Why is everyone going apeshit over the "news" that the cia can and will do many things to get what it wants? Wouldn't you want your country to be able to have a powerful agency like this for emergencies or just everyday action? Who cares if they can spy on you, unless you're a terrorist it wont affect you in any way
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No one is going apeshit we knew it all along the only people who go apeshit about it are normies because they are completely out of touch with reality
but what was revealed wasn't a good thing - there is a difference between espionage to prevent terrorist attacks and broad collection of data about every single person all around the world
>Isn't totalitarianism a good thing?
No. Knowing everything about everyone and having absolute power and the ability to abuse it with impunity isn't a good thing.
Being able to hack circles around other nations is pretty great, but when they target Americans, it's a problem. CIA, if you wanna hack stuff, so crash china's servers. Maybe I can finally get some solid LoL games after the chinks go dark.
Because the CIA is basically SPECTRE irl, they use their spying abilities to blackmail politicians to do whatever they want and actually cause more terrorism than they stop.
2 reasons.
its new for normies
it confirms what we have been saying for a decade, and others have been saying for many many decades
>Being able to hack circles around other nations is pretty great, but when they target Americans, it's a problem.
Since when does the CIA target Americans? Bush had several domestic spying programs, but I thought Obama did away with them.
>the CIA only hurts terrorists!
shit b8
OP would have been tried for treason 50 years ago for suggesting this bullshit
If the cia just goes around and caps whoever they disagree with, it should be easy to enlighten me with some examples.
I bet you sit on your ass all day reading wiki pages on US branches, right leaf?
they're scared that they are acting against the interests of the cia
>Bush had several domestic spying programs, but I thought Obama did away with them.
Obama strengthened them. He gave lip-service to people's concerns when the Snowden leaks came out and we've now just found out that he gave the CIA shitloads of funding for these programs.
No one thinks the CIA caps everyone who disagrees with them. The fact is that there are ordinary people who get away with blackmail, murder, etc. Since that's the case, it goes without saying that an unaccountable elite that knows everything CAN get away with blackmail and murder. The question is whether or not you think they actually will. We're talking about the same intelligence community that has taken on Nazi-like experiments for decades, pressured MLK and others to kill themselves, lied to us about watching and storing everything we do, lied to us repeatedly to get us into wars, lied to us about Russia "hacking" the election, and these are the people you're going to trust? Why should anyone, let alone our current IC have the power to blackmail and assassinate with impunity our political leaders, members of our communities, whoever they deem necessary, in order to get their way?
the point I'm trying to make, is why don't we trust their way? Obviously somethings working, since were the greatest nation to ever be on this Earth. Genuinely curious, why fix what's not broken?
>why don't we trust their way?
Because they blackmail and kill the people who try to actually help society here in the U.S. and around the world. Because they lie to us about whether or not they're violating our rights. Because they lie to us in order to send our youth off to die in pointless and counterproductive wars.
>Obviously somethings working, since were the greatest nation to ever be on this Earth.
What's worked is their ability to sabotage democracies and economies around the world that might pose a problem for US hegemony. This is now, and has been, crumbling in the past couple decades at least. You think the economy is good? You think people are generally happy with their lot in life? You think we're safer now that we've funded the terrorists our children are expected to go off and fight and die against? Are we a better country now that democracy is dead? Is it better that you, your loved ones, your community, have no say in the trajectory of your life?
>why fix what's not broken?
Ask that question when we're not in a broken system.
I always assumed the government already did all this, long before this or snowden.
In fact im surprised how much they restrained themselves
But i come from a military family and my dad was always telling me growing up to watch what I say on the phone, or email, or pretty much anything because if theres even a remote possibility they can then they probably do and that the laws were mostly a joke and an appearance for press conferences.
Sounds like his tip was pretty solid, wonder what the hell he actually did for a living...
>wonder what the hell he actually did for a living...
Normal military person was probably enough. My parents worked typical jobs and were just paranoid anti-gov't people who said the same things to me growing up. Doesn't take anyone with super secret levels of access to assume that the IC doesn't care about the people's well-being.
That evil CIA, eavesdropping on me talking with my wife about what's for dinner! The horror if I was ever exposed! THE HORROR!!!!!!!
I fail to see how knowing shit about average, boring, everyday Americans imparts absolute power.
These retards caused the destruction of the middle east
These mostly jewish americans have totally no regard for Europeans, Arabs or humans that don't belong in their small incestious circle of power.
They belong in hell, not only for causing the huge immigration crisis through the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya but also the failed plot in Ukraine, being reponsible for shooting down a passenger aircraft and multiple terrorist attacks in Europe through their backed rebel group called ISIS.
All those reponsible will hang and burn and I will laugh as I see the light go out of their eyes.
>nθ+h¡Ng §Ub$+@nt¡¤l
It didn't have to be like this CIA. You are now the tyrinnical monsters are founding father's warned us about, and as the tree of liberty still stands, we will water it in yours and our (The lowly people) blood.
