I want to wear more MAGA gear in public

I want to wear more MAGA gear in public.
Is pepper spray my best choice for self defense?
My friend is suggesting a taser.

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Gun you idiot

>best choice for self defense

I live in cuck-a-fornia
or commiefornia
take your pic
bay area specifially
concealed carry nor open carry are options for me

The only solution.

Maybe OP doesn't wanna be haggled by the police and SJW's for killing a nigger, you fucking retard.

What part of bay?
I'm in South Bay near San Jose, I wear MAGA stuff occasionally, people give me dirty looks but no one has ever said shit to me, and I'm not that intimidating.

Pepper spray would be best because with a taser you have to get in close, and then also hope it doesn't get taken from you and used against you (same problem with a knife, unless you know how to use it, it can do more harm than good).

what would BasedStickman carry?

Use flagpole + shield. Pepper Spray is a sidearm against faggots

Slap them in the face with your great American cock

Get yourself a .45 pepper sprayer, commonly known as 1911 GI model. Watch out though, that pepper is spicy.

Absolute cuckoldry.

You are americans, fuck your fag state and fuck your excuses. Carry a weapon or just an hero immediately.

Those fat rolls would deflect many things

South bay, I don't want to specify my location too much. I actually just got back from a run with my dog while wearing my MAGA hat.

I don't wear hats though, I think the hat is a way more universally hated thing. I do double takes even when I just see people wearing regular red hats with white lettering that aren't MAGA hats.

I have a Breitbart "Border Wall Construction Company" shirt that I've worn out a few times, no one really cares. Another shirt has Trump's face as a napoleon-esque portrait, people just give me dirty looks, that's it.

Keep in mind San Jose is where the most violent Trump rally happened, so there is a reason to be a little nervous.

The thing is most of those people won't do/say shit to you when they aren't in groups of 100 with masks on. No one really cares enough to start a fight over it.

Quick and easy to incapacitate multiple people.
I'd say it's a pretty decent tool.
Taser won't work when there's more than one.

Literally can't. You can't get concealed carry license here unless you are personal friends with the sheriff of your county.

This is the state that is home to the bullet button and no mags over 10 rounds. If you concealed carry here you're more likely to get shot by some retarded cop, or just arrested and put in jail, you don't understand how anti-gun CA is.

Weird, I'm probably pretty close to you. Take care south-bay patriot. I'd buy you a beer but neither of us know if the other is a real person or not.

>being such a beta male you carry around a gun

Open carry my friend

cool mang
this thing looks dope, but it's $400

you troll. as a Trump supporter, I'm not retarded enough to think I'll be safe 100% of the time wearing pro-MAGA gear in enemy territory. Only an ally of the left would discourage MAGA's from defending themselves.

I feel pretty safe when I'm out with my dog as it's a pretty intimidating looking breed

It also looks like a gun. And will print on you like a gun. Good way to get shot/stopped/hassled by cops the same amount, but not have a real gun.

If you're gonna risk it, might as well buy a Ruger LCP or something. I'm pretty thin so I can't really concealed carry, it would look way too obvious if I wasn't wearing a hoodie or something, even with an inside the pants holster.

Check this little thing out: amazon.com/dp/B006VK6Y5I/ref=twister_B004YWKF8C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Doesn't look as much like a gun, but would still probably scare people you pointed it at.

yeah i was just thinking that it'd be a very bad idea to have anything on me that looks like a gun. so i won't be getting the thing i linked previously.

A fucking leaf


Pepper Spray is a good choice.

Alternatively a rapier against unarmored attackers. If they wear armor or if you don't want to invest training use a hammer or a club. Spears are also very easy to wield effectively. I wouldn't recommend bows or crossbows.


Jiggaboo detected

concealed carry pistol

>antyfuh keeps beating me up and im too much of a weakling to fight back so i need a gun

Just find a way to have proof of residents in Yolo or Mendecino county. They hand out ccw left and right just to spite the bay area

a fucking leaf

He's in the bay area. San Francisco currently only has 12 ppl with a ccw. God himself can't even get one

East bay here. Steel toe or composite toe boots. The heaviest you can get learn to use them. Im a manlet and people still wouldnt fight me because they knew the damage I could do with them. Stun guns are shit. I own one and it just feels like a sharp pinch at the stun site. It wont drop people unless you have the police version. Sprays can go back into your own face. Situational awareness is #1.

Get a gun, pepper spray can be combated by milk in eye and or alot of hard drugs.

Using a spear is very easy even for unexperienced people. You just stick the pointy end somewhere in the attackers upper body. Together with the reach and the distance you will make you can probably even take on more than one guy.

high powered assault rifle is probably your best choice for self defence, p90 would be my personal choice for fending off hordes off antifa

AK47 ?

Hello juvenile
Getting into a physical confrontation is the last thing any sensible person would want
As glorified as it is in culture, physical confrontations are extremely dangerous
People can be wounded for life or die
So it's much wiser to purchase insurance against such confrontations
Like pepper spray. For about $5 I can carry a small, lightweight, concealable self defense weapon that can be used multiple times. I think after these short ruminations I've decided; even if I buy a taser of any sort, I will also carry pepper spray, and first and foremost, pepper spray.

