Should modern WN movements accept low tier skinheads, ex-cons, and white trash for the sake of sheer numbers, or is this strategy more detrimental than helpful?
The MSM seems to find the lowest of the low white trash to represent any movements that focus on white identity. Should the modern Nat Soc movement deny association to low IQ whites in favor of a smaller, more attractive appearing group?
The WN movement and it's followers
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What about autists?
Yeah, they seem to be helpful. They shouldn't be in a position of high visibility unless they're attractive though.
The highest ranked "nazi" was against nazism and railed against the regime after the war. Hitler couldn't find a good nazi to manage the country's finances
Alright I'll be careful.
>Should the modern Nat Soc movement deny association to low IQ whites in favor of a smaller, more attractive appearing group?
Yes, definitely deny them. Nationalism in Europe has become very attractive because the people are. If they were still all neo-nazis rioting, nationalism in Europe wouldn't be as big in Europe.
Why do you think the American nationalists (the nazi ones) have never made one inch of progress in the last 40 years?
look at all those Jews.
Skinheads or people dressed up as and/or act thuggish are only harmful to the movement. We need charismatic and respectable people to be at the forefront if we want normies to even listen to us.
Spot on, diasporcunt.
I agree, there's nothing worse than everyone from the trailer park dressing in all black and goose stepping around town.
There is still a natural attraction to these movements from the lowest common denominator of WN. Should they be disavowed?
They should be kept at the very back of the movement. We do need numbers. We should definitely at least try to shape these people up when they join and disavow them if they cause too much trouble.
No criminals and trash.
iq has nothing to do with evil people.
Even when you control for IQ race is a strong predictor of criminal behavior. Low IQ whites can still be decent people they're just fucking dumb (duh)
If people trying to undermine WN movements decide to make fun of dumb white trash, you can easily turn that argument around on them and they'll regret having brought intelligence into the conversation.
>Should the modern Nat Soc movement deny association to low IQ whites in favor of a smaller, more attractive appearing group?
Are you trying to imply that National Socialism is a white nationalist ideology?
30,000,000+ non-Jewish European deaths including 5,000,000 Austrians and Germans caused by the Nazis would indicate otherwise
What a stupid post. Are you trolling?
Good point
Why is it stupid achmed?
How do you think we should approach the already existing WN groups that don't live up to the standard, ie; prison gangs, traditionalist workers party, etc? I suspect most of these groups are more concerned with power than actually accomplishing WN goals.
No one sees people dressed in all black with shaved heads and aspire to be associated with any part of their ideology. I understand the statistics but no one wants to be viewed in the light as the modern KKK.
Was Hitler not a white/German nationalist?
I hate this new retarded tactic of saying because whites died in the war, Nat Soc is not inherently WN.
If he was/wasn't whats your point?
>The MSM seems to find the lowest of the low white trash to represent any movements that focus on white identity.
Because of this we obviously should. It doesn't matter at all who we accept, since it will always be the trash that's used to represent us by the MSM.
The Nazis were not interested in the fate of Europeans or whites as a whole. This is why they invaded other European countries like Poland and the Soviet Union and slaughtered their population for six years without end. They even planned to completely raze the city of Warsaw.
If you seriously think the Nazis had any interest in preserving the white race then you're stupid.
Let me show you a list of crimes perpetrated by the Nazis against their fellow Europeans.
>Inb4 some stormcuck calls me a Jew/commie
Childhood is admiring the allies and supporting them.
Adulthood is knowing both of the sides were full of bullshit and didn't give a damn about the humans that died because of what they believed in. Power is what they tried to get, nothing more, there is no deep meaning, at all.
Prove me wrong
We should avoid them to be honest. They're troublemakers, largely. Affiliation with such groups would be painting a target on our backs for the MSM to fire at will at.
He wasn't a white nationalist. He didn't give a fuck about whites as a whole. That's why he murdered so many of them. He was, however, a German supremacist.
>I hate this new retarded tactic of saying because whites died in the war, Nat Soc is not inherently WN.
