How do we deal with the weed smoking junkies? These degenerates can't live without their nigger plant and become moody shitty people (more than they are sober) when they can't get their next drug hit. We should have squads with the right to shoot dealers/growers and the little degenerates that buy it should get a 10 year stretch in siberia or alaska in 1930s soviet union conditions. Pot smoking druggies yap on and on about it being natural and all that, what better place to send them then to a logging camp in nature.
How do we deal with the weed smoking junkies...
Other urls found in this thread:
>complaining about weed
You got bigger problems and drugs to worry about m8.
Weed legalization is the perfect fucking thing to get rid of Cultural Marxism. Usually its broke-ass college kids who smoke, so let them get it legally and drain their life away high as a kite while the real men get to work.
>Usually its broke-ass college kids who smoke
>being this wrong
I find it funny you say "while the real men go to work" while you post on Sup Forums in the middle of the day sucka
post again and I'll give you a knuckle sandwhich
test them for marijuana and if it's positive you have to shoot them. there's no other way.
How about you live your own life and stop worrying about other all the time
I'm posting from the Maple White House right now.
It's a delicate balance between small government staying out of people's lives and ensuring you don't have a degenerate populace like some european cucked country
You seem upset
This. I work full time and smoke weed to unwind fuck autistic buzzkills.
I smoke weed every day, and im not addicted.
Stay mad.
Ok OP, that's their problem for being addicted to it. Is it directly affecting your life? No, it isn't, so shut the fuck up about it you whiny cunt.
I'm a barcelona fag, going to sign up to a weed club this weekend. Any tips, fellow responsible casual smokers?
>smoking weed is legal but wearing a nazi uniform is extremely taboo.
Drugs being sold and bought in this country affect the tax payer, you filthy drug addict.
Give them six months to get off it by offering regulated programs that have a 90-100% success rate in studies.
If they can't get off that shit, kill them and force their faggot friends to smoke bongs made of their petrified cocks.
>tfw smoking weed RIGHT NOW
I have this problem. My mind is at the moment fixated on getting high. I can't cope without it this shit is bad.
Weed should be dealt with the same as alcohol. Regulate it, have a legal age, and socially insist that people who abuse it need to seek help
Make marijuana legal, and use the tax revenue from it to build the wall. Pair it with putting solar panels on the wall and we've just confused the fuck out of the left and the stoner hippies
What happens when you don't get your daily hit? Yeah, thought so. You are an addict in denial, a typical trait seen in all addicts.
There's a difference between can't and doesn't. You don't have to be smart to realise this.
Marijuana causes impotence and sterility. It's a self-correcting problem.
I honestly don't mind people smoking weed.
But if you smoke weed, you are likely not an achiever.
If you are not an achiever, it is likely that it is because you have limited potential.
I think everyone judges this way. This is nothing personal. But if you are a smoker, be prepared to get judged like this by your peers.
>I smoke weed every day, and im not addicted.
Fuck you commie
>solar panels
genius idea. put wind turbines that power underground electric fences to keep tunnelers out
Just wait till' their gibs run out due to subhuman migrant families hogging it all.
If somebody who isn't you want to be the lil degenerate fuck,there's nothing you can do about it.
What we can do is shoot a kike who pushes for mass media brainwashing super degeneracy
Normal degeneracy=\\= NWO degeneracy
Muslims and niggers living off welfare & raping children in pools is affecting the taxpayers wallet,cuck
>he can't grow his own buds
>These degenerates can't live without their nigger plant and become moody shitty people (more than they are sober)
For a couple of days. Same with people who have been drunk.
Nothing. I get slightly annoyed that i cant smoke for the day..even if its another month before i smoke, everything is fine.
Kek, very funny, burger.
>I think everyone judges this way.
Your post is a waste of time.
There are dozens of other drugs you need to worry about chap, plus alcohol is 10x more degenerate and dangerous so shut it or Ile smack you right in the gabber you stinking limey
>work is so stressful i need to unwind
sounds like all that weed has turned you into a giant pussy
Im not. Its available to me that much fotlr next to nothing.
Not an argument.
>using stoners as a metric for recreational drug use
>not understanding that all addiction, of all kinds, stems from dopamine release (see: 2017 Nobel Prizer winners)
>blaming a non sentient plant for human degeneracy
>tantamount to blaming kids for paedophilia
t. unemployed
There's always a lot of projection going on in these anti weed threads.
I guess all of men are giant pussies then.
Found the addict
then why are you smoking it every day?
Yeah, no. I live in california so no one gives a shit and you're kinda weird if you don't smoke while in the 18-24 age group.
>nigger plant
Weed is 100% European, and it isn't really bad for you when it is pure.
Because i like to be stoned, and its relaxing.
I dont drink like a heathen would.
all OF men, Ivan? why are you interested in normalizing the things that destroy the American spirit?
Why do people act like anyone who smokes weed is automatically a gibs me dat degenerate?
My entire friend group since highschool all smokes weed on the daily, some of us are successful and some of us are slackers. You could pretty much tell who was going to be what even before we started smoking weed.
