Operation Morrissey is ours

Operation Morrissey is ours

After last nights thread
Ive come to realize that we have a lot of Morrissey/Smiths fans here.

I think it has been established that he is /ourguy/

Now its time we act and make him OURS

>We need thousands of meme
>This will bring in normies
>He is not gay
>Greatest songwriter of all time

We will take him back from the liberal hipster the time is now!

Will you take The Morz pill??


Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=TsDH5ZgNqjcC&pg=PA132&lpg=PA132&dq=morrissey Latino spin magazine&source=bl&ots=l3WQOhajXh&sig=BmVgDV4SaKpAtDWXOLB1lR7vfeE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjG8uSmq8rSAhVkqVQKHZJyAc0Q6AEITDAH#v=onepage&q=morrissey Latino spin magazine&f=false


Last Night really opened my eyes..


Can someone tell me why Mexicans love this guy so much?

Bengali in Platforms
>"Shelve your Western plans. Life's hard enough when you belong here"

Don't forget to mention that he backed Brexit too.

Morrissey is based. Ironically a lot of liberal hipsters love the smiths too.


>British Identity

Morrisey is a whiney left wing faggot.


Some Mexican explained last night that it is because they like a well groomed man or something like that..


"chinese are subhumans"

confirmed /ourguy/

GTFO achmed, he hates your guts.

>Muh culture

For Christ sakes, Cultures change for better or worse. You think you're "protecting your culture" by instead you're becoming a society of paranoid shut ins. Just look at isolationist Japan. Samurai and WW2 soldiers died to preserve "Japanese culture" and now Japan is full of virgins who watch anime and Jack off to hentai all day. The culture they fought to protect charged without immigration getting involved.

The Cure is better

>blackpill defeatist
What use are you trying to get everyone depressed & apathetic?
None, that's what.

>makes insipid civic argument (even though we all know that 'british identity' is a buzzword for the british race)
>posts offensive bmwf picture
checks out

Haha what? I am a smiths fan myself but I wasn't aware that other Sup Forumstards where. He is definitely not /ourguy/, he is an SJW who bans meat at his concerts.

"There's more to life than books you know"

When you work hard in life it's easy to see how much of a loser Morrissey is. I now find it distasteful to listen to his music.

Try some Maiden/ZZ Top/Cult

He's a hardcore vegan, but at the same time he's very much an "Old England-er"
He's literally said Whites and other races are incapable of getting along & that immigrants dilute britain.

hitler was a vegetarian you plebeian

A rush and a push and the land that
We stand on is ours
It has been before
So it shall be again
And people who are uglier than you and I
They take what they need, and just leave


"But not much more, not much more"

Forgot the other line..

The cult is Great too


He isn't at all. Look at the criticisms of him coming from the left, his defense of the NF (not its positions but its right to exist in a democratic system, and his statements about the Chinese treatment of animals. Morrissey is a nationalist. Some of his lifestyle choices are associated with the left but are not intrinsically Marxist.

The Moz is the shit. Greatest Brit since Churchill.

Day oh so late
Strangely the sun still shone
Ooh Asian boy
What are you on?
Day oh so late
Strangely the sun still shone
Oh Asian boy
What are drugs are you on?
Tooled-up Asian boy
Has come to take revenge

This. I fucking love The Cure.

But Morrissey is a better figurehead to do this operation with.

I love The Cure but they're objectively worse than The Smiths.

I like The Smiths, but I thought we all hated Morrissey?

>There's always someone, somewhere
>With a big nose, who knows
>And who trips you up and laughs when you fall
What did he mean by this

So you mean dog whistle for white supremacists. Why don't you guys just say that instead of beating around the bush. I thought the PC era was over.

Last night's Morrissey thread was an eye-opener - much like that HWNDU project which showed that the people of Sup Forums are more diverse than I thought.

books.google.com/books?id=TsDH5ZgNqjcC&pg=PA132&lpg=PA132&dq=morrissey Latino spin magazine&source=bl&ots=l3WQOhajXh&sig=BmVgDV4SaKpAtDWXOLB1lR7vfeE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjG8uSmq8rSAhVkqVQKHZJyAc0Q6AEITDAH#v=onepage&q=morrissey Latino spin magazine&f=false

Apples to oranges

I never expected so many of us to be Morrissey fans


I went through a smiths phase for a while, I remember an interview at his house were he said he wishes he was gay. He is definitely a pessimist like most of us and a nationalist.

Churchill was a jew tool, nothing more.

Robert Smith larps as a depressed guy, and on the weekends he takes off the wig and plays football with his mates; his music is all an act.

Morissey's lyrics are sincere, they come from his heart and infinitely clever mind; he is the REAL DEAL.

Meat is nigger-tier sustenance, when you think about it. It's for lower races who are too stupid to grow plants.

