Pics or it didn't happen.
Marines Photo Scandal
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You can't be massive sluts and take nudes then bitch that they got leaked.
someone post that webm
I want a female drill instructor to peg me.
/r/ has them. You didn't hear it from me.
I'm sure you do.
im not mad on Women in uniforms but that girl on the right is BRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFT
who is this semon demon?
Thanks, user. I had no idea nipple piercings were so popular in the USMC.
Holy fuck thank God we're their biggest ally
kike psyops
what a weak voice lmao
what is she doing
This is a pool function, surprised the shirts look so much like when I was a poolie since the ones before I signed up were some weird gray ones.
>at pool function
>sit down next to my nigger friend nicknamed smiley (I hate niggers as a whole but he was cool)
>well not really a nickname as his last name is actually fucking smiley
>this pool function was special, they brought all those DI's you see on the history and military channel and shit (pissed off lady and raspy voice bald guy stand out)
>crack a quick joke when they're just running around smoking people for fun
>smiley laughs
>in a crowd of like 1,000 poolies this bitch runs over
>"No reason"
>"Smiley, mam"
>she makes him run in circles for like 2 minutes straight
>every time they look away I laugh my ass off
Those were fun times. Everything is pretty tame as a poolie though (that session was mild as fuck though) and even then boot isn't what it's made out to be, soi is kind of rough though.
Not even once, bros. Not even once.
Reeeee fucking hub cunts dancing and doing fuck all while im stuck in the fucking desert running around with heavy combat equipment
How does it end? Does she get over it?
I can smell the penis envy from miles on that woman's face on the right.
Of course not.
Awesome, one armed one leg...still a Man.
do you honestly think her weak compromisable female brain will be able to comprehend the horrors of war; when there are the brains and organs of the person next to her splattered all over her uniform do you think she'll be brave enough to keep fighting
piss off, we need to stop women joining the army, as long as they think they are physically and mentally capable of fighting in the bloody confines of a modern war we are going to have them reducing the quality of our armed forces
plus they think they are more empowered by this, next thing you know they'll be demanding things for their service, the woman's role is on the home front, stop this madness
She can't show me here. Boobies
Silly cunt, not all the military are combat troops. Shes stationed at some Intel hub judging by her shoulder thing.
Don't worry, she'll get knocked up as soon as she gets orders to be deployed somewhere unpleasant. They all do.
Well, she's hot and I'm guessing you aren't. You should have asked to join the Special Forces.
I don't care, they'll still demand easier service and your "intel hub" will be shit, and when shit hits the fan that will be the spanner in the works, all wings of the armed forces need to be working at maximum quality, or do you like your taxes going to a half arsed military
What the h*ck happened?
>all wings of the armed forces need to be working at maximum quality, or do you like your taxes going to a half arsed military
good point
I see enough autism here, don't need to see even more when I'm in the base. Also, you do realize, this is just a thing to make them feel good about themselves. They arnt real soldiers.
>sending men that can fight into a hub where they will look at a screen all day instead of actually fighting
See, there's a reason you arnt the one deciding on these things.
She's got a flat chest, you win
are we looking at the same video, you want a fucking twerking retard engrossed in modern feminist women's studies bullshit pulling triggers behind the scenes, there's a reason why female secretaries of war are so shit
Sluts took lewd pics, Some Marines started collecting and sharing them using facebook and now everyone got their panties in a bunch.
I'm guessing every Marine will spend even more time attending mandatory sensitivity training now.
POG or not wooks are absolute cancer. They cannot do anything right and some times end up in combat roles anyway. I heard especially bad stories (worse than I have) from a cav scout in the army back when Sup Forums had a lot of vets. Obviously don't know how true they are but they sounded realistic enough.
>this is just a thing to make them feel good about themselves
I know, I think it's pretty cool actually.
to be fair he probably weighs less than everyone there.
Stupid sexy kikes.
what is...
strength/weight ratio?
>strength/weight ratio?
strength/weight ratio?
>strength/weight ratio?
strength/weight ratio?
>strength/weight ratio?
>dancing equals evil feminazi womens studies
Also, they don't so anything that important. They just watch the cameras, prepare reports, do office work. Ofc all the important officers are men.
Wouldn't know about them in combat roles, my unit doesn't have any women in it. Besides, doing things wrong will get you jailed, so I doubt they'll be too careless.
What was the joke senpai
That's Noah Galloway. He got to put his hand all over this sexy Australian queen.
>Wouldn't know about them in combat roles, my unit doesn't have any women in it. Besides, doing things wrong will get you jailed, so I doubt they'll be too careless.
