Why does pol hate hearing the truth about race

black names less likely to get a call back from a job politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/mar/15/jalen-ross/black-name-resume-50-percent-less-likely-get-respo/

this is why we need affirmative action. When symone sanders gets on CNN and speaks the truth y'all get mad. why?

If they dont like it here they can go back to Africa


Don lemon has a crippling opiod addiction

Where do you retards come from, and why do you keep linking these god awful sites? It can't possibly be the emu brainwashing.


>black names less likely to get a call back from a job

natural selection at work

People named "Kevin" or "McKayla" are also probably less likely to get a call back from a job.

If you want your kids to have a future, give them a proper fucking name worthy of a future, not some dumb gimmicky name like "Kevin", "McKayla", "Shaniqua", "LeTrayShawn" or whatever the fuck else.

Black people less likely to do quality work...

If I named my kid "I'mgonnarobthisjointandrapesomeone" I wouldn't expect him to get callbacks either.

Yea because affirmative action has helped your community so much already..

All these handouts and you still can't accomplish shit. Just fucking accept you're a sub race.

Blacks have generally earned their reputation.

No shit why would we hire Africans when we have plenty of people from our own countries that need to be employed or do you not think Aussies and Kiwis need jobs?

>Black people less likely to do quality work...
this is at least the reputation. maybe blacks could work on that first


Oi whar's wrong with Kevin?

Aren't blacks mostly named after former Presidents or English their slave owners?


Literally forever cucked, they're so useless

Because where does this idea of the inclusive society comes from?


>prisoners 70% black despite being a minority
>Tyrone Jamalson less likely to get a call back from boston dynamics

makes sense to me

*their English

Because Blacks are fucking lazy workers. I'm not even White and have seen this on a daily basis. They act ghetto and entitled. Their criticism is deserved.

wha chu meen I dun git da job?

That's not true though.

Would Bubba or Jim-Bob get a callback any quicker?

Blacks are also significantly less likely to have a presentable resume and/or application.

"I can do Anythang" doesn't count as a special skill, and furthermore you can't even seem to correctly spell any word longer than 5 letters.

Fuck I died a little inside every time I had to hire a nigger.

What black people in Aus bro? Only real black person I ever seen was a Sudanese woman driving a taxi in Melbourne who started making death threats to us when the chicks I was with started making out in the back seat after a night on the piss.

No, your one cool black friend who's practically white doesn't cancel out all the other shit-tier dindus

People with idiot names probably have idiot parents are therefore probably idiots.


A lot of jobs have background checks, and blacks often have a history. It's hard to pronounce or even remember the made up names that blacks give their children. Not every company is infected with Affirmative Action.

>tl;dr It's not just because they're black

Also more likely to have serious criminal convictions.

Also more likely to have no education.

Also more likely to create broken families.

They don't fit into modern society. Why are you libtards to stupid to realise this?

They are bad employees. When they are eventually fired after numerous fuckups they chimpout and kill people.

Hire them at great risk.

>names less likely to get a call back from a job

also true for someone named Homer

It's efficient for companies to discriminate against people if they belong to a group which performs lower than average on any variable of interest (i.e. being black, on average, is linked to being a poor worker). It's called statistical discrimination. Look it up.

It's because they are inferior.
We shouldn't be putting inferiority on a pedestal.

The monkey does not fall far from the tree.

The funny thing is that most black employers would do the same. Because they know a lot more of the LaShaniquas and DeShawns are going to be bad hires. Ameriblacks from better families likely have foresight not to name their kids stereotypically.

Every Kevin I know is an Asian

Kek. I know an asian Kevin. Very cool guy

I honestly believe this.

My frat brother who has an incredibly black name could not find a job anywhere as a mechanical engy. Literally ended up in fucking Detroit.

Black names are almost always misspelled versions of white names or made up shit like DukeRayveon. Gee I wonder why nobody will call them.

If ya stoped using made up nigger names it would not be an issue.

Nigger here. I wouldn't hire a black named person either, mainly because most have the same mentality as the other niggas. Thank the Lord my mother wasn't an idiot and gave me a 'good' name, percy

maybe he'll finally stop showing people my deviantart

Kevin and McKayla aren't even bad by today's standards.

How can they do quality work if no one wants to hire them?

So if a black man wears a suit, goes to work on time, and does his job well he is "practically white." Really makes you think.

Should have changed his fucking name. He deserves what he gets. If I had a fucked up name I would change it. But blacks are ugh mu name and mu dick

Give your kids names that follow English phonetics and you'll have an easier time in nlife

>How can they do quality work if no one wants to them?

Here's a little secret about names that blacks don't seem to know. You can change them. Legally.

No matter how bad your mom, and whoever your dad was fucked up in naming you, you can fix it.

Laquashana can be Bettie.
Herogonnaruletheworld can become George.
The twins, Gaonneria Syphalys can be Ted and Carol.

In germany Kevin is a white trash name similar to Shantal for girls.Since many trash tv series had dumb low class families with those names.Also "Alpha-Kevin" was voted the youth word of the year,it describes the dumbest individual in a group.

>Aren't blacks mostly named after former Presidents their English slave owners?
That's the last/family names. Nigger first names are usually a corruption of a Gaelic name.

>Shawntrey Dub Jackson
>Shuhvonnicus Beatingheartofafrica Washington

We busted our asses in the 70s to have the race question removed from resumes by law. White people did this for blacks

Then the assholes stsrted making up name like tiquanda lanesha. And the put themselves right back where we worked so hard to give them a fair shake.