Morrissey is redpilled as fuck:


Kick the bride down the aisle
in a mudslide of gloom
she'll order you to
tidy your room

kick the bride down the aisle
look at that cow
in the field
it knows more
than your bride knows now

she just wants a slave
to break his back in pursuit
of a living wage
so that she can laze and graze
for the rest of her days
write down every word I say

Love The Smiths and Morrissey

Everyday is Like Sunday

There is a Light That never Goes Out

The Boy With the Thorn in His Side

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Bigmouth Strikes Again

How Soon is Now?

This Charming Man


Hitler was literal scum

My family is Mexican as fuck and everybody is obsessed with Morrissey.

My father is a super catholic, alcoholic construction worker but blasts Morrissey non-stop at home and in his truck.

My brothers are your typical cholo gangbangers, dressed in oversized clothes and always wearing something Dodger affiliated. They too mainly listen to Morrissey on their phones.

And then my mother has a framed poster of Morrissey in our living room. It's kinda of creepy actually.

I don't know what to say

I know what to say - you've got to go back!

Anyone here think Vauxhall and I is the best album of the nineties?

The Queen Is Dead is a 10/10 album

>mfw British music may never reach those dizzy heights again.

Irish Blood, English Heart

Anybody want to guess where Moz stands on Brexit or Rothertham?

Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself is a hidden gem.

Morrissey gets me through life.


Plus he's handsome, nationalist and racist like me.

Saw this in Sup Forums once:

How did I not notice this before, it must have been a deliberate mention of (((them))), it fits too perfectly



>Sup Forums is now memeing morrisey
what the flying fuck?


He was never afraid to take a stand. I admire the guy for that. Amazing lyricist too - I wish him and Johnny Marr would team up just one more time.

This is what happens when you aren't worried what other people think, just like on anonymous websites people are more likely too be right wingers.

>been listening to The Smiths for years
>mfw just made the connection

"I decree today that life is simply taking and not giving
England is mine, it owes me a living
But ask me why, and I'll spit in your eye
Oh, ask me why, and I'll spit in your eye
But we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore
No, we cannot cling to those dreams"

Always a classic


OH my

Your ethnicity is shit anyways. You all look like Rooney. Round faced freckled manlets.

The only thing that the English got going for them is their blue eyes.

The scottish on the other hand, tend to be better looking with thick red/orange beards.

We should take the English economy/culture and merge it with the Scottish race.

>Day of the rope
>Hang the DJ


He was a supporter of Enoch Powell

listen to suffer little children while imvestigating pedogate


Listen to "Paint a Vulgar Picture." It's about (((them))) in the music industry.

your taste is shit just like your poolitical ideology, and we're going to expose and rout out your dad, connie
now go suck off some mudslimes you mudslime cockworshipping whore

plenty of english people look as you described, there are many sub-types of brits and theyre quite well spread. For every beady round faced rooney theres a tall celto-nordid with a redbeard

Are they blasting solo morrissey or the smiths? Because there's a world of difference.

>Eric Clapton was great too

BPI, MTV, BBC, please (((them))), please (((them)))
Sadly this was your life
But you could have said no if you'd wanted to
You could have walked away, couldn't you?



>he is not gay
he's bi tho

iron maiden


You can have him. No room for half potato republican sympathisers here. Also we had far better than the smiths.

>fred perry
impressive, very nice




can someone give me a quick rundown on why morrissey is /ourguy/?

You don't get to decide who there is room for you pathetic little beta England is paki territory now anyway know your place


>I used to be into dope, now I'm into racism, it's much heavier, man

Helping out fellow Morrissey lovers, if you like the Smiths, you'll probably like Gene as well


Holy shit, is Morrissey literally our guy?

I'd say 9/10.

Never Had No One Ever is probably the only bad song they ever recorded.

>Vote for Enoch, he's /ourman/

Belle and Sebastian is pretty similar too.
It's sensitive wimp rock in the same vein of The Smiths.

rooney is of irish descent anyways i thought

Absolutely !

kek, also someone should put a beat over that clapton vid for a fresh moonman song

Ditto Camera Obscura

i dunno if morrissey is ourguy but i know that the smiths > the cure

Morrissey is kind of an enigma.

He has so many songs that can be interpreted as being right wing.
Bengali in Platforms, The National Front Disco, Irish Blood English Heart, etc.

But he actually gets away with it because when the media confronts him about it all he says is
>It's just satire.
Pretty smart strategy.

The girl in that band is strangely attractive.
Like she's kind of a chubby lesbian, but her voice is so cute and sexy.

Oldfag in both life and Sup Forums here, Morissey is indeed oldschool and that goes without saying or anything else, any other form of 'action'. Stop shitposting.



Shitskins change culture for the worse. We've established that. Faggots like you are cancer.

Music with powerful emotional content is wimp rock?

wtf all of a sudden Japan is terrible
