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When those old people start dying you will be so fucked.
I'm sure as fuck not staying here.
This is Florida.
They're already bussing in old people faster then they drop
we're in a pretty sorry state down here
>0-4 y/o
t. Cuban-American.
That escalated quickly
This is the whole fucking country
Though a lot of the numbers are skewed by the fact "white hispanics" do exist, and most interbreeding is between whites & white hispanics, producing white hispanic kids
On the bright side, white people have a longer life expectancy than niggers and assorted beaners because they go to the doctor, have health insurance, and don't engage in as much life-threatening behavior as people with brown skin. Since niggers and beaners don't live to be 80, that age group will always be white AF. So fuck off, beaners and niggers! Especially fucking dirty ass Cubans and Puerto fucking Ricans. They're even worse than drunk Indo beaners
We need to stop all immigration for at least 30 years.
If you change the ethnic makeup of a country, you fundamentally change the national character of that country. If we filled Japan with Swedish, or if we filled Italy with Chinese, it would change those countries. Likewise, if you fill America with Mexicans, it's going to change the country. It's not just Mexicans either. Look at Minneapolis. Filled with Somalians. City with historical low crime is now a terrorist shithole with machete slayings and child rape every day. This is legal immigration. It must be stopped. Check the racial demographics of your local elementary school. It's going to happen to you.
it's more that none of these brown people were in the country 80 years ago
What will the US look like in another 50 years? Will it even exist?
This is why we went red in November.
It's terrifying to think about.
Leafs and Burgers should unite to get the brown out of North America. If America falls to the plague of darkness, it's only a matter of time before niggers and beaners come for your syrup. I know you think the cold will keep them out up there, but once our white infrastructure collapses down here, the virulent wave of subhuman niggers and beaners will spread until they consume all white society on the continent
this is right across the river from Cincinnati which is about 30% black and has one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country in which 25% of residents are a victim of violent crime in any given year
Is America even worth saving anymore?
30 years, and also, forever
What is the whitest, most nigger/spic-free state in the US? I'd like to visit one day but I don't want to deal with feral niggers.
>Hispanics can we white too, goyim! Welcome them with open arms and breed with them!
Kentucky is looking pretty solid so far
that doesnt look diverse
thats actually quite homogenic, seeing that it has 65 per cent of one dominant race
It's at least worth more than saving Greece at this point
It's like America has cancer and it's spreading everywhere
>89% white
Kentucky it is then. Thanks!
Go somewhere cold like Ohio or Oregon.
Florida is retirement central dumbo
Fucking hell
Your coutry if LITERALLY KEKED America
Didn't know it was terrible like this
96.7% White
1.3% Asian
1.2% Mixed Race
0.6% Black
0.2% Other
thats a genocide
thats what matters
Requesting airlift
Have you looked through your window recently Jean-Pierre ?
Your country literally fought a revolution to be able to suck black dick on daily basis, you pretty much started it all.
Amazing, isn't it? Looks like in many parts of Western Europe as well. And over the years (((politicians))) and (((NGOs))) said that wasn't happening.
That chart looks far from optimal, but the good thing is I live in a 95% white area. Not surprisingly, that area has the lowest crime rates and highest median income.
What is that? SoCal? Texas?
It fucking sucks, I have ties to this area, but I do not wish to bring children up here.
Feels bad man
Damn Spics are polluting every state.
Don't worry Hans, you'll soon be 65% black.
Can someone get me out of here? I can pay you in back rubs.
Southern california is pretty much mexico.
I live in one of the most cucked places in Virginia
>and I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free
People still have Trump signs up here.
diverse only means no white people.
R8 my County
no they don't. White hispanics are litterally rare as fuck. I live in CA. Also, mestizos are not white, the IQ damage has been done.
Not to mention CA puts East Asians as white on the census. An Afghan is listed as white, its hilarious
>12% race mixed
Holy fuck the propaganda is working
Ha, that looks like a nightmare. Do spics and nigs keep themselves in check at least? Or are they united against whitey?
Ah, mistook asians for nigs.
Hispanic isn't a race though, I've met German looking spics and blacker than black spics.
Heh, you think that's bad? R8
the asians and the spics actually don't interact with each other, the only time they unify is to outvote whitey. Spics cause all of the crime though
>tfw i still want a black gf
Is that fucking Hawaii or something?
You think this will change to the better under Trump?
Not too shabby
What the motherfucking fuck.
Black people are getting rekt by Mexishits
I'm in alaska.
Americans: regroup!
Move to the Midwest and the Upper South!
...holy shit we are so fucked...
I feel like I see more niggers around than that. Maybe I just live on the wrong side of town.
I was in the US a few months ago, and I was amazed at how much Spanish was spoken. I understand California and Texas, but I was in New Jersey a few days and the Walmart actually had all signs in English and Spanish. Mexicans everywhere. Employees where speaking Spanish with customers. It was insane. Soon Spanish will be the majority language in North America as well as South America.
Though I was thinking, if you're going to be replaced; then surely Mexicans are preferable to Blacks?
Feels pretty good man.
If he can get rid of the anchor babies, maybe. I can't give you an actual percentage, but what I can say is that a significant amount of the hispanics are illegals that """ work""" in the fields.
My dad used to own a construction company when he was younger, and he had no choice but to hire them. No, they are not hardworkers, and one of them had the nerve to tell him that mexicans HATE white owned businesses and will actively try to fuck their jobs up. This state is doomed unless he gets ICE working overtime.
Why the fuck is there randomly age 80+ niggers in Alaska?
White genocide is real, fucking coal burners and so many people that believe >muh overpopulation world's all fucked lets not have kids
Feels absolutely bad.
This is El Paso County, Texas.
trump is a bandaid on a gaping wound. If he even tries to change the demographics towards whites ((they)) will cause an international crisis. Look what they did when he barely banned 7 shithole countries.
Not to mention his daughter is married to one of them
Its 25 Percent Hispanic, 33 percent Asian, and the Rest being Black And White
Still somehow seems to be Spics and niggers everywhere
This entire thread is sickening, FUCK DO SOMETHING AMERICA PLZ
Technically Mexico, southern Texas near the border is extremely cucked
Albemarle County, VA. Too lazy to take a screen shot, but I'm still safe.
Some autist needs to pour through this data to find the tipping point. Predominately white areas are ultra liberal because they aren't exposed to minorities, and certainly not the worst of them.
Predominately minority areas are shitholes, and libby for gibs.
Question is, is there a level of white to minority that gives enough exposure to create a conservative vote?
Sure, herpes is better than aids
We are done for leaf bro. Let us be a cautionary tell about what happens when you let in non whites
Sure it is but its because subhumans dont give a fuck and breed like rabbits to have 10 children while whites struggle to have a one kid because they are affraid they wont be able to send him to college anyway.
What said. Don't let this happen to you Canada, and this goes double for you Europe. This is not fun.
Father of 2 pure white kids here.
How many of you are doing your part to propagate the master race?
the problem is anchor babies are citizens, plain and simple. We need to change the law. I have no problem with bringing in dark brown slaves to work the fields for pennies, but I have a huge problem with them making 5 dark brown citizens who then attack /hate whites and scream aztlan / la raza
I'd say Hawaii, Alaska, Or Kentucky.
Nebraska or Kansas
There are no more white women where I live. They've all been BEANED or left. It's over.
>Don't let this happen to you Canada
It's already begun ;-;
Asians out of nowhere? Where are their parents?
Change won't come overnight. But he could create the underlying regulations and incentives that will lead to a turn. It takes time. Getting illegals out would be a first step. Keeping illegals out another one. Can the good ones be integrated?
>diversity explosion
>measured in how few white people there are compared to shitskins
>most "diverse" county is 98% spic
>tfw that's my county
Can't wait to get out