Canadians tend to think they enjoy a right to free speech, but they don't. It's one of their national myths, probably attributable to wholesale gorging on literature, media and films from America, where speech enjoys near-total constitutional protection from suppression by government.
Canadians seem to have less rights and freedoms every year
can confirm
help me everyone is brainwashed around me, my teachers, the students, my parents, the jews are slowly ramping, the feminazi is now unstoppable
There might be hope tho, i hear more and more about redpills group forming and fight the socialist with knowledge but most of them are npcs and over with
no escape friend.
Couldn't be more true. I'm in Quebec and they keep pushing socialism and pro-islam shit. Teacher are totally brainwashed and can't argue for more than 5 min without saying that you are stupid or wtv
> proxy burger
we getting tits today?
I'm also in quebec and gotta say, the medias are not that bad i don't know about rest of Canada.
It's just a mouvement that seems impossible to stop right now across all western countries but i feel like our moment might be coming
we'll see
>leaf summoned
shit is horrible here, please send any spare Nazis you have to thin out the vast communism herre
Don't we have the same situation in Bongland?
>uk poster saying Canadians don't have rights
Pot calling the kettle black, thought police, social services and numerous other government agencies can look through all your browsing history at a whim.
We don't use the glass houses routine on /pol. it is a fallacy and only serves to limit dscusson. read the sticky
Not saying what you're saying is less valid. I'm genuinely curious. Do we have any more rights than Canadians do?
use google. don't expect other adults to waste their limited time on earth for you.
You're already wasting time on Sup Forums. Are you Scottish?
You're using a fallacy again.
> fake bong, same shilling
It's 5 pm on the east coast.
It's worse in Bongland.
Eton student who owned toddler-rape videos allowed to use false name to protect wealthy family
Eton college pupil, Andrew Picard, who owned 1,185 indecent images of children, as well as videos of a three-year-old being raped and children being forced to have sex with dogs, was allowed to use his Mother’s maiden name by the UK courts in order to protect his wealthy family’s reputation.
Picard, whose real name is Andrew Boeckman, was spared jail and handed an 18-month suspended sentence for ten counts of possessing child pornography.
What can we do to help our friends the Canadians? They are subverted and demoralized. They currently are normalizing thought crimes with legislation. Soon it will be illegal to talk ill of the muslims.
perhaps annexaton by the USA is their only hope
>What can we do to help our friends the British?
Student who had 1185 indecent images of children, videos of a three-year-old being raped and children being forced to have sex with dogs allowed to use false name by UK Court to protect wealthy family
An Eton boy. Name of Andrew Boeckman.
He produced some of the rape videos. One of them features a 2 year old getting raped by a dog.
So maybe yeah, british anons, you can stop pitying us and work on that little problem you've got.
So what do you think a motion is, and what do you think this particular motion does? Or did you just get all your info from headlines and anons?
pull yourselves together canada.
>He doesent know no one in the anglosphere can enjoy freedom of speech
kek a brit talking about freedom
how many government surveillance cameras are looking at you right now?
but yes, i love this socialist country but I'm watching my rights slip away. Justin should be ashamed of himself for letting his people strip away the charter of rights and freedoms his father created.
but a conservative leader won't fix this you idiots
who needs rights and freedom when you have weed
This >journalist is a cuck.
You have to give it to the leafs though, they truly are masters of shitposting.
Rural and suburban retards is a perfect example - a shitpost/meme that ages like a fine wine, the longer it's around the spicier it gets
Push is a millimetre ,then stop, wait
Push us a millimetre, then stop, wait
That image was decent quality when I saved it...
we'll never be you! NEVER!
Big brother will avenge us!
Too bad we don't even have that.
we don't have it yet. I think its going to be another broken Trudeau promise.