What happened to the new atheist movement?
Did racism and sexism win? Are they slowly converting back to Christianity, but this time psychologically and scientifically with the help of people like Jordan Peterson?
What happened to the new atheist movement?
Did racism and sexism win? Are they slowly converting back to Christianity, but this time psychologically and scientifically with the help of people like Jordan Peterson?
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Who cares.
>slowly converting back
more like needing money from mom and dad again and going to church like good sheep.
Look at this edgy college student looking for a way to stand out:
I could easily see her writing a paper in the 00s about how God does not exist to piss off her professor
They got largely won against Evangelicals in the mainstream and so quieted down, but also are realizing how incredibly cringe they have been to a degree.
>atheists adopting protestant memes yet again
It was and is a Marxist anti-culture movement, and it is dying because it deserves to die.
Atheism turned itself into the current SJW crew that exists today. The only way that the atheist movement can be resurrected (although I am a christian) is that they are fucking genocided to realise that we are merely clearing out the weak from their group so they live in fear.
I have no idea what I just said because I just woke up. Plz halp
>They got largely won against
sod off, mushmouthed papist
some user posted this gif resently
i saved
Reddit pls go.
user pls. They were the counter-culture in 2001. Now Christianity and general religiousness is the new counter-culture.
Atheism has won, but, unlike feminism, decided to retire instead of becoming the grotesque parody of itself like the feminists, occasionally speaking up against the muzzies, like what Dawkins does.
Although, if Trump Evangelicals would fuck things up again, it might have to reappear.
It seems to me that the "skeptic" atheist community has gotten bored with arguing about religion and have moved on towards social politics which has created a rift within themselves. Specifically, they've been involved with SJW politics (for or against it).
They got smart.
this, atheism is well on the rise in western countries and has been
Very true.
OMG finally a normal russian.
Ah, that reminds me. They're also definitely focusing more on Islam now.
Why is it always British people changing the culture of each generation?
Just because we're talking about r/atheism-tier shit doesn't give you the okay to act on their stupidity.
This. Espicially now that Drumpf won, christianity is seen as fringe.
I highly doubt anyone here is retarded enough to believe in god.
Kys 9fag
t. asshurt christcuck
Literally all atheist e- and youtube celebs are anti-SJWs, including Dawkins, of course.
Really makes you think about only-Christcuckery-will-save-the-West-from-degeneracy-and-islam
His career will end the day he dares to touch any servant of satan (muslims, feminists, lgbt, etc) in his speeches. Only Christians can be bullied unpunished. That's the whole point of this life: a little test for fidelity. Will you betray the Lord because of society oppressing you? Or because of a pretty-faced cunt who "loves" you?
>because everything needs a cause
it's "everything that begins to exist"
>no evidence
there's good historic evidence for the resurrection
this isn't why God is real, but it really makes you think
I've been fucking dying for some christian hipster neoreactionary movement, but I just don't see it anywhere
The Atheist movement has always been spear-headed by Jews. Both the ones openly Jewish like Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris, and the ones secretly Jewish who people only discover after have Jewish mothers like Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher (sly hebes that they are). As such, Atheism has always gone hand in hand with cultural Marxism and New Atheism was the ultimate manifestation of that, branching Atheism into far left social issues.
However, the Chosen are nothing if not crafty, and having that overt connection ended up being a mistake and made the puppet strings too readily identifiable. So now they've settled back into their original role, manipulating the spiritually weak into abandoning their faith while stroking their egos and ironically convincing them about how strong their convictions and intellects are while the atheists bleat and follow like the sheep they are.
point one out, frenchman
He is right. Not believing in God is okay, but a movement for not believing in God is just retarded.
Actually I am one. Still find it funny.
[fedora tipping intensifies]
Sort yourself out. It's no joke.
He touched Islam a long time ago. They've said that their culture can go to hell or the eqivalent.
Russians are some of the most degenerate people on earth.
Christianity is a meme over there, literally no one cares about religion
t. someone who worked in smolensk for 8 months
you'd be surprised at the amount of threads popping up where over half the responders claim to be theist
and it seems like the majority of those guys argue for an actual magic deity rather than the importance of cultural strength through religious tradition and values that are mainly metaphorical
really makes you wonder how smart the average Sup Forums user actually is.
>inb4 fedora
Because Islam is becoming an increasingly commonplace threat. If christianity ever steps out of line again, I'd expect atheists to attack it as they should.
>Reddit comes during election season
>still bringing r/atheism here
Disgusting. I'm out.
hebrews were the chosen people, so if i convert to judaism, am i a chosen one now?
That explains why I haven't read anything about him in the (((newspapers))) for a long time.
Go back to 2012.
of course not brother
they all know of the real supreme beeing allah
inshallah i will go fuck my youngest wife now, good night to you brothers
and to you kufars
i hope you burn in hell
A German biochemist
Hmm. Planning another holocaust, Hans?
>spouts euphoria
>i-inb4 fedora guys!
The French are a race of sentient sewage, still having the arrogance of their once great ancestors. Nothing is worse.
The left's love affair with Islam happened.
>the enemy of my enemy is a useful idiot
>using this as an admission of apostasy from the brain
It's people wanting to take the morale highground by saying they're oh so traditional and religious most of the time
wallah all these infidels will get their head cut off
t. amerimongrel
>It's only metaphors !!!11one
You are free to believe that, but that's not what Religion is about. It's about faith.
