Is anyone on Sup Forums not racist?

Is anyone on Sup Forums not racist?

I'm not racist. I keep telling you Islam is not a race.

Who here /not racist fascist/ ?

"Anyone who takes Sup Forums seriously should consider themselves trolled" - Vladimir Illlllyanovich Putin

I only hate the baby boomer elite. The rest is pure love for my country.

I am racist, but I will judge each person by their actions before I actually start hating them.

Niggers are awful, but they can still be OK on an individual basis.

>civic nationalism

Genetic distance is an important factor in a society. It's about group altruism, the foundation of a high-trust and prosperous society.

Not racist at all.


i'm not. I'm here because i hate censorship. Id rather hang out with nazis than censored folk

>Try to reach them through Mussolini, because he was a civic nationalist
Hi Jew shill

He's right you know.

Mussolini was right all this muh aryan race bullshit destroyed European fascism, and has brought this plague of liberalism with politically correctness pop. Thanks to (((Hitler)))

I find it believable that different races have different mental and physical capabilities just because we're a bunch of segregated populations that have evolved differently.

However I don't think these distinctions are really useful at all. The law shouldn't differentiate between people on the basis of race. People shouldn't make assumptions about each other on that basis either.

I think most of the disparity in racial data in America can be accounted for by environmental factors like poverty.

This. Islam is culture, incest and terrible upbringing that results in degenerate fuckheads.

I'm not racist. I support the preservation of the races through separation. Mixing races actually destroys the human races thus being racist.

Mussolini was a retard and is the reason why Hitler lost WW2
to answer your question, no, there are no non-racist people on Sup Forums

>I'm not racist I'm a race realist

I'm not racist but I do play one on the internet

>blame Mussolini
>but the one who started the war

When believing in evolution and biodiversity is called racist, then iam a racist

If you don't start a war, you can't win it. mussolini was a retard and had to be saved by Germans number of times.

Never mind, turn out you are Sicilian arab

Politically wise he was much better than Hitler. Keep saying he was a retard.
Also I'm a northerner inb4 you call me a pastanigger.

I think there's a difference between only marrying/breeding within your race and racism and hate for other races.

I don't hate Asians, same a very good looking, but I don't want to have children with them.

I consider myself non racist based on that.

I'd say half of the "racists" here are brown kids LARPing as Nazi's. 45% are doing it for the lulz and 5% are Stormfags.

What was he better at than Hitler?

>race denier
>not a retard
choose one

>I think most of the disparity in racial data in America can be accounted for by environmental factors like poverty.

Of course it can. Absolutely correct.

Racism is modernist. Patriotism serves as a natural guardian of race, since it's impossible to assimilate hordes of niggers; but either way, merit always comes before race.

You are one to call someone an Arab.

There's two problems with that. First, even if niggers as a whole are on average more likely to be bad, it is possible for an individual black person to be good, and as long as that person is good, he should be considered in good regard.

The second is that burger culture has never been strong enough to properly assimilate blacks. At the end of the day, all niggers there get the same kind of government education, watch the same movies and listen to the same music.

yes, I and my people have 0% arab blood

We hate everyone including you GTFO
ITT plebbit fags embarrassed to be called racist need to GTFO as well. Go virtue signal on plebbit.

Blind hate is stupid.

But some have good reason to hate, and it's guided by the cold truth of reality.

Being openly racist on Sup Forums is virtue signaling. You're doing it right now.

I am not a racist, I know far too much about genetic history of humans to believe in race concept.

I do believe that some cultures are superior to others though.

>it is possible for an individual black person to be good

I never said it wasn't. Just showing that the excuses you make for them are bullshit.

>as long as that person is good, he should be considered in good regard

I've lived around them. That was what made me a racist. I was pretty liberal before that. Even the "good" ones can't be fully trusted to not chimp out or get overly emotional over virtually nothing. Misunderstandings are frequent because they're basically fucking STUPID. Backstabbing by black "friends" is just par for the course. Segregation is best for everyone, both us and them.

>burger culture has never been strong enough to properly assimilate blacks

We've tried assimilating them since the 1960s. It's not the culture that can't assimilate them, it's THEY who are incapable of assimilating to the culture.

You think whatever makes you feel better though. Maybe some day you'll learn the hard way.

Looks like you fell for the Sup Forums is satire meme. GTFO or lurk moar and learn.

>Is anyone on Sup Forums not racist?
There's that one guy, but he's severely retarded.

>I know far too much about genetic history of humans to believe in race concept
>I know far too much

Refuted by your own words.

I am not a racist. I hate everybody irrelevant of other issues.

It's so gay arguing with the nigger-defenders.

There are asians, and there are chinks.

There are hispanics, and there are spics.

There are whites, and there are hicks.

There are blacks, and there are niggers.

There are jews, and there are jews.

Who /racistsexistbigot/ here?

1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
1 post by this id
>1 post by this id

>There are blacks, and there are niggers.
Go back to plebbit. Blacks are a cancer on earth.

wow le so edgy

>yes, I and my people have 0% arab blood
I and my people have 0% cheese burger

It's funny how hating blacks is socially not acceptable, hating Asians is not acceptacble, hating Indians is not acceptable etc. but if you add all those together, i.e. I hate everyone, it somehow does become acceptable. You don't hate everyone, that's retarded. Saying that you do is retarded.

You feel the safest when around Europeans who speak your language. Arguing is futile.

>ironically very racist
>actually a little bit racist

i hate you two equally above all others

I dont like Jews or blacks. Muslims are OK if they stay in their respective countries rather than being funneled into the West by Jews.

meh. racist is a strong word. I'm all for helping those people. build them schools and hospitals, help them develop a decent agriculture infrastructure, the works. I just don't want them in my country - or my continent

Majority of people on this site are american and considering their educations are still a century behind in some respects (still believe in Adam and Eve), you are therefore going to have a plurality of people prescribing to early 20th century theories of human races.

Podseca me na kad je moj brat radio u IDEA-i.

Definitely racist, everyone is though. Niggers are hated all over the world.

>That Picture.
Jesus that shit is retarded.
If you made it please take a statistics course.


britbong bullzeye ^^