There can be no turning back.
We all know that eventually citizens+ military are going to have to kill the cia, nsa and all the arms of the banker's defense.
The war will be short and bloody, and nobody will risk working for intelligence agencies, because it will be too risky for them and their families and not worth any money.
I suspect the upcoming leaks about them raping and murdering kids and kidnapping them for elites will be the spark.
You could have the shittiest most conformist life imaginable and you'd still have reason to be concerned.
It isn't a question of whether or not you've done something illegal. It's a question of whether or not you can be controlled or whether or not your life can be affected negatively by the people around you being controlled. The answer is that you and others are susceptible to control.
You or someone you care has done something in their life that can be used against them. Even if you and everyone you know has lived the life of a saint, something can be planted on you without any effort. If you're in a position to provide information for the IC, you 're in a position to be their slave. You either do what they ask, or your life, or the life of a loved one, is destroyed. That's what gives them absolute power.
So, continue living your shitty conformist life but consider whether or not you value a democracy, a minimally functioning society, a life worth living, or if you wouldn't mind being a slave.
It's a violation of the 4th amendment.
It's actually a waste of time, since we should only be working to kill the jewish race, in particular banking families.
That said, these pedophile freaks in the cia and other organizations insist on working for the enemy, against their own interests even.
If that user has no respect for himself or anyone else, why would he have respect for the Constitution?
>in capitalist America, tv watches YOU
Why can't those dummies keep their secret vault of state of the art malware tools from being hacked and leaked?
If they can't even protect their shit, they shouldn't have it. Why didn't they just help manufacturers fix the problems instead of exploiting them and then compromising their tools?
The thing is that privacy matters.
It's not about having something to hide.
It's like if you go into the bathroom to take a shit and shut the door, and your buddy asks you if you have something to hide.
>unless you're a terrorist it wont affect you in any way
So not true. Government agents use their power to frequently spy on spouses, famous people and grudges. In the US, the NSA used it's wiretapping abilities to screw over a Brazilian offshore oil company in mineral negotiations. None of those targeted were terrorists in these cases, it's just that the agents with access had something to gain.
When will wikileaks release the other 99% of the documents they have on the CIA?
The middle east was fucked long before the CIA when Ottoman empire fell.
If anything, the Brits and French fucked the entire region.
Agreed, and I think that most people agree deep down but are afraid, confused, and have unquestioningly bought into a lot of propaganda.
well what democrats consider normal
regulat americans consider death penalty treason
>Wouldn't you want your country to be able to have a powerful agency
yes, absolutely! with the correct and proper civilian oversight.
the cia officers and agents responsible for intentionally circumventing these mechanisms need to be made an example of, though, as a message to all remaining & future agents.
every single one of them--including actors and news executives & personalities--who knowingly aided in this coup must be put to death.
the fact that the cia officers responsible have not tendered their resignations and turned themselves into the fbi with written confessions in-hand tells you and me both all we need to know about their character, their motives, and their intentioins: these are traitors and they _must_ be executed for their crimes, and you know it.
The main problem is that the CIA operates like the Soviet KGB did: a propaganda unit disguised as an intelligence service.
It's already known that CIA bribe/extort journalists into pushing their narrative (look up Udo Ulfkotte).
If the CIA can mass store surveillance like this, they can find audioclips etc from people that fall into their spotlight, blackmailing them into silence.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but what evidence do we have that they are doing that against the interests of the USA?
Well, if we can get some, then we could have a trial for treason.
>1% of Vault 7 posted
At the risk of sounding cliche, it's because absolute power corrupts absolutely.
are anyone gonna get arrested in the CIA for this? we could get feminists to hate it just saying that evil men are plotting to spy on naked women
What if this is a falseflag to make them seem obscenely competent, but in reality they're just pushing that front so nobody assumes that they aren't powerful? I know south Park did an episode about it.
They're the ones who decide if you're a terrorist. With the amount of data and meta data they can gather from devices, bank transactions, and social media, they could twist anything any way they want. When they're in court, they get to pick and choose any data they want to prove you're a terrorist.
I'm seeing a lot of
>"If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"
type arguments,
Issue is, what you have to hide can change pretty fucking quickly
If a a case is brought, it seems like it should focus on violation of 4th amendment rights for American citizens.
Also, I think there is an agreement with tech companies to share information about invulnerabilities that has been breached: perhaps that will be a lawsuit.
Your question is foolish -- it misses the point. The CIA's MO is not to stop terrorism, it's to leverage it. Commit it, if necessary. The idea that "I have nothing to hide" is a moot point, because once the State is at the point of dragnet surveillance, the idea is not to catch criminals. It's to understand your and everyone else's mundane little life so well that they can predict the future and leverage Big Data to not onlny predict, but control your thoughts, perceptions, and opinions.
south park was literally made by jews
I thought you lefties hated the establishment? What gives with the sudden change of heart? Oh I get it, it was just a false meme, and you really ARE the establishment.
whats the matter goy? dont u want to be spyed on? its for your own saftey goy?