I don't think a white nationalist government would wage war on its European neighbors and kill or maim millions of their people in brutal war. If you can prove that the Nazis were somehow white nationalists despite their bloody track record of killing white people in the millions and causing the deaths of millions of their own people then I'm all-ears.
War in general yields civilian deaths. The Brits who bombed Dresden were democratic capitalists; that doesn't mean that democratic capitalism isn't an anti-white ideology. Civilian casualties transcend political ideology largely. Theoretically, national socialism would indeed be nationalistic, especially in today's times.
Hitler believed in the preservation of the germanic people above all others. This isn't a secret and it's why Nat Soc can be adopted by any group or ethnicity. It's a love for one's own and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. The threat of globalism and the ease of travel brought about by modernization of transportation, was not a foreseeable threat at the time. Contextual speaking, if Hitler knew what would eventually become of the world, his views of what deserved to have been preserved almost surely would have changed.
Look at Sup Forums for example. We acknowledge each other's peoples accomplishments and see the thread that ties them all together. Early America is proof that when these people create a nation of their own, they blend together fantastically.
You're right in that respect actually. I think that bringing Adolf up was a poor argument. The ideology itself has certainly come a long way, though. Look at many national socialist circles and it's heavily-based upon white nationalism as opposed to exclusively-German/British/etc, although individual nations are important.
Of course. A movement comprised entirely of internet intellectuals will go nowhere.
>The MSM
Who gives a shit? They're irrelevant.
>implying he hated other white nations besides asiatic mongrels
Most of those people were either regural career politicians or regular career military commanders. Very few actual nazis
>Theoretically, national socialism would indeed be nationalistic, especially in today's times.
Never denied it was nationalistic. I'm denying that it was a white nationalist ideology.
They did not fucking care about whites. They cared about pure-blooded Germans and those who they considered "Aryan".
The top Nazis were a bunch of degenerates who didn't even meet their own racial ideals.
Rohm was a homosexual, Hitler became addicted to amphetamines, Wessel enjoyed the company of prostitutes, Goering was disgustingly obese and spent immense resources on decadent sex orgies, and Dirlewanger was a convicted child molester.
>War in general yields civilian deaths.
And the Germans went out of their fucking way to cause as many civilian deaths as possible
Potatonigger retard pls go back to sucking off your churchhill lovedoll
Despite people losing trust in MSM, you can't deny that it influences people's political views. It influences their views on Trump and Brexit, etc, think of how much damage it could do to a white nationalist movement in addition to the stigma attached to such ideologies.
>Sure the Nazis invaded Poland in a war of conquest and massacred Polish leaders in Operation Tannenberg, Intelligenzaktion, Palmiry massacre, and AB-Aktion which killed ~128,000 Poles. And sure the Nazis conducted the war in the most brutal way possible, bombing Warsaw into dust. And sure they forced all the remaining Poles into ghettos and forced labour camps. And sure the Nazis set up all their concentration camps and death camps in Poland. And sure Polish people were forced into ghettos and starved to death (90,000). And sure Polish people were brutally oppressed. And sure the Nazis began "Germanization" of Poland by suppressing and trying to erase any trace of their history and culture, which included plans to completely restructure Warsaw. And sure they eventually bombed Warsaw into dust once more during the Warsaw uprising. And Sure the Nazis brutally persecuted Poles for their catholic faith, most famously killing the now canonized Saint Maximilian Kolbe And sure Nazis started burning hospitals down, murdering thousands of sick polish people and raping Polish women on a mass scale. And sure they were even kidnapping thousands of Polish children to brainwash them to be subservient to their Nazi overlords. and sure at the end of it all over 2 Million non Jewish Poles were killed by the Nazis, But it's okay apparently because civilian deaths happen in war!
You can never have enough footsoldiers who are willing to sacrifice their life and risk prison for our movement.
You might not like them, you may find them brash and stupid but no movement or ideology ever got anywhere with an army of intellectuals.
white nationalistic*
Both sides went out of their way to kill civilians. As I said in the other post, the ideology has developed and is, today, mainly applied to European people as a whole.
If they sperg out, just do some clever jewish tricks and disavow the right people. Do it often enough and they'll look foolish for continuing to bring it up. See: Russia.