It all comes down to who the person is, the drug doesn't define them
Satan rules Canada
I unwind by going to the gym and getting jacked, you filthy junkie. Only pussies need to resort to drugs to 'unwind'. Trump is one of the busiest men on the planet and doesn't need drugs to unwind. He's not a weak willed cuck like you.
>you're kinda weird if you don't smoke while in the 18-24 age group
this is a shit mentality to have imo those faggots are weird
The average male is a lazy fat ass, why would you do anything an average male would do.
>t. weedbag
> I like to drink every day because alcohol make me feel relaxed
>gets ruled by peer pressure
Yea fuck weed smokers t b h i hate that drug to my very ounce. Let them smoke idc just know i don't like that shit around me
I dont get stoned then beat my kids, and hurt others.
I dont get stoned and tbone someone at 70mph swerving.
That's how it is where I live, not saying I think this.
I get people who have to work all the time or are taking crazy hard classes but if you just have an average workload, I don't see why not from time to time unless it freaks you out.
my favorite part is when people try sooooo ahrd to justify it as a miracle drug in the agenda to try to make it one step closer to normal.
>W-well this study by (((experts)))
You all fell for the jew yet again.
You go to the gym to get jacked off? Get off my board faggot
This is what weed junkies always do.
Always change the goal posts to alcohol.
you forgot the part where the straight edge fails to ever lose their virginity or forget about the times their dad raped them
Smoke your self
End it.
lol how do you deal with them?
leave them alone you fag
Well I like it and it's very avaliable so it's my choice...
And your gym comment is stupid as well, I go to the gym then smoke after before I go to bed.
t. Sup Forums addict
>I dont get stoned and tbone someone at 70mph swerving.
You sure?
Plus, your examples are on the extreme side. Most people who are addicted to alcohol don't act like the piece of shit.
Getting jacked means building muscle you sperg. My forearm is bigger than your arm.
It's addicting in the same way coffee and jerking off are addicting.
Because its true and undeniable. Youre right but the potential for chaos is always more present in alcohol than weed 1000x over.
But hey keep protecting our nation from damgerous weedz.
We are not talking about alcohol now, so stop deflecting and accept weed is degenerate. Both are degenerate.
Such a prideful faggot.
>drug hit
You don't need muscle to fill out Burger King applications.
Kys faggot, improving Cannabis quality via manufacturing is only improving its medicinal qualities and erasing bad ones
Soon Pharma will lose billions of customers
>How do we deal with the weed smoking junkies?
Legalize and let them get on with it.
Weed is not that dangerous, true. However, add more drugs are just like add more wood to the bonfire.
I remembered Colorado allowed Weed a few years ago. News about weed in Colorado suddenly went silence. Knowing MSM, they are hiding DUI rates in the state.
You don't need oversized muscles for anything except impressing other latent homos.
I have more money than you and never have to work a day in my life if I didn't want to. Not 'work' in any meaningful sense. Ever heard of meme coins, kid?
I'm from California and hate people like you
I get more pussy than you.
No one cares what any of you Californian faggots think. Just stay there and die there
The substance is not the problem, it's the person.
Even a stick is as good or bad as the person holding it.
Fuck off. Weed is a non issue in the uk.
Why don't you do something to stop the islamification of britain?
I really, really fucking wish there was more of a middle ground on the whole pot thing. It always seems to be full on 'GATEWAY DRUG FUNDING TERRORISM HURR ONLY BAD PEOPLE SMOKE' versus 'LOL SMOKE EVERYDAY IT CURES CANCER IT'S NOT IN ANY WAY ADDICTIVE HURR DURR JOE ROGAN IS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING.'
Personally, I get a small bag every 3 months or so, have fun for a few days, then resume my life. I find it helps creativity (somewhat, but pople make too much of that) but kills motiviation. I'm sure if I did it every day, I'd be a fucking zombie caring about nothing.
But apparently I'm the fucking enemy of both sides because I don't A. use it EVERY FUCKING DAY B. Say it's completely fucking bad.
All things in moderation, niggers.
Normal employed guy here. Great job, great money. I enjoy smoking after work. No harm in it.
Who do you think sells and grows a lot of the weed in this country? Niggers and pakis.
Yes you're not at all insecure posting pictures of your arms on a Korean basket weaving forum.
>All things in moderation, niggers.
This. The key is moderation.
If you don't think it destroys Christian morals you're a fool
Fuck you cunt. Don't you dare send your degenerate junkies to our golden shores.
there doesn't seem to be any effect at all on DUI-related crashes due to marijuana legalization
Not at all, it's funny to see you sperg out afterwards.
Don't lie, you like ramming the dirtstar, dontcha boy?
That's a MSM lie, there's constant crashes
OP Hemp made ropes to addorn our sailing ships or became the names of english towns (hemmel hempstead, southhampton etc etc) Alcohol is a drug too faggot. Did you hav a bad turn on weed? haha giant pussy
Jap girls cosplaying Nazis is really cute tho
Well there's a lot of "us" and if I don't care if young people don't smoke, just was saying how it is where I live.