How is libertarian left possible?

I don't understand how wanting a socialized economy, in which businesses are forced to work "for the public good", is not an authoritarian concept.

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dude, you like, just, want to work for the greater good of others . Being selfless is cool my dude

Have you considered the fact that businesses are not people?

If you wear enough fedoras and smoke enough weed it's easily possible.

dude if we all just like work together and like be socialist and stuff, it'll work out bro

>tfw no dom lib-left gf

is anyone forced to work for businesses? live off the land you citified dumbass.

>I want to smoke pot, suck nigger dicks and collect welfare
t.libertarian left

The left is always authoritarian. The issue is that people think that the modern right wing is right wing when in actuality they are still left wing even if they are less left leaning that the actual left. So yeah, you are right OP.

Daily reminder that anyone not in the purple quadrant should be hanged.

Business are ran by people and those people pay the taxes to fund leftward economic policies. Those people follow the regulations set in place to control businesses.

Of course, once you get really far-left economically, then all industry must be nationalized and this is necessarily authoritarian.