I accidentally erased all my pepes! I need pepes without pepe I'm nobody. Is Sup Forums willing to help me recover my lost collection?
Notice: YES THIS IS Sup Forums RELATED
I accidentally erased all my pepes! I need pepes without pepe I'm nobody. Is Sup Forums willing to help me recover my lost collection?
Notice: YES THIS IS Sup Forums RELATED
>tfw to smart for pepe reaction imaginary
Google "piriform recuva"
May kek bless this thread and repay you a thousand pepes.
this, your gay OP
>human genitalia
neither. give her a red rocket and we'll talk
encyclopedia dramatica, or other search engine my friend!
Too dumb to not post thumbnails
You made the mistake of doing that without throwing them onto a USB, if you are lucky you can load an old copy of your system from before that.
>March 15
Just reformatting alone won't write over the data that was on the drive, but if you've loaded more than a few hundred megs of data back to the hard drive since then at least some files have been overwritten and will not be recoverable, if your disk was fragmented then likely a lot of your data is gone. Your best bet is to pull the hard drive out of your machine, hook it up to another and run a data recovery software like recuva or getdataback.
Good luck op.
The only way to find the purest of pepes is through here my friend.
Dont post frogs for this pleb all op needs to do is consort with the god of file recovery
The one they call recuva and kek will grant him his lost frog collection if he had it in the first place
Its probably a shill trying to get free pepes
Get that program that can get deleted shit back. Might be able to get your entire folder back.
Also if you didn't actually format the drive and just reinstalled over the old load, you should have a windows.old folder on the root of you drive, if that's there than all of your data should be too
Both? I mean I like her tits and skanky face but I'd fuck his boipusy. amigay?
You won't get an pepe from me
here's a rare one
Neither, I only fuck humans
all swedish pepes