Will Trump ever legalize WEED or should I move to a free state?
Will Trump ever legalize WEED or should I move to a free state?
Bro if it does happen I'd imagine the bureaucratic steps to getting a store in every state would take many years.
I waited 2 years after WA legalized to even see a store, just move to a legal state and avoid the trouble.
I imagine it will be decriminalized on a federal level when a majority of the states legalize it. It'll probably happen in the next 10 years at the longest
This is one thing I support the lolbertarians on
Trump decriminalizing weed would cause such a liberal mind fuck. Especially if we drive home the point that Obama didnt do it because Obama was to much of a corporate whore to big pharma. Oh the ass pain and mental gymnastics from the left would be glorious. This must happen
>why hasn't trump changed the entire world in 6 weeks
Grow the fuck up legal weed is not a priority
Weed is for niggers, are you a nigger OP?
Ending the war on drugs should be one of Americas top priorities
State Rights are for the white man scholomo