You cant help stupid.

They are hell bent on having a country within a country. Their own language holidays schools ect. They want all the privledges of the US. But still refuse to be american. But complain when their own stupidity works against themselves

What Liberals/Blacks don't like to hear: If black people stopped committing most of the crime in this country, maybe people wouldn't assume they're criminals.

He should seriously change his name to Thomas

Thomas always gets a call back

Yes having names like bonequisha and Ray-Ray will not land you a job but even with a "normal" sounding name and no criminal record it is still difficult to find a job because most of the time it's not WHAT you know it's WHO you know that gets you the job.

I'm young and kept getting hit with the "we are looking for someone with experience" crap.
The few jobs that I got were only because I knew somebody who was working there. It Had nothing to do with my name,race, or education.

Time to put myself in more debt and go back to school.

*loud chimp noises*


Maybe they should stop giving their kids retarded names.

>black names less likely to get a call back from a job

Ok can you show me where they weighted in for experience, qualifications and interview performance?

In a merit based system, why is it wrong to discriminate against a demographic that (ON AVERAGE) is 1/5th less intelligent that their average white counterparts?

Further, why call back when 1:5 black men will be convicted of Violent Crime, not even to mention property crime?

Children named Ja'Marius and Qua'Luis are probably less likely to be intelligent and hard-working.

Fuck niggers honestly.

fpbp, besides Symone Sanders isn't even a real person, she's just Eddie Murphy in a fat suit

>black names less likely to get a call back from a job
Makes sense, if you have a "black name" it means you're ghetto trash, who wants to employ ghetto trash ?

because, asshole, blacks are not a monolithic culture

blacks with ghetto names, however, tend to come with a ghetto culture that doesn't mesh well with productive employment

Blacks with "black names" are usually ghetto trash. Everyone knows this. Names like JaTayvius and LeGenius are just signals that you shouldn't have anything to do with these people.

Basically, it's not just that employers are wary of black people. It's that employers are wary of ghetto niggers, and ghetto niggers are disproportionately black.


Said black man probably doesn't have a ghetto name, or if he does has changed it.

Go look for successful blacks with names like "Lakisha".

Basically this. Having a "black name" is likely to correlate strongly with being an uneducated street thug with no experience in any form of employment or training beyond how to swipe swishers behind the cashier's back and how to stay mobile with your pants around your knees.

Niggers need to die

>black name
You mean ghetto name. People have a bias against retarded-sounding names.



Any female name ending in 'esha', and any male name that sounds like it belongs to a pit bull terrier.

>Adrianandious Blackeyes

Relatively successful suit wearing black here.

My name is Joseph.
Seems to check out

> its not what you know but who you know

To be taken lightly. I get 1-2 inquiries from recruiters a week on my LinkedIn profile because I sell the shit out of what I know. These recruiters will bend over backwards to land you a job if you give them the time of day and think you're worth the salt.

Then stop naming your kids shit like "JanTaveious Tanquell Jackson"

>pol hates hearing the truth about race
Try again sweetie



That's because they're less likely to apply

Why they are naming their childrens with these names.
These names are not nigger lang origin these names origin depends on west but why they are naming their childrens with these awkward names? What is the reason which motivates them to name their children with this names?

That's not because of "institutionalized racism" but because of a very human reaction against a name like Lequishionte that is impossible to pronounce or spell. When flipping through a stack of resumes, what would make a particular resume stand out in a good way? What about a bad way? The name is a big deal.

In studies where the names were removed, they did worse. They only get those call backs because of already existing racial discrimination.

No. Theirs a culture that exists for work, you have to adopt it. A level of professionalism, an assurance that you're going to take the job seriously. Like wearing the correct clothes to an interview, having a hair cut, speaking in a clear manner, etc.

If you turn up wearing jeans down to your knees, an Obey T-shirt and the first words out of your mouth are "ah be needin a job, an sheeit" you're probably not going to get a reply.

Companies are bending over backwards to employ minorities, the standards are very low. This isn't a hard thing to do, just take it seriously and don't be put off if they refuse after putting effort in.

Because they don't want to use "white" names, but don't actually have any ties to Africa. So they go with a mish-mash of both.

It's a good ghetto-dweller tag, as was said above.

Maybe black people should finally assimilate like the rest of the minorities.
Even the Asians in america name their kids things like Alex and Ben.

>this is why we need affirmative action
Shutup nigger

>but with assistance in the classroom she is sure to catch up

Just imagine having to be the cop doing the paperwork on these retards as the sit handcuffed, with blood on their hands, getting offended because you don't know how to spell fucking "Tyriekus".

Then don't name your nigglets when you're high on crack and on your second 40oz.

Poor guys. I do not know why but i felt sad about em.

>2 heavily biased "news" sources in one post
>this is why we need affirmative action
Australia still has it.

>"Tyrone Jamal" on the application


"What's your name?"


"...can you spell that?"

"Sheeeet no nigga!" *attempts to shuck and jive away*

Why woudn't you hire someone with a name like "Le' Genius" is a win win.

> Work at tech company
> Go and hang out in sales team area sometimes
> 1 black guy works in it
> Hear him calling potential customers
> "ey, yo, yeah um, sheeit, dig boon big dik muh sheit"
> wtf.jpg this guy is making calls to get new clients
> Gets fired for never bringing in new clients
> Sues company saying he was fired because he was black since his replacement was white and yadda yadda
> Company settles out of court
> sheeeeeeeeiiiiit

No. More companies should not be forced to hire black people because they are black.