Brit/pol - F Edition

>Parliament Commissions Diverse Portraits to Replace ‘Victorian’ Depiction of ‘White, Male’ British History

>We want more Syrian refugees: offers exceed official UK pledge of 20,000

>Budget 2017 summary: Key points at-a-glance

>Budget calculator: How will the Budget affect you?

>EU Leftists Chant Support for Thatcher-Era Minister, House of Lords

>Rabbit hole leads to 'Knights Templar' cave

>Sharia May EXPLODES with laughter at Corbyn jibe during PMQs

>Kellyanne Conway Praised in London Assembly for International Women’s Day

Other urls found in this thread: 2

Brought to you by Brit/pol/'s favourite chocolate bar.

By the way we're watching the Brexit documentary by Laura K on BBC Two. 2


>tfw not a britcuck



Ohhhh no. I unironically got addicted to them for a year and put on about 3 stone, don't remind me of that time.


>tfw have spent years looking at myself trying to improve myself best I can
>try to be as humble and normie as I can within limit
>decent looking, tall, /fit/, not overly handsome but not bad looking
>casually ask coworker if she wants to do something at the weekend last week
>pretty much immediately says yes, blushes too
>ends up cancelling weekend, goes out with friends instead
>ask if she wants to do something this weekend in a very natural way
>says she's working
>she isn't working though, she said earlier in the day, I overheard her
>tfw my best and only friend is going away in the army at the end of this month and I can't even see him much
>tfw I had so much riding on this lass
>tfw I'm gonna be completely alone for four fucking years

Honestly I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm completely open to criticism and looking for ways to improve myself, but there's a point where women seem like outright rude cunts.

Why are women so shitty, Sup Forums? I don't like blaming them for much because I just don't understand them but god damn they make things more difficult when they don't need to be. A guy would've just said "no thanks" and cut past all the faff.

I know it's a blog post but I'm really losing my shit here, bongs.

user, you are the chunky

Sorry for your loss

Move on

She probably got a tinder match instead.
You know, from someone who earns more than she does.


C*ltic v Rangers soon lads

Who's going to the game?

Follow, follow, we will follow Rangers, everywhere, anywhere, we will follow on.

>meeewaurwauuraum weauuuruumm WeeeAERruaum

Charlie says, WTF is going on, why is Thursday night Brit/pol/ this fucking quiet???

What is this sport

I-it was a long time ago, ok. I've since banned chocolate from my diet.


an excuse for Huns and Taigues to have a go at each other.

Camel Wrestiling.

Estrogen is making me like men

Literally true, as oestrogen encourages growth, which makes you become like (other) men.

>english """men"""

>MaoDonnell replaced by Kezia Dugdale due to "train trouble"
Seems legit

I love shit jokes me

Was anyone in the Tinder thread this morning and can help a brother out by linking me

This is literally your post history this week.

>US companies say Brexit puts 1.4 million UK jobs and $593 billion of investment at risk

>The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU said US investment in the UK is more than double the combined US investment in South America, the Middle East and Africa ($244 billion).

>"A future UK-EU trade arrangement is unlikely to simply replicate UK access to the single market. The terms are likely to be less advantageous," the group, which represents US business interests in the EU, said.

Still, FEELING more sovereign while remaining the same is worth much more than money and jobs.

>hey goy check out this war memorial look at the strong white male hehe, just don't look at-

Robots are pathetic losers who hate women completely, Brit/pol/ has at least some good fellows who might have smarter advice.


Square go then ya bawhead


W A G I E S B T F O ! ! !

I would do all of this if it meant I got some pussy
But even when I normie up, I still suck

Hmm when you put it like that..

>tfw I had so much riding on this lass
Never emotionally invest in a woman, not at least until she is the confirmed mother of your child.
Treat them like they shit they are.

Pro tip, if you like a woman ask her out immediately, if she says no move on.


Who's on the panel tonight lads?

>implying that was you
Top kek

Wall to wall scum

a veritable "who's that" of british politics

>>Rabbit hole leads to 'Knights Templar' cave

Look its more hand rubbing brit freemason larping.

It is a hidden Roman Catholic church from the era of the sectarian protestant absoluist states genocides.. The templars ceased to be in 1312.


Take the red pill on women. It was the original red pill after all.

Stop having schoolgirl crushes too. Oh and Game really does work, you just have to apply yourself and learn to be zero fucks given about all interactions with women.

Stop shitting where you eat. Don't date in the office.

McDonalds got replaced with Kezia Dugdale

Oh really? The state of Labour.

This fat commie fuck threatned a girl photographer at the LD50 protest last saturday in Hackney. Anyone know who he is?

>tfw the earliest I have to be in work is 10am
>I sit on my arse doing nothing for 6 hours then I go home

Being a wagie isn't that bad if you get lucky

In the shadow cabinet?



Just quintessential my shit right up senpai.

>four bints
yeah this might be a mute watch

>Paki Jock
>Guardian columnist

I don't hold high hopes for this one, hopefully the based Mackems will rip them to shreds. But then the BBC will probably stack the audience again

McDonnell was replaced
But yeah I'm not excited for this ep.

>Tfw just remembered QT is on tonight
>Sadness followed by a comfy feeling knowing I'll be watching this black pill shit with you all
>This week on after

The only saving grace of that whole panel.