Your words remind me of the juvenile faggot who posted on here last week saying that "drones take the honor out of warfare". Yeah, because honor really matters when you're 6 feet under.

How about a large dog? A large, intelligent breed like a German Shepherd that can rip any attacker to shreds. Plus you get a friend for 20 years, or however long they live.

Marxists hate citizen guns because of the huge power difference. Marxists can't take over if they are out gunned.

Every time someone says you don't need a gun, YOU NEED A GUN.

>East bay
Spic or nig or Filipino
T. Marin fag

If you buy pepper spray get some fox labs stuff. They sell the strongest and purest spray available. It is used by police officer and prison guards alike.

listen to this manlet if you wanna be btfo

Thanks for the tip.

I am also a manlet, and enjoy wearing big boots. Thanks for the tip.
>Situational awareness is #1.
I know. Unfortunately, I am a moron.

I have that. But it is not with me most of the time.

Thanks for the tip.

>ill call him a juvenile that will show him!

beta males are so funny

Have to speak out against the pepper spray meme. It is awesome against children, the elderly, or people who have never been sprayed before so they don't know what is happening.

In the military my unit had to go through a non lethal weapons training package. Part of that included being doused with mil grade OC spray and then having to run through a gauntlet of 3-5 fresh opponents.

Yes it burns, but you're going to be so pissed off you'll get retard strength and fuck up the guys in the gauntlet. Pepper spray will not save you against a determined aggressor. That's why cops have to be sprayed during their training, to teach them that if the wind blows some spray back into their faces it is not the end of the world.

I hate Canadians like you.
I am not a fucking cave man who fights every day like a nigger you aspire to be.
What if I was a women or just one dude being jumped by 5 or 6 "antyfuh" with knives or hammers.
What, you dont think fights get outta control?
A gun is a last resort and can prevent a person form death.
You are not as tough as you think and a handgun is an equalizer in a bad situation, a tool.
Nothing more or less, you inserted this idea that a gun is for wimps.
I guess old people, women, midgets and people in wheelchairs need to "get hard as fuck" and fight with their fist?
You give Canada a bad name for shit posting.

>defending physical confrontation with Antifa
You are the Antifa

>Is pepper spray my best choice for self defense?
look into your state on what you can own and use legally in self defense, then get the most painful option

Don't respond to leafs, the only thing that canada "deserves" is a nuclear holocaust.

Thanks for the tip. I think ideally if I were to say, go for a walk sporting my gear in San Fransisco or South San Jose, I would bring pepper spray AND a stun gun. I believe the stun gun would be the 2nd avenue of defense after the spray.

>fox labs

Came here for this information thanks

>being this but blasted

You really think im gna read that? Idiot

Nah I'm just not a coward who gets beaten up every day and resorts to carrying around a gun

You're in America
If somebody assaults you for wearing MAGA gear you fucking shoot them pussy

>he can't even come up with his own jokes


You're just mad people aren't falling for your crap. How does it feel to know you can't do shit to citizens with guns? They don't have to listen to you or your little Antifa cronies.

A stick with an American flag attatched to the top.

A shield with American flag motif is also accepted

>gegen angreifende Tiere

oh I am laffing

I've never been.
I guess because I'm the type of person who has successfully avoided such situations. My line of thinking of self defense tools is probably a future contributor to my "no confrontation" streak. Better to be safe than sorry.

>what is jail
>what is our legal system
>what is courts
yeah no thanks I'd like to avoid manslaughter when my goal is just to protect myself

CCL and a compact handgun.

At least he isn't Canadian
You and Justin can go suck a black cock

Im a jap.
OP, also keep in mind that there could be weapons all around you. The bay area is covered with trash that you could use as a weapon. I've seen a little asian girl grab an empty beer bottle and crack a violent nigger's head with it before.

Fellow Bay Arean here, East Bay also. I've worn Trump stuff around and like someone else said, only get dirty looks but only occasionally.

I've actually found I have gotten more positive remarks than negative.

Another tip if you do get fox labs get heavy stream or cone fog to cut down on blow back.

How many people have gotten shot at antifa rallies? How about BLM? I hear it happened like, once? maybe twice?

sure you haven't you probably get beaten up for your milk money every day weakling

Which one of us has had a black man leading our country?

Which one of us has a massive problem with black on white crime in our country?

Poor little cletus, did Jamal beat you up on the bus again today?

Honestly I am now pondering if it'd be possible for me to get a CCL given that I live in South Bay. I could cite the vast number of illegals, mexicans and liberals here, as well as the San Jose Trump rally debacle. I could also cite the berkely riots. Honestly I think I, and all bay area Trump supporters, could make a decent case for CCL's given what's been going on lately.


I've seen a tranny in the tenderloin beat some dudes ass with a folding chair

Police aint afraid to fucking shred a dog to pieces with a shotty, 'roo.

What kind should I get?

I'm a dude, strong and stocky, want to put in jacket pocket and don't want it to accidentally go off, want the strongest shit possible, don't really care about dyes and crap.

What's the best one for me?


Batons, keychain weapons, and just about