What if Sup Forums is actual Russian propaganda machine and we all fell for that?
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what if Sup Forums is actually Rome
Most of the pro-trump people that don't have any substantial arguments, are Russians with US proxies. So yeah, you're kinda right.
Every major faction is currently using propaganda/psyops. You either pick a faction anyways or stay out of it
leaf pretending to not be a shill
very very rare
yes but how do I know that we are on the right side?
Why would they do that?
Sup Forums is a joke no one takes it seriously
I wouldn't even care I just hate Jews and the modern world anyway
It means you're a newfag from r/thedonald and haven't been here for 4+ years and should stop making shitty threads.
I don't care who is right, when it's right, it's right.
Dude, we follow argument, facts and empirical data... propaganda ain't got nothing on us unless it portraying some kind of truth. Remind me how long you've been here? newfag.
you don't. it's a matter of asking yourself "do i trust the russian government to have my best interests in mind over my own?" a lot of Sup Forumsacks including myself think that's the case.
their interests match my own.
i'm happy for the professional help in ejecting the murderers from our government who are killing millions of innocent people worldwide and disrupting the lives of tens of millions more.
the real question is why you support pic related.
you owe us an explanation and you might want to get working on it.
you'll need it when you're strapped into ol' sparky for the crimes you're committing.
you're a sub-human, you are literally worse than the worst nigger, and like any other diseased animal we're going to find you, arrest you, try & convict you, then execute you publicly.
you've earned it.
It is. But not only.
shills shilling trolls trolling shills
et tu, pepe?
There is a pretty big Russian and Iranian defense force here. It seems pretty likely to be honest.
Only bluepilled people trust russia
Its tricky.
I grew up in Montreal on a steady diet of leftist propaganda I seldom questioned. It did not register as propaganda, it just seemed like "the truth". I unironically thought Reality had a liberal bias
Meanwhile, whenever I watched something from Fox News or some other right wing source, it struck me as obviously propaganda -- "how could anyone ever fall for this"?
So you can imagine when I woke up to the fact that I was a sucker for left wing propaganda, I had a bit of a freak out moment. I imagine Im not the only one here who had that experience.
So the trouble is now I feel biased against the left because of how bitter that experience of waking up to a mountain of lies made me. That probably means I don't notice right wing propaganda as readily as I used to. I don't know that there's any way around this
what if you died 2 minutes ago and didn't noticed yet?
>We follow facts
We are a hive mind
Some parts of it are for sure.
What if Russia is a hoax
>just realizing this
It isn't complete propaganda, but they do shill here
How do I know that you are not a shill yourself?
>says the saudi
Facts are universal.
Humans aren't built for pure rationality it has to be trained and even then far from pure.
We will always accept information that promotes our in group and dismisses our out group. I think to approximate objectivity you have to dampen a lot of your feelings which makes it hardly worth it.
If I were a shill would I really be confessing that there's a giant left wing propaganda machine and that I grew up inside it? By my judgment the Russian propaganda apparatus is minor league compared to the operation the left is running
Unless you think I'm a Russian shill, which I suppose is plausible
Nice joke comrade
What if Sup Forums is a CIA meme hq op?
Cyka Blyat!
I've been found out. I'm returning to the motherland comrades.
What if Putin is right?
My experience trying to be a rationalist was that everything was so open to doubt and question that I could never understand anything completely at all. It was only when I started allowing myself to form a "narrative" again (aka, biasing myself to information that fit, and against information that didn't) that I started being able to evaluate what was happening in the world.
I grew up with a progressive, consensus narrative. I later learned our fringe, reactionary narrative. Gun to my head, I think the latter is a closer approximation of the truth than the former
>implying Russia even exists
top kek
There is most definitely disinfo agents posting here. I've seen textbook forum slides, overt topic dilution and blatant consensus cracking.
You think. But you still don't really know, do you?
The essence of being a free thinker, is accepting that you may never have the whole answer. It sounds like that was too hard for you.
Real talk, most left vs. right shitposting you see on the internet is retards parroting opinions they think are their own but were actually planted in their heads by psyops.
I posted on here taking a critical look at the realistic reach and power of the Russian security service and the lengths theyre willing to go. i was flooded by more russian posters than ive ever seen on this board.
All saying
>its nothing to consider
>secret service dindunuffin
>official released storys are true
>lel KGB hollywood
Russia LITERALLY has a misinformation department you easily manipulated fucks!
Keep believing what the Russians tell you Sup Forums
Bend over and let Putin slide it right on in.
The Reason why Putin is so effective in a misinfo war is because he can legally have powerful control over the media and what people can say, the law he put in place is vague enough to label any ideology he disagrees with as destabilizing a threat to national security.
нeт, you is just being silly comrade
But here in the us? It's more difficult to label easily tricked idots as threats even though they kind of are.
lmao that would make sense. a lot of russian people post here. image boards are popular in russia especially 2ch
>Russia LITERALLY has a misinformation department
So do we lmao you stupid fuck
yeah every time I say "X is a Kremlin meme" I get jumped by 4-5 Russian shills, it's pretty hilarious.
Yeah, out of nowhere, right? You never see them in any thread but as soon as someone mentions Russia, there they are.
If Sup Forums is a Russian a propaganda machine, it's objectively superior to the American propaganda machine that is Reddit/Facebook/Twitter. This much is known.