>Take the red pill on women.
I hope you don't mean that god-awful super MGTOW process which leads you to believe they're parasites and nothing more, do you? I already went through that phase a good few years ago. Then you realise that you need them to be the mothers of your children and that you can't be a nationalist and hate half of your countrymen at the same time. They need to be controlled rather than avoided.

Some good advice though, I shall bare it in mind user, cheers.

>three cancerous treacherous cunts
>one literal who

The BBC ladies and gents.

why not get a (reversable) vasectomy and let a parasite woman attach onto you thinking she can get child alimony, and you can steal a few years worth of love from her

I'm horrified by this point, they're actually gonna do it. Sturgeon has succeeded in her brainwashing.


might give up desu

lesson of the 21st century

>morality doesn't pay

Why is one half of Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh's hairline a full inch or so further forward than the other half?

The scots take a lot from from the English taxpayer than they give back. This would be awful for them. Goodbye free university tuition

interesting read


Just realised QT is in sunderland if i wasnt away studying i couldve tried to go on.
Will be interesting to see what the crowds like as ill know if its stacked with bbc plants

good feng shui though

Ah, women. They make the highs higher, and the lows more frequent.

>McDonnell was replaced

Not that his replacement is much better. I don't think I can handle four women on the panel

>White Nigger is STILL posting
On your fucking bike you boring cretin

How is that wonderful US-UK trade deal doing?

The Brexit UK is on the way to TTIP on steroids, after those nasty sinister tyrannical EU laws about protection of consumer rights, food safety, health protection, environmental protection etc. are lifted. You better get used to beef laced with hormones, pesticides and other tasty additives. And to GMO food. Yummy. And to somewhat dodgy cosmetics. Remember, it is all about 'taking back control'.

Trump does not want to buy your products from you. He wants to SELL crap to you. And to buy the NHS and other British assets at bargain prices. After all, Trump's trade minister said that the assets of the desperately weak Brexit UK are there for the taking.

If Dictator May refuses to hand over the British NHS to Trump or indeed anything else he wants, the US will stop servicing Trident or use some other of its powerful anti-UK tools.

Trump will make the UK great again. Sure.

Brexit means a part of UK plc up for free grab via Brexodus, another part for sale at bargain prices and the rest of it going bust after the Minford-Fox-Davis model of mass destruction is applied.

>trusting polls
>trusting BBC polls

>I'm horrified by this point, they're actually gonna do it. Sturgeon has succeeded in her brainwashing.

Win by attrition was always the plan.

Life in the UK post brexit is going to be hard, easy to blame England.
August 2018 so 18 months of concentrated siege fire propaganda will get a majority to vote Yes this time.

Im looking forward to the happenings.

i was addicted to them flavours back in 2013, white chocolate and coffee or something i think?

>not a lion bar
the manliest and most british of chocolate bar, also one of the rarest and most prized.

No I don't mean that. MGTOW is pathetic. You've totally misunderstood the red pill on women.

PUA was pretty autistic and weird when it first started and it inspired a lot of strange offshoots. There were a lot of hyperautists who had no experience with women to compare the material to and they went very weird indeed.

Game as practiced today is pretty easy to understand and internalise and do. The whole point of learning it is to give yourself freedom of choice on who you want to marry and have kids with. I think girls are great and always have done, and I think they're even better now I have some understanding and experience with them.

>Trump does not want to buy your products from you
>And to buy the NHS and other British assets

Hey OP, you sound like a nice guy, and that's probably you're first problem. Honestly, girls just want to have fun. Be fun. Tease them. Treat them like your bratty little sister. Make games out of everything. Kino often. But DO NOT PUT THE PUSSY ON A PEDESTAL. Srsly tho, read up on game, body language, shit tests etc. it will contextualize all of your previous encounters with women and give you the self confidence you need.


not sure why I'm bothering but bump

From user in another thread

I hope we don't. I asked one of my friends and the only reason was I don't like the English. But they submit to the EU

That doesn't make any sense

>Leave voters talking about brainwashing and factually incorrect propaganda
>Leave voters talking about using something as an easy scapegoat for problems

>the speed at which a news outlet reports news should tell you all you need to know
that they're good?

Let them do it

The truth will win in the end, they will be financially crippled and filled with immigrants.

You should check out that Red pill documentary.

Literal feminazi ourno goes on a tour looking at men being utterly fucked over by the system.

Theres nothing like a man on camera after hes been bankrupted by divorce and unable to see his children, with utterly no legal recourse to put feminism in perspective.

Its enoyable aside from the MGTOW bullshit movement and shows Feminism for what it is, utterly bullshit, if it was about equality theyd be out in droves screeching about how unfair it is for men because feminism is all about "equality"

I want Scotland to leave the UK. I just think they're in for a surprise

Nice. You're still a cunt though.


Yes but muh oil. They deny the fact we take more so bad yet it'd be a benefit for England.

I live here though

t. anonymong

>they're quick at reporting news i'd rather deny so there!

"I’m on maternity leave – and pregnant again!

Yes. I did this. I managed to get a few weeks’ work in between babies! If you become pregnant again while on maternity leave, you are entitled to SML and SMP with your next baby."

Why the FUCK does maternity leave/pay eve exist?

I'm too autistic for this

Looking forward to being a very creepy middle aged gentleman