>Wouldn't you want your country to be able to have a powerful agency like this
Sure, why not.
Is this why I should be OK with this?
so how can you start a case?
>south park jewiness
you can confirm by shitty art work. Makes me sick walking by a tv with that shit on
t. Michelangelo
Don't you realize that THEY create the "emergencies" you talk about, lol?
Read a summary of what Wikileaks leaked. Do you realize that the existance of ISIS can be justified only with the fact that the CIA want them to exist?
>shut the door
>make love to wife
>why did you shut the door user?
>do you have something to hide?
>why don't you want your journal uploaded user?
>what are you hiding?
>why don't you want the CIA to watch you remotely through your tv, user?
>are you engaging in criminal activity over dinner/ with your children/ on your couch/ in your kitchen/ with your girlfriend?
so who are the jews behind the CIA?
>this message brought to you by Hyundai...where low tech is still our only goal.
Left/ right is an illusion and a distraction.
It's freedom vs control, really.
>CIA not the guy following joe blow
You're right, they don't off people directly, but indirectly, they have killed millions, so what's the difference. This is why South America is decidedly socialist, because of the CIA, the US is not trusted there.
so when do we get hired by intelligence agencies to shitpost for our countries?
that's a bullshit argument. they can use that information to blackmail your should you ever run for office or do anything they may not like.
it's a means of control and it isn't about whether what you do is legal or not it's about the principle.
you want a fucking police state and you don't deserve freedom but many of us believe in the principles that this nation was founded on and a fucking police state isn't it
death to america NOW
Everything that was leaked has been well-known for years. No sensitive info was leaked that available all over the internet years ago. Wikileaks is fake news.
Don't confuse control freak jews that make up like 40% of CIA, with Americans. We really don't give a shit about what happens in the rest of the world. Contrary to media generated opinion, we have our own problems. That's why we were dragged into both world wars, and then the Gov through up their hands, and quit declaring wars, and just called them, military operations.
>all these people with something to hide
Maybe if you lived honest lives you wouldn't have to fear these intelligence agency bogeyman
So why don't you just upload some photos of your love life, friend?
>tfw even our consumer electronics are in cahoots with them
>love life
Sorry, I don't subscribe to that media narrative. Purity is my prerogative.
Oh.... well then. Since you put it that way... fuck you fed.
>Why is everyone going apeshit over the "news" that the cia can and will do many things to get what it wants?
Assange performed a press interview today and answered questions of many
major news organizations:
CNN- But isnt this legal as long as the CIA isnt targeting US citizens?
Assange - I find it interesting that the first question CNN chooses to ask
is worded in such a way as to support the CIA, This is actually a legal question, not a press question... But it is
important, so I will try to answer it the best a journalist can... 22,000 IP
addresses from within the United states were discovered. These may be
machines targeted for attack, machines that have already been affected,
machines part of the HIVE command and control botnet, we are unsure. They
may also be IP's of foreigners while they have visited America, or even IP's
of other CIA or FBI servers. We dont know, we only know there is a list of
22,000 US IP addresses among the leaks, none of which are registered to
government agencies.
anyone who is so afraid of terrorists that they are willing to give up their freedom for "security" has already let the terrorists win
Spoilers: "Terrorism" was invented by the CIA and their masters to scare people into giving up democracy in exchange for safety
Oh, sure man. Why don't you take the door off your bathroom, huh?
>since were the greatest nation to ever be on this Earth
Why has quality of life for the average American gone down over the course of the CIA's lifetime?
Yes they made a lot of money for GSK. How does them manufacturing a heroin epidemic in the U.S. helping me?
I like being able to get into my house in an emergency but that doesn't mean I leave the doors unlocked and I certainly don't pay the locksmith to install deliberately broken locks.
laws can change, and the statute of limitations can be abolished or disregarded. a legal act today could imprison you in 5 years, if mass surveillance is itself legal
Not when they work for elites against the interests of American citizens
theyll catch on.
Because Sup Forums wants to destroy America so Putin can take over the world.
Because this redpills the normies.
If you own a car manufactured in the past 10-15 years, there's an excellent chance the CIA can hack in to its automatic guidance systems and make it crash.
Two hackers exposed a huge exploit a couple years ago; car manufacturers tried to patch it, but I'm sure there's a way to get around it, especially for an alphabet agency with extensive resources.
(If you're really impatient, just start watching at 40:00 minutes in to see a vehicle's systems being controled via hacking.)
Well for one thing shill, if they can look through everything you have then privacy doesn't matter. So why aren't they being fuckiing spied on
Nah, we won't.
You either go after pedoshit, or your agency dies.
There is no third way.