>actual magic deity
define magic
>rather than the importance of cultural strength
would "cultural strength" actually be important in a godless universe where at bottom there is no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference?
important for what? maximizing human flourishing? satisfying our biological imperatives?
Those with no sort of spiritual direction in their lives are existentially stunted and immature.
Except for that Steve Shives dude. I don't know more internet atheists, but I know people like Bill Mahr pretend to hate SJWs but still buys into BLM, Feminism, white privilege, and all that crap. I know for sure that when speaking of ordinary people there are the sjw atheists and the anti-sjw atheists.
Jews were the chosen people, yes. And when God had his son born among their number, the Jews who followed him continued to be the chosen people. Those who denied Christ deny God and are no different from any other heretic.
Atheists have always been here. Actually, christians have been coming from /r/christianity here planning a raid before the elections.
A question to all christfags.
Will an atheist go to hell?
religiosity and IQ/socioeconomic status are inversely correlated
make of that what you will
if we're just going to trade insults then you're a superstitious primitive
>replied to wrong post, person i was really replying to will never read this now
>The homeless, unproductive and useless dregs of society should be the ones to lead it
Nobody really believes in the religion meme except muslims and American weirdo protestants.
Yes. If you don't believe in a god, you will burn in Hell.
No. He simply won't return to life during the second coming. Anyone who hasn't accepted Christ will just remain dead like a light not switched back on.
What happened to the new atheist movement?
Let me write it out for you
>if we're just going to trade insults then you're a superstitious primitive
Nigger your first post contained no argument, only insults.
Elderly cares, that's for sure. However they usually have no understanding of God and concentrate solely on rituals/feasts/fasting.
Nevertheless, russian youth is probably more sexually degraded than american/european one, aside from LGBT bullshit ofc
But I blame commies for this, they 've completely erased russian history and culture.
Dawkins is completely retarded.
>using numbers skewed by latinos and blacks to make a point
>thinks that endears him on a board where people aren't shy about acknowledging racial discrepancies
Sounds like you stepped out of r/atheism a bit too soon.
silly dichotomy: atheism vs religious
important dichotomy: western values vs sandmonkeys
In many ways you are already in hell. You have been trapped in this material plane of existence by the demiurge. If you don't invest your time in study and achieve transcendental spiritual knowledge you will never be free. You will be born again, chained to a flesh and blood body.
All religions damn you to hell if you do not do EXACTLY as they say.
A big point in me becoming an agnostic.
In all Abrahamic religions, if you are the BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD, like you cured cancer and aids and ended world hunger, if you weren't a jew/christian/muslim, guess what,
You are going to hell.
That kind of god is not logical to me. Seems more like a human is trying to empose his own beliefs and directions on me...
the feelings, morality, tradition, etc. is impossible without a god meme really needs to die
you can still have one without the other
I really hate Peterson take on religion
>Well it's stupid to bash religion
>Unless you are bashing taking religion literally instead of believing in a Jung-inspired take on religion only I and my followers on youtube, believe then it's OK
Or in other words:
>Religion is not the thing everyone believed it is until now
>It's actually this and that
>Have I already told you that my position is not supported by any living religious authority?
What he teaches is basically atheism, but he's too edgy to admit it. People believe that God is real, physically real, not true "from a Darwinian perspective".
The atheist movement as a whole fell to cultural marxism, aka. the same thing that happend to the green movements, feminism, black activism, separatist movements, gays, etc. and the movement is now a puppet and it's members useful idiots. It became just yet another tool against the white western christian society.
Which is why so many people left as that wasn't what they signed up for.
politicians at least listen to christians, so being christian is the new meme to beat back those dirty sand dindus.
But, you do realise that my brain is his creation. It's not my fault that the brain he created is not good enough to realise his existence. Why would he send anyone to hell for his own failure?
I am not responsible for my intelligence, he is.
Like pottery
Yes, no, sorta, kinda, and you're faggot.
Those are the answers you will receive. You faggot.
The meek shall inherit the earth. Fuck off atheists.
Sounds more like you're trying to impose human morality on an infinite being with an unknowable mind.
>if God were TRULY just he would share my narrow ethical view of right and wrong!
>no literally omniscient and omnipotent being could have reasons beyond my capacity for understanding to have rules that don't make immediate sense to me
>the feelings, morality, tradition, etc. is impossible without a god meme really needs to die
that wasn't my point at all
>you can still have one without the other
my point is that it's irrational.
>t. increasingly desperate Marxist
You've lost.
Go to the atheism leddit and you'll see hardly anything about Islam. Despite worshiping Dawkins and Hitchens they only attack Christians (especially now that a Republican is in the White House). The few posts that criticize Islam are filled with comments like "ALL RELIGION IS BAD MKAY CHRISTIANS ARENT BAKING WEDDING CAKES!"
It's hilarious see people afraid to applaud atheists like Bill Maher when he calls out Islam and says that it is objectively worse. It's the only time his audience doesn't burst into applause when he says something
These are obvious raid threads. Like those retarded Sup Forums is a Christian circlejerk board, etc. Spammed and shilled by some reddit christcucks, useless and retarded like all raid threads.
Semitic religions are shit for a reason. Keep praying to your king of the jews, stupid shabbos goy
If we are all Africans, does that mean imperialism was justified after all?