>americans call us germans cucks, because of all the sandniggers living here
>meanwhile they are forced to learn spanish in school
>but we are not forced to learn arabic/turkish in school
Who's ze cuck now?
>americans call us germans cucks, because of all the sandniggers living here
>meanwhile they are forced to learn spanish in school
>but we are not forced to learn arabic/turkish in school
Who's ze cuck now?
Other urls found in this thread:
they made us learn german at my school
>forced to learn spanish in school
No we're not, Hans. I studied German, for all the good that did me. Should've studied Spanish instead or Chinese had it been an option.
i was forced to drop out of highschool because i never bothered trying in my foreign language class.
passed my GED test in the top 1% of Americans, but it was a GED so that probably inst saying much
We just want what's best for you, Hans.
Insulting someone and trying to point out what's wrong is what friends do.
>forced to learn spanish in school
We're required to take 2 years of one foreign language. Spanish is an option, but others, like me, took French.
>Implying you didn't have mandatory English in school
Cucks are taught language of their master user.
I learned latin and french. Also Mexicans are basically as native in the US as everyone else many born and raised in California and Southwest. You guys are literally going across the world to import terrorists and hate groups who want to destroy your culture.
I wasn't forced into learning Spanish at all, retard.
We aren't forced to learn any other language in school. It's not even a requirement to graduate high school.
>Mexicans are native
spotted the Mexican, build the wall you swarthy rat faced mongrel
Why do you idiots keep thinking chinese (not even a language but whatever) will ever be relevant? Right now all those stupid chink webshops communicate in English. By the time China is a 'world power', every chink will speak English.
> inst
told you guys i dropped out
I wanted to learn latin, but the school didn't offer it (the only teacher was arrested in a drug bust).
We actually take care of our problems, your problems take care of you sauerkraut. .
what is that language you wrote in? Doesn't sound German to me...
not true man at least in kentucky its an absolute requirement to have taken and passed 3 foreign language classes
>this pic
racist much?
Chinese is very relevant for those going into international business/banking, especially those that visit Taiwan/Hong King frequently.
So you're trying to say they haven't been making teachers learn Turkish?
Laern to spaek englis you gernam fagot
My school in Texas offered German and Chinese.
With the amout of rape importation u are getting probalby your women will learn some arabic.
Racist, or necessary?
>learning different languages is a bad thing
Usually have a choice. My highschool had French, Spanish and Latin.
>americans had a MUSLIM nigger pres for 8 years
And they have the nerve to call anyone cucks.
>>but we are not forced to learn arabic/turkish in school
You are forced to visit mosques and muslim prayers instead
Kraut filth i still hate every last one of you fucking Russian rape babys
>3 classes
"Hey why don't we offer one foreign language class so the students can fully concentrate on one extra language and really get the most out of it?"
"I have a better idea"
>Hong King (Kong?)
Great example. Everybody already speaks english there and it goes without saying that speaking the language of the country you want to work in is at least very handy.
But when doing business with foreign companies, English becomes more important every day.
>>meanwhile they are forced to learn spanish in school
Lmao what? We barely even learn English you dumb shit
for the new germans, education starts in the womb
That's not even true. I guess you have no other choice but to produce lies when the truth is so suppressed in Germany.
Maybe because nobody speaks Turkish? While Spanish, in the latest statistics is the 4th most spoken language in the world. While German isn't even on the top 10. Of yourself stupid kraut.
Talking about rape babies is pretty rich coming from Mr. Dutroux.
we learn british english in our schools you know.
pic related. we also learn about british culture, tho brits are portrayed as poo in loos.
>heheh typo tough luck pal etc.
Yes I'm posting from a phone because I'm on break, my point still stands however. Speaking mandarin/Cantonese warms business relations and is a great way to maintain face. More respect means more potential business opportunities.
I live in Arizona, and wasn't required to take Spanish. I took French as my foreign language
>I have downs the post
Spanish 1 Spanish 2 and Spanish 3
You take 3 years of a foreign language. You can take 3 different ones if you're a retard I guess.
Poor things they will learn the hard way
This, most schools will require like 2 semesters of any foreign language offered. My district allowed us to take computer classes instead.