Really? I doubt you guys jail your cunts when they break down crying, didn't you guys even try having an entire female infantry platoon that ended up doing jack shit but need to be rescued?
It was just funny watching a dude named smiley get yelled at while being smoked for smiling. Post was more related to the fact that that was a pool function but it just made me remember that.
wtf are you doing you dumb bitch?
Ew bossy.
Isn't that just more ammo to keep saying they can't?
It's like saying someone is shit so they get their life together, not to coddle them do they get to keep being a sack of shit
>How do I transfer out of this chicken shit outfit?
This is one of the pics
how the fuck r tattoos even allowed in us army
Can anyone confirm these are legit? Are they all the same?
she looks like she smells like BO, too much perfume and a mysterious hint of poo
Burgers have awful uniforms, rly sad.
Only africans and chinks have it worse.
>"I felt like my privacy had been taken away from me," former Private Kally Wayne said. "Having to go through being harassed for every day of my life for the past year, because of a mistake I made four years ago, is not anything anyone deserves to go through."
>Wayne accuses her ex-boyfriend, also a Marine, of sharing a private tape they made together. She said it was linked to the private Marine Facebook page
>Wayne joined the Marines in 2013, but she was removed three years later for unrelated misconduct
Classy girl, she's a keeper.
gtfo poo
Windows xp
That's just a drill instructor's uniform.
>Wayne joined the Marines in 2013, but she was removed three years later for unrelated misconduct
And nothing of value was lost.
gang beaners literally join the army just to shoot at people and learn how to shoot better
Chick who did news interview
I think it's sex. I don't know.
>windows xp
I thought Mehreens were supposed to be tough
Not 1 in 10 men can do a one armed pull up.
>make your military weak and distracted on the lower combat level cause allowing horny no morals women into military
>have wikileaks expose vault 7 after you have a president that would bring the hammer down on CIA
>make the public back the president trying to disband CIA
>disband corrupt CIA in time of mounting invasions in middle east to fight CIA propped ISIS forces, damage communications between pentagon/DOD and forces in middle east, leave marines out in the cold
>let president disband US backed NATO in europe, have germany completely fall to multiculturalism and start civil wars in europe
>instigate war between china and us where chinese use north korea as a proxy
The chinese are playing us badly
A slide and false flag at the same time?
Still donst explain why your Paper Clip ops didnt took Hugo Boss with you.
>j'ai la tete qui tourne
Wooks are fucking sluts let any Marine tell you. They're the only thing with looser rules on what they'll fuck than male Marines.
Fuck them they can't PT and bitch about everything that comes into the shop. I believe there was a wook nude trading system set up. When we went over to Oki we got one wook's nudes spread across the entire battalion girl probably had 10+ gallons of jizz shot off to her over 6 months
All whores and now they are the victims
No. Even with one arm and leg missing he still likely weighs more than those women. And even assuming he weighs less he's pulling with only one arm and almost no leverage. That's fucking strength right there.
Is that all of them?
>Still donst explain why your Paper Clip ops didnt took Hugo Boss with you.
what? sorry, i don't speak yuropoor.
Here saved one from last nights thread
>these disgusting tramp stamp riddled whores are spending tax payer dollars to take pics of their used up roast beef flaps
>they are somehow the victim
fuck off desu
Is that pic a still shot from a porno?
I can't even get past the degenerate art on the wall
fuck yes, with a big fat black dildo that sprays a gallon of homeless jizz onto and into me, uuhhghhghhghgh
Damn with tits like that she could make a lot of money doing porn.
Why would she even bother going into the Marines?
>windows xp
Marines have patrician taste in OS. Not so much in that rotten pussy.
Guarantee those women were trying to throw their pussies toward him later that day.
All the ones I have. Sure there's more, but it's a good set.
It is indeed, thanks.
It's not really a secret what gets passed around the barracks.. Herpes, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Crabs, etc.
I felt the burn a few times. 100% guaranteed if there's a female in your unit, she'll be fucking her way down the line.
The IDF is smart enough to not put women in combat roles.
you're the fucking best Hiro
>The young turds blaming people who share instead of slut who takes the photo
Several revisions to AR 670-1.
It was that you could, with some rules regulating what you can and can't have.
Then, you couldn't have/get anything that would show in shorts and short sleeve shirt... You had to be grandfathered into this if you already had a sleeve or two. Just about every one was upset woth this.
Now, you can't have/get anything if it shows while in Class As. Still have to be grandfathered in if you already have existing tats that show.
All these changes happened in the past couple of years.
He also doesn't have as much to pull up anymore.
There's no adults in the room. From the lowest to the highest levels of society. Every fucking thing Is a free for all middle school game.