I'm talking about MODERN national socialism. I did mention Hitler foolishly and I've retracted that.
>>implying he hated other white nations besides asiatic mongrels
"Hurr everyone I don't like is an asiatic mongrel and deserves to be genocided!"
He was okay with subhuman slant-eyed Japs when they were butchering their way through China but he's not okay with the Russians who have contributed so much to European history and have birthed some of the greatest figures of European history?
>Implying Hitler wasn't appeased time and time again by Chamberlain
I guess being allowed to re-militarize, annex Austria, annex Czechoslovakia, and take back the Rhineland really wasn't enough for him, eh? He had to have a hissy fit and invade Poland for no reason other than some poles bullied ethnic Germans not much differently to how he was treating his own political enemies and Jews in Germany?
>Both sides went out of their way to kill civilians
I know that and I don't defend the allies. The true enlightened Sup Forumsack realizes that both sides were in the wrong and caused more harm to Europe than good.
What exactly is "modern" national socialism? Like I don't care if you like some ideals of national socialism, I do too. But please leave the hitler worship out of it if you wanna claim to be a white nationalist.
>The top Nazis were a bunch of degenerates who didn't even meet their own racial ideals.
>Rohm was a homosexual, Hitler became addicted to amphetamines, Wessel enjoyed the company of prostitutes, Goering was disgustingly obese and spent immense resources on decadent sex orgies, and Dirlewanger was a convicted child molester.
cool bedtime stories shlomo
I think we should accept them in a silent agreement, but more as footsoldiers. Definitely I see how harmful it would be to openly shun those people, at very least. Somebody going head-to-toe against chimping shitskins and scaring off the antifaggots could do a lot for us, since those guys are not afraid to risk their lives to prove their loyalty to the cause.
Look at post-WW2 national socialist movements, such as George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party, Stormweenies, as well as the internet Nazi culture on Sup Forums. It's very rarely practised by Germans today, but by Europeans in general who gear their ideology towards Europe as opposed to their individual nations.
>What exactly is "modern" national socialism? Like I don't care if you like some ideals of national socialism, I do too. But please leave the hitler worship out of it if you wanna claim to be a white nationalist.
even if you leave hitler worship behind people will still associate your nationalistic views with hitler
White Nationalists really need to jettison National Socialism all together tbqh
wanting your country to be for your people is normal and reasonable and easy to argue for even to normies, it's even easier now adays with all the SJW shit because identity politics and differences in the races is mainstream discussion, but as soon as you start arguing for Nazism you're not going to be getting anywhere because of the whole World War 2 thing
Definitely agree. We need the charismatic intellectuals to speak at rallies and the ruffians to protect them. We should disavow people on an individual basis depending upon their own actions as opposed to shunning these groups as a collective.
>death camps
That's exactly what the shills want, a bunch of limp waisted supreme gentlemen right at the front of the movement, ready for the ruthless antifa to chew you up and spit you out. Good luck with that, buddy.
In my opinion WN should be about building a new independent network. There shouldn't be a need to represent "yourself" only the work that you have accomplished and what people can gain by entering this network.
>ruthless antifa to chew you up and spit you out
The people at the front and who should be seen shouldn't be limpwristed faggots either. I'm not saying that, there's plenty of Nathan Damigos out there to counter antifa and put an alluring face on the movement.
It's not about whether you accept us, when the shit hits the fan, it'll be if we accept you. You idiots only exist on the internet. Real white nationalist exist in the real world.
>invade Poland for no reason other than some poles bullied ethnic Germans not much differently to how he was treating his own political enemies and Jews in Germany?
You're either a kike or straight retarded.
I mean at the front of the political stage (discussions). Of course we need our Blackshirts and Stormtroopers as well as our charismatic leaders.
I agree with that. People on here (myself included) need to stop talking and start acting.
Please, a bunch of untermensch aren't leading any sort of movement that has a serious future.
Nobody's going to follow Combat-18 or National Action. They're going to follow the BUF and the NSDAP.
No political movement has emerged from the fringe under the command of skinheads. No matter your intentions, nobody will accept you.