Americans can learn any number of languages, such as French, German, Italian, and Latin in high school. We are required to take at least two years of a language but it doesn't have to be Spanish
>inb4 pizza nigger
Ameribro in Italy
>but we are not forced to learn arabic/turkish in school
That makes more sense.
>meanwhile they are forced to learn spanish in school
No, we call you cucks because we and the Soviets whoop'd that ass so hard, that now you are letting mudshits invade your country and rape everything in sight. German chocolate isn't even German so you have nothing anymore.
Is there a difference?
The standard of language learning in this country is fucking awful compared to europoors desu. I did well in like ten years of spanish classes and I learned basically nothing.
Even Canadians are bad at it and their country is bilingual
>forced to learn spanish in school
they let you choose french german or spanish when i went to school
I learned German in high school, but every time I speak it, a Muslim refuge tries to fuck me.
Yet in the USA, you can homeschool, yet you get your children took off you in Germany for not sending them to your indoctrination camps.
Enjoy your guilt lessons.
We aren't though. I live in the South and I'm not forced to learn any language, what the fuck are you on about? Of course the rest of you Euros are just gonna pick up and push this shitty meme to distract from the fact your continent is falling apart rapidly, but instead of doing something about it you'll shitpost away.
>coming from sideways knockoff Germany
You aren't even a real country
Ours isn't better
>4 years of french
>3 years of spanish
>1 year of dutch
I don't remember anything.
I took classical Latin, mi amice fatve.
Its like u wanna close your eyes to what is happening in your society, and redirecting it to ameria just because they learn spanish and u yet are not learning arab
Someone post the rape info graphs of Germany thanks to migrants
we're supposed to learn a foreign language and spanish the most common choice.
No one, and I mean no one, speaks spanish.
Germans dont learn foreign languages on their school?
Fuck thats a shitty education system m8. KYS
>1 post by this ID
but hey, OP is 100% legit german and not a proxy!
No ones ever going to start speaking colgate faggot
Truer words...
those aren't insults, those are accolades.
>forced to learn Spanish
Lol no we aren't you fucking retard.
Not defending spicoldry, but Mexicans just have to cross a river or hop a fence. Muslims have to cross a half dozen countries to get to Germany.
We are not the ones forced to go to marxist indoctrination camps
>meanwhile they are forced to learn spanish in school
No, we're not. Most high school students are however required to take a second language class (is that a bad thing?). Spanish is obviously the most common since we're being invaded. I made the mistake of taking German and have hardly used it since graduating, so I can't remember shit.
You need two years of secondary language classes in Pennsylvania to graduate, or at least you did 10 years ago.
>we are not forced to learn arabic/turkish in school
ofcourse not. you kids choose to do it
I know mandarin
believe me you do not want to learn it
because once you do they will make you deal with the chinese all the fucking time
they're worse than jews and niggers combined
>Germans aren't forced to learn arabic/turish
Don't worry Hans Merkel is working to fix that
I had to do one year of Spanish in middle school. You are not going to exist as an ethnic group in 40 years
Spanish it's useful: at least you can read plenty of good spanish classical literature while germancucks just cry in their shitty books.
Only thing would be some operas in german, but even Mozart used latin
had to learn either french or spanish in highschool. everyone took french.
It's more like "must have X hours in a foreign language", the main problem with it is people choosing their non-English home language to get around the requirement. Spanish classrooms are full of Mexican kids who already fucking speak Spanish, they're just fucking daycare rooms basically.
Also in CA teaching "techniques" where the teacher never says a word of English so nobody learns anything. Language teachers before college level are there to steal money and dick around. If you call them on it they will claim it's a "teaching technique" to never say one word of English. I didn't even know what the homework was in Spanish class without asking a Mexican student.
Do not take language until you get to college and do not listen to anyone who says you need it on your transcript to get into a school, you don't, you need it to graduate from said school - not get into it. Take the language classes there and do not take Spanish or French.
Well, that maybe true, but at least (((they))) don't force us to suck Arabic cock in school.
By 2100 the entire world will be speaking English. Mandarin/Cantonese is too impractical, not to mention they speak two languages which makes it twice as unlikely that a significant number of people outside China will be speaking Chinese
This made me audibly kek
Ty user