because they could does not mean they should. I genuinely expected more from CIA, this seems like a plot from a Will Ferrell Mark Wahlburg buddy comedy.
Screenshot of the Sargon video
O-of course it is. Just emerging out of the sea of darwinian memolution.
>"They also favor extreme perspectives: a recent study from Texas University found that individuals who are socially isolated and more likely to be characterized as 'on the fringe' have a greater chance at creating a successful meme."
Well, finding out the truth of all that has taken place is a radical thing.
The article also mentions the #DraftOurDaughters meme. KEK The reason that meme was so effective was that it was based in so much uncomfortable truths that the media still doesn't mention even when that article talks about the meme. Hillary's war mongering speeches about Russia and the no-fly zone was at the core of that meme. Then the article says women in combat is "gender equality" yet doesn't examine if different genders really can function equally in combat (hint: we can't!!!!) This is why we need memes and why they hate our memes, Sup Forums's memes challenge the MSM's narrative in a very effective way.
We should start our own Washington DC think tank.
Check your thickness. I'm rocking 8mil because poor. You?
What are you talking about? Most of the faggot "conservatives" here are pro war and pro military. This whole website has been successfully fabricated into the political opposite of reddit and secured a whole new generation supporting the military industrial complex
We already are. We need to stay decentralized. No one can shut it down that way, if they shutdown the chan everyone just moves to another chan
Asian detected. Ching chong my friend.
Damn you got me
>ching chong
Tsao mein wah choau lein mai tsie hoa who hau ching lau orange chicken hua tsei mai jao lo mein
I don't understand why? What purpose would Lenny face meme serve the CIA? Or is it just an excuse for their payroll to keep coming in?
Who said anything about us being conservatives? This is Sup Forums. We're everything mixed together, but we're all anti-globalist. You're chasing phantoms.
If /pol was thoughtlessly "pro-war" we would've been pro-Hillary.
Memes don't kill people. People kill memes.
Stay dank my friends.
>digital micrometer
You might as well just say you can't read a micrometer and don't use quality machines (only good machines are American in imperial units.)
The cuckservative jew loving faggots are immigrants from r/thedonald.
/pol has always been a nat soc board with an annoying libertarian minority
>Damn you got me
Me is master profiler. Me is working for very secrete service.
Yeah. But those didgets tho
theres alot more shitposting and non-political threads when there are important leaks
also nice sargon of cuck video screenshot
>tfw shitposting on "addictive and funny Sup Forums" for a decade has made you a veteran member of the 4th gen warfare equivalent of the navy seals.
It's an honour, gentlemen.
>nat soc
Theres another meme