Even if it is it doesn't suddenly turn hillary or Bernie into worthy candidates lol
If you know who Dugin is, then you know that we have been falling for the Russian manipulation for a while now.
the difference is you live in one Leviathan and not the other. Why would an American citizen allow another Country's misinformation agents to convince them that their own misinformation department is the problem?
It's illogical, maybe ours as flaws but at least its ours and we can fix it. Don't you wonder what others have to gain from destabilizing a nations security services through smear campaigns on their own public?
Beautifully done, really.
It's one of the US's biggest exploits
Russia was a mistake.
Wtf i am vlad now
>it's satire
>no one is serious
post it
Old Russia as the Soviets fucked up the lefties in the west and todays Russia is doing the same with the right, they are simply not a country that tries to get on top through their own, but rather by dragging everyone else on their level.
pol doesn't really care about anything other than installing national socialism
We don't have any political allegiances to any nation, we are loyal to our Fuhrer.
Kikes and shills are the only ones who are against this idea.
This is why the cia and other kike puppets find us a threat, we have no political allegiance. Thus we cannot be manipulated by the "right/left" arguments.
10,000 kremlin theads a day and you believe it isn't a "Russian propaganda machine"
Ameriburger propaganda would be more effective if it was in any way based on reality.
nato must never war with russia
it'll literally be the end of whites
A lot of Sup Forums retards fall for the Russian propaganda machine.
>hate Saudi Arabia, but love Iran, despite the fact that Iran has commissioned suicide bombings which have killed hundreds of Americans.
>Like Hitler, but call Ukrainians "fascists"
So what?
get out KGB
We was Russian haX0rs.
shill shit posting
It is both a Russian propaganda machine, a cointelpro honeypot, and a CIA psyop testing ground.
No, I'm not memeing.
It is many other things as well.
"Then fall, Wojak!"
why the fuck do all these people care so much?
this entire website stinks of kacap propaganda and brainfucking.
I wouldnt doubt it for a second
We see through culture shaping.
this is the worst possible place to do psychological testing unless you want your information to be tainted with autism and meta humor where no one can tell if they're serious or not.
>where no one can tell if they're serious or not.
Stay here longer, and you'll be able to tell, always.
jews too?
I kinda miss /new/.
Simpler times.
good find, from now on I shall increase my JIDF accusations 10 fold to fish out those kike insurgents
It's a question of how to order your civilization. Do you want American globalist nihilism where your traditional religion and culture are maligned, or Russian nationalism with a taste of Christianity and shared ethnic culture?
American globalism is immensely successful monetarily and financially, but destroys the soul. Russian nationalism is much less financially successful but offers meaning and community.
For the white working class, if we're going to be left out of the riches of free trade and open borders, we'd rather protect our culture. The choice is obvious then.
< I made this just for you. Also archive.4plebs.org
Don't underestimate Sup Forums
Interesting. Is NatSoc truly is the way to go?
The problem with the U.S. propaganda: they are less in touch with their own population than Russia is.
This is the problem. All the rest of this hysterics and division are just symptoms.
This isn't some sudden revelation that happened this year.
Like I said, open borders and free trade are great for the economy and the rich, but you give up your culture in the process. People who are poor have nothing to lose (or so they believe) from NatSoc, since they weren't better off under soulless capitalism anyway.
If you're going to be poor, at least you can have a family, friends, church, higher purpose. It not an empty existence where the rich are squeezing economic value from you and importing people you don't like or trust.
Okay, I agree, but Trump is not the fucking Führer. I'm not dying for Donald Trump or this administration. He's not competent enough to be anything more than a rung on a ladder. That's all he is.
You need to keep your eyes on the actual prize, don't stop here. There will be other, better candidates.
< Gift
Russia doesn't have the resources to stock an entire online community with shills
>There will be other, better candidates.
Think so?
I think it's going to go full celebrity.
They turned the election cycle into an 18 month, 24/7 circus.
I don't think we'll ever see any good come from that.
>That's what a Russian shill would say
are you blind drumpftards
>Sup Forums hates jews
>trump is pro israel
>elect trump
what if there's actually only one other person on Sup Forums. And all the posts and replys when you get on are just them pretending to respond to himself
We've tried to get good candidates for decades. We've tried Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, and Trump was the best we got.
I don't think there will be better candidates.
wise post
Candidacy is more about lobbying and pandering than it is about ideals or motive.
This is a major problem in the political structure of the country.
If you don't sell, you aren't going anywhere.
Our society wants this, wants more of this. They don't have the attention span for anything beyond catch phrases and shock soundbytes.
But they want to act like they care, because they see other people do, and they've been socialized to believe that they should.
But they don't truly know why, they don't truly have a stake in it, just in the characters.
It makes me sad.
more people come here each day than watch CNN and MSNBC tv news. And russia cant really influence those.
Trump isn't true, but he is a step in the right direction.
Well eventually we will have to die for our ideals. Or fight at the very least.
Our enemies are clearly the jewish bankers, and their arm of defense the intelligence agencies.
Declaring outright war on them is inevitable, they're already making preparations with their beefing up police forces with military gear.
It wont work, numbers are against them, and even if they launch the nukes and commit suicide to civilization, at least we died fighting on our feet, and not the slaves of disgusting fucking kikes.
Underrated. Love the fucking corny red alert cutscenes so much.
The goyim know. Shut it down.