Why don't y'all put pressure on Robinson to man up and accept his role in English nationalism. From what I've seen recently, he's caved and is worried about how the MSM represents him. His arguments are solid and he's not a degenerate.
Robinson is a kosher civic nationalist. He won't join any ethnonationalist movement. He's good for raising the issue of multiculturalism, however.
The NSDAP itself formed from a fringe movement. Started out with street battles with commies. Don't talk shit buddy.
Don't be so defensive. I'm not your enemy. The NSDAP are the exact example I need. Hitler/Goebbels/etc were the charismatic and sophisticated frontmen who led the party while they had the SA to bash commie brains in at rallies. That was the point I was making.
We should start twitter campaigns for him to quit being a cuck. He's high vis and could be a face for multiple English organizations to rally behind. Do you think he's brave enough to accept the reality of the situation, or is he a giant puss?
Not a giant puss, but he seems to be fundamentally civic. Maybe I'm wrong. He's quite intelligent, but I'm not sure if there are enough of my countrymen who actually like him. We need someone new and genuine.
Out of curiosity, are you a member of any movement in particular?
Nice. Are you gaining much traction?
Well that's how all movements are made. It seems there's shills here though that want to alienate the real fighting man from the movement and divide us.
Yeah, everyday
There's currently a revival of far right ideology happening. Get active. Find a group bro. This is ending one way.
Identity Europa is doing really good, they're on just about every college campus spreading awareness for white genocide.
No, but would love to join a real nationalist group.
I'm a bit of an extremist though if I'm being honest.
I suppose we're being way too hard on the toughs. They're the ones who defend the leaders in rallies against the reds. They're very valuable; when I talk about unsavoury types, I mean the extreme skinheads who go out and cause trouble for no reason. I think that, recently, most movements have had lots of SA-types but too few, or too few charismatic, frontmen to drive the movement forward. The only other alternatives we've seen are of the BNP type, which are completely lacklustre. We need a middleground imo.
We have no movement formed out though. At the moment, we are in the phase where half of us are libertarian fags, and half of us have taken the final redpill. Also we don't live in 20's Germany, we live in this new world where gaining the momentum on the internet is absolutely crucial, or else the police will put all of the ruffneck white power guys in jail and there goes the next NSDAP.
Let us nerds figure out our symbolics, redpill the normies, maybe get some more people to vote AfD and Le Pen that way, and once we really grow massive, taking it to the streets is the next logical phase.
In Estonia we have the torchlight marches on nationalist holidays organized by our nationalist party, but that's only possible since most of our society sees ethnic nationalism as force for good, something I can't yet admit for UK, Germany, France or Sweden.
Admit it, without the nerd army redpilling normies by the tens of thousands, you guys have no direction or central ideology to commit your loyalty to.
>Phase 1: We keep arguing on chans to figure out our core ideology
>Phase 2: We figure out methods to redpill the normies
>Phase 3: We keep pushing to redpill the normies and meme the presidencies of Sup Forums-friendly canditates
>Phase 4: We take the slowly stuff in real life
>Phase 5: With normies on our side, the left and the shitskins grow desperate and chimp out even more
>Phase 6: We fight (that's where you guys come into play)
>Phase 7: Victory
Same. I think political extremists are the best types of people for this sort of thing. No substantial change has occurred under fence-sitters and leaners.
Best of luck m8. Keep on making progress.
Working on a white nationalist manifesto to start a movement. Here's the banner I designed recently
It's very cool. Confed flag is definitely going to be controversial. Make sure you piss off as many reds as you can.
That's the plan.
Get your Nazi shit off the stars and bars faggot.
Looks good, but the wings of the bird touching the blue stripes triggers my autism, as a graphic designer in real life. Please make it so that there is a little bit of red space between the white bird's wings and the blue stripes stroked with white, pretty please.
I like to think we're on the path to something. There was a WN group in Britain very recently but it got banned for terrorism with no valid reason. Definitely posing a threat.
This is the type of shit I'm addressing in the OP. Any normal white American is going to see that and instantly be turned off. There's already an image associated with each one of the symbols you used. They'll reject you without ever hearing what you have to say. I say opt for something like pic related. It's historically American and stands for our values as well. It's also obscure enough to where there is no gut reaction to the visceral image that will take away from what you're trying to convey.
Yea I know, it's an earier pic, fixed it already.
I'm in the south. Do you want to preserve your confederate flag and history or watch it crumble to political correctness?
That sort of things happen when people move too quickly. One cannot go from numale cuck to 14/88 overnight, at first all WN organizations have to operate as intellectual powerhouses at first, before it becomes a right wing death squad. We need to think like Frankfurt School, not like commie revolutionaries.
Here in the US white nationalism is at a level not seen in close to 20 years. The demographic decline is causing a huge increase in sympathies even if the vast majority aren't ready to actually embrace it. The left tried to move way too fast in the past few years and it is causing people to wake up.
Kys kike.
If the enemy controls what you say and do, they've already won.
>Admit it, without the nerd army redpilling normies by the tens of thousands, you guys have no direction or central ideology to commit your loyalty to.
Obviously. Each of us, according to our abilities serve a purpose and have a role in the movement. Don't let the shills divide. We all have the same vision of a white Europe in the end. Not all men are the same, some men are born to fight, some men aren't, but that doesn't mean they can't share the same vision. They both have their roles in shaping the world.
t. retarded neo nazi
>t. cuck
Not an argument, why are dividing the white nationalist movement? Are you a shill or stupid?
He's literally a nigger, man.
Like half of American posters are niggers. Not Tyrones, nerd niggers.
Maybe a spic though, they like Sup Forums.
We have to set the example, the prescedent.
No movement is viewed positively at first, Hitler himself was locked away and his meetings were attacked by communists. Working within the current framework of acceptability in our society, the end result will always be white genocide.
That's nice to hear that people are waking up from the slumber in the US.
Good message, this is what I wanted to convey. Also, we need to keep stamping out shills who try to break our unity and disrupt the threads were actual development of our upcoming movement is being formated as pieces of the puzzle that in few years maybe become one, once a really large happening comes about.
This does not mean only Sup Forums here, but stuff like trying to get people to boycott degenerate entertainment, trying to convince them to trust the alternative media, pointing out the lies from the left. Personally in real life I have attended a conservative party's youth wing event once, and found 2 Sup Forumsacks there, which was pretty funny. I try to attend their events more in the future and sign up in the coming months. I would urge more anons to find suitable right-wing organizations and attend to their protests/demonstations/meetings to show your support to them physically. I think it's very important.
You're both exactly what I was referring to in the OP. You're not smart enough to see that these symbols have already been demonized and have heavy implications associated with them that make normal people revolt against anything associated with them. Most people experience a physical reaction when confronted with certain symbols that they've been conditioned are bad or immoral.
You really think I'm a nigger because I say this is a bad idea? This is the exact reason you faggots need to dodge any spotlight. Who did the roman salute at NPI? A bunch of fucking jews, but you fucking idiots will defend it. You're not smart enough to view anything objectively or from the perspective of the average person. It's why you hold us down and ultimately why WN never progresses. Listen to Pierce. Look at the decision Rockwell made. You faggots have the same mentality of the cocksucker that shot Rockwell.
>tfw OP is a shill
>tfw mods know this and are now sliding his failed d&c thread
The advancement of mankind and the only possibility of reaching the singularity relies on the survival of the white race. We must secure white ethno states and revive true nationalism to accomplish feats that ancient man couldn't even imagine.
Am I still a shill guy?
What a fucking overdesigned cluttered mess!
Who gives a fuck? They do nothing.
You honestly let them decide what you should say? Take the average pornographic video, imagine taking it back just 40 or so years ago when porn was first becoming an idustry, and show it to the average person, they would throw up. 60 years ago and they would have a fucking mob marching with a rope. And now these videos are shown to everyone from an early age.
The F word would have gotten any child beat bloody by any adult 60 years ago, now schoolteachers allow it to be screamed in every class of every middle and high school.
Things change, you simply must normalize them. Just as the jews did with degeneracy.