Is their a correct way to race-mix pol, and why is it WMLF?
Is their a correct way to race-mix pol, and why is it WMLF?
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I just shit my pants really bad. What should I do?
What did she mean by this?
Take a huff and rejoice in your filth with maniac laughter
She is european though. The disgusting mestizos are the problem.
Latinas are the master race.
Will destroy bloodline for/10
>Is there a correct way to racemix
>b-but look at this multi-million dollar actress
Fuck off back to
Latinas are white enough that your kids will look Mediterranean, and they won't suffer an identity crisis because latinos are already a mixed race. On top of that Latinas are more likely to be conservative, Catholic, and virgin before marriage. And as long as you don't marry a hobbit like Jeb did they age well.
t. mutt
Another multi-million dollar actress, quality cherry-picking.
>white enough
His kids will come out white, right guys?
Dont be stupid,dont mix your race ,your elders had alot of problems in the past for u to wasting ur bloodline,dont take part in the white genocide.
so you're telling me a mix of white male and a light skinned latina doesn't end up looking whiter than a n Italian or Greek?
>white enough
not mixing leads to genetic issues
>And as long as you don't marry a hobbit like Jeb did
Have you seen this kids mom? She's not even top tier and still more Ubermensch than his fully white brothers.
>Sup Forums wants to neck this
Race-mixing is acceptable as long as it doesn't involve white women as they should only give birth to white children. White men can have whatever they want.
hahaha another cuck....
It doesn't matter if they "pass" as white. Shitskin genes, shitskin problems.
Jamal is probably part white, but you wouldn't risk your genetic heritage on the idea that your grandkid might be "white enough."
stop trying to hoard the Latinas, their wombs were made for white seed
Read Sex and Deviance. The farther your partner is the farther your kid will be from you genetically. For Europeans, other Europeans are fair game, but no one should go further than that. Latinas, or mestizos should not be considered as viable mates.
The kids will not resemble you.
The kids will have a heard time adjusting, or will not at all.
You and the mother will have a lesser bond with each other and the child too.
Race mixing, however cute japs are or east asians, or latinas, should never be considered.
their wombs were made to create more slaves to work for u.s, not for mix up with them hahaha
Who is this? Is she castiza?
because Latinas are caucasians minus the entitlement
You have "genetic issues" because your parents are siblings, not because they're both white.
i think not, most of the people in latinoamerica are halfbloods(mestizo), Native americans, Blacks and zambos(a mix of blacks and native americans)
Angie Varona
White male leaf female?
She's a lebanese. Getting fucked by a BFC (BIG FRENCH COCK)
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Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.