>The year is 10,000 BC
>You get to choose anywhere for your people to spawn in Europe
Where do you choose and why?
If you could start over, from the beginning
Probably Norway
Only negative I can think of is Nazi occupation during ww2
Otherwise Norway has been nothing but peace
UK, Island is easiest to defend
Yea but England spent like 100 years in civil wars
They were also invaded lost of times
what do you mean my people, fucking racist.
Actually though, as in a white atheist english colony? Then Turkey I guess, mess things up in the world sphere.
I guess
Turkey was white
It was Mongol and Turk invasion that turned it to what it is today
North Africa.
Time to unfuck everything.
Make Carthage Great Again!
Just think about it - if only Rome would not destroy this ancient civilization, Africa and Middle East wouldn't be a trouble today.
Southern France
Absolutely fantastic climate, natural protection from the south via the ocean, alps and pierenese
Access to the Atlantic without having to go through the straights, access to the Mediterranean
Yeah, southern France
Tutorial island