>two consenting adults choosing to date outside their race is 'genocide'.
Are you guys really that retarded?
>two consenting adults choosing to date outside their race is 'genocide'.
Are you guys really that retarded?
yes, most of this palce is retarded virgins who wouldnt know what to do with some puss if it was in front they face
lol, being this paranoid. What's next, gonna call me a shill? JIDF? A cuck?
This. Sage and hide.
Anyone who complains about "muh white race" is a virgin loser, because if you dont have a few kids yourself, you are essentially willing, but incapable.
let it slide boys!
Giving a shit either way is retarded.
Not euvoluntary.
Saged faggot. Take this to Sup Forums.
>le zionist globalist shill conspiracy
Tell me Nigel, if you care so much about saving the white race, how come you arent doing your part to save it?
It's genocidal when it's aggressively promoted, and when combined with mass immigration to white-majority countries, it is very much a tentacle of a genocidal cluster.
>weaponized autism
>voted for brexit
>having white kids
>shit posting on Sup Forums
>red-pilling normies
I've done my part so fair
>argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself
The removal of a race is genocide, yes.
You're getting there with the shilling, but your mistake this time is in attacking our core beliefs so blatantly. Also, calling someone retarded is basically like saying "hello" around here, try using an actual argument next time if you're genuinely trying to pozz people.
sage, try harder next time
>voted for brexit
>having white kids
>shit posting on Sup Forums
>red-pilling normies
Man just stop. The reason why you hate non-whites is the exact same reason why youre an incel neckbeard loser.
Maybe work on yourself and you might actually get a qt white gf.
>he thinks his delusional ramblings merit a serious counter-argument
So, your argument is what exactly? The typical:
>Lol but uuuur a neckbeard :DDDD
Fuck me, you're inventive. :^)
Tbh, fucko, sounds like you're projecting, might want to wind that neck in a bit, sonny.
y-you too
Post a picture of your family/children and I will apologize right now.
What is race
Are you that thick? I'm not that user, but I'm standing up for him because you're a moron.
Not to mention, who willing dox themselves, their family and their CHILDREN on the hate machine that is Sup Forums?
Fucking retarded ((("German"))).
There is nothing delusional about it. It is factual. Mass immigration of third worlders into white-majority countries combined with aggressive promotion of miscegenation (sometimes by representatives of the state in some countries like France) is genocidal no matter how many childish tantrums you throw.
I guess repeat threads are ok again?
>No argument
Wrong. Youre correlating unfortunate negligence with deliberate "genocide"
Has it ever occurred to you that importing millions of these people has 99% to do with destroying the job market/housing market?
Furthermore, your paranoia is showing. Conspiracies become exponentially harder to hide, the bigger they are.
Immigration isn't genocide. The whites in those nations are still there.
>Not an argument.
What the fuck are you on about? This isn't a formal, or even informal argument you moron.
This is me telling you how thick you are, and then you apparently proving it by trying to apply philosophical logic to something that doesn't call for it.
Surprise you didn't go for ad hom, ad hoc or slippery slope. :P
Go back to your Stefan Molyneux and stop being an armchair philosopher. :)
>consent of individuals
doesn't matter
>le anyone who disagrees with me is a neckbeard meme
Everyone knows you work for BIDF.
>white people make up a small percentage of the world's population
>Jews devote most of their time trying to destroy it by filling media with race-mixing propaganda
Yup, not genocide.
Tell that to the former independent nation of Sikkim.
There is no delusion or paranoia. I didn't even claim there is a deliberate centrally organized genocide. Your apparent emotionality is clouding your thinking, whatever the reason for said emotionality.
Call it negligent genocide if you must, but genocide will be the end result of the prevailing multiculturalist/diversity policies and ideology.
Genocide doesn't have to happen overnight. It can also happen, for example, by policies of population replacement over time. Third-worlders immigrating to Europe bring no expertise nor value of any kind beyond "diversity" (and related buzzwords) and increasing/replacing population to "solve" problmes caused by fundamentally awry economics. This population movement is not natural immigration in any sense. The main effects of this immigration are increases in crime, insecurity, and the burden on the social welfare system that any rational person should be able to figure out was designed for supporting people already within the system rather than enabling hordes of alien parasites.
In fact, in 21st century Europe, indigenous European peoples have no rights in the face of the globalist groupthink of political elites because European peoples are not seen as a distinct people but some kind of living laboratory for a globalist/multiculturalist utopia. For example pic related from UN's declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples clearly does not apply to Europeans. Perhaps it will begin to apply 100 years from now, but only because policies would have reduced the sizes of the populations of these distinct peoples and cultures to the point they start to be threatened by the "diversity" of non-whites.
Are you sure it's Jews and not Arabs? Because Jews are an even smaller population and rich Arabs profit greatly from the the destruction and Islamification of the West.
Jews would lose their allies, land they live in themselves, Muslims are outbreeding them in the small desert country they have and Soros, most likely a fall guy for Muslims, is filling the country with degeneracy as well.