You just found Mike Pence's secret Haiku Poetry journal!
You know these are haikus by the familiar 5-syllable, 7-syllable, 5-syllable structure!
Flipping open the journal to a random page, tell us which one you found!
You just found Mike Pence's secret Haiku Poetry journal!
You know these are haikus by the familiar 5-syllable, 7-syllable, 5-syllable structure!
Flipping open the journal to a random page, tell us which one you found!
Other urls found in this thread:
Suck each others testicles.
zap! zap! crackle pop!
an actual recording
from pence's zap chair
A faggot OP is
uncle Mike he has
a cure for this
Homosexuals gay
Fucking faggots everyday
Electric shock I say
I'm Secretly Gay
Dad can never know my shame
Or he'll beat me
Roses are dead
After you cut them
I am an ah-64
I ducking love them
It only takes one
To gun down a faggot bar
The battle is won
Indiana Mike kill
Murder every homosexual
Kill them all
I am a neo-con
Sup Forums would hate except they
can't think past "hate dems"
>That ID
someone get the battery
just like you keep your unproductive "drumpf" shit, even if it is hurting your cause and driving people away, just to "trigger the drumpfkins"
zapping fag number one
he thought dicks in ass was fun
fag burned like the sun
Hey, it's not my fault you don't have any moral integrity beyond "I like what Trump likes, I hate what Trump hates"
Remember, thinking for yourself is for liberals, never do it. Trump is always right.
Trump is always right, you cocksucker
(just playing along)
Neocon Mike Pence
Can't help it but it's ok
Because he's not gay
Penis in anus,
Abomination to kill:
Electric Shock.
this 8 years of being a liberal under Obama where very boring, nothing to see there, thank god for trump, we can complain again.
Yep. Better keep donating to Israel.
You should probably sell your children to Jews just like he did, just to be safe.
That's 5-6-5 m8
Trump hate in charge of haiku
Hardline on "ideals",
but then Cruz said "Go Purdue!"
So I changed my mind.
Beaten bloody gays
Hanging from a Christmas tree
A gift from Satan
Can't turn lead to gold
but you can electrify
fruits to vegetables
>homosexuals gay
>lefties all around
>charging up mah tazer beam
>voltage will free you
Jesus. that video is so 90's it hurts.
I looked it up on word counter or something
Feels good to not be a backwoods southern faggot
I guess I rekt you pretty bad, liberals are dump as shit, and you think you "think for yourself" jahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
deluded moron
Impeach Donald Trump
Electrocute til you dump
If you dick men's rump
>love my chubby wife
>traitors will ride the lightning
>i am race bannon
>I must save them from themselves
>Lord bless my shock powers
Left of center cries
Whisper in their lying ears
"Helicopter rides"
Gays will get a shock
The only power for queers
Is volts times amperes
These are my cables
There are not enough like them
But that will soon change
If you are a fag
I will shock you with many volts
You dirty sinner
powers is 2 syllables
Nobody is gay
after sitting on my chair
that has many volts
Benjamin Franklin
The man who discovered it
A cure for the gay
Set the gays ablaze
Incinerate shirt lifters
And dance on the ash
Omar Mateen is kill
Homosexuals ready yourself
You're in for a shock
Today we give thanks
To the man who cured the gay
Thomas Edison
This thread is based cause
Even the retards can play
And we can hate gays
I will watch them burn
The sick faggots of this world
I laugh like crazy
I am CIA
Me Career Politician
Trump Should Be Careful
Silver Headed Shill
Waiting for Trump to Die Soon
Pence the Globalist
lmfao@leftard unironically claiming to have "moral integrity"
Thundering footsteps
Lightning arcs across pale skin
The smell of burnt flesh
Pence the punch bowl turd
Fucks kids with John Podesta
Conspires to kill lion
Watching and waiting
Being second no longer
Biting feeding hands
Man-love malarkey?
Time to meet Good Ol' Sparky
Who sets hearts aflame
Yes, black lives matter.
Because, without black people
Crime would have no home.
Neocon faggot
Picked to appeal to Jesus
Will stab Trump in back
Your defective genes
An outrage to sanity
Embrace the current
There's a choice for all,
God and nation you obstruct?
Oh you will conduct!
Go write a haiku
Just with men don't do snu-snu
Sparky will love you
Subarus are gay
I hope you have insurance
Cause I cut your brakes
God Emperor Trump
First Lady Melania
and me, fuck you, fags.
Spread by the kike
God damn fags and dykes
Calling in a lighting strike
G.I. Joe's smiling?
Don't trust as far as can throw
But smile back for now
Neocon pond scum
Put you through water filter
And watch you dissolve
>doesn't know how to sage
>doesn't know how to count syllables
Quality post friendo :^)
I tried to reason
They are beyond saving now
Sup Forums was right again
Sup Forums is always right
My digits will confirm it
Kek is one true god
six gorillion
check my digits in eight years
get on my level
Holy fuck include me in screen grab pls
Charlotte Pence is mine
She will give me ten babies
Love her forever
not a haiku dumbby
Car Batteries, zapping fags
Rainbow colored
Body bags
Dear secret journal,
People think I'm Race Bannon.
That is fucking sweet.
Everyone can tell
OP is a liberal
Queers all around me.
Building up electric charge.
Burning flesh, fags scream.
Karen gave me her grill
I will love her forever
And feed her red pills
"He sucks on the dick
Time for the extension cord
Zzzzzt zzzzt zzzzt zzzzt zzzt"
Hippity Hoppity
Don't be Gay Kids!
here i sit and laugh
just shocked my millionth fag
The comic strips he
drew in college are so
typical of Pence.
1000% behind any move trump makes
How's it feel?
We are currently maga'ing and you're just whinning on 4 chan, line the impotent cuck your are, sillybilly
Praise kek
Salam Alaikum
Who is secretly Muslim?
Barack Obama
All of the Gay men
And all of the gay women
It's Shock-master time
>Charlotte Pence
Audrey is better
No gerbil no plastic
Deep blades pumping and ripping
LOL his pain
All I can see happen here
Is a BBQ
>I am a ne-o con
>Sup Forums would hate ex-cept they
>can't think past "hate dems"
That's 6-6-5 you faggot.
Tim Kaine, surely gay:
I know that faggot smile.
Niggers fuck his wife.
Haikus are for fags
OP is a huge faggot
Suck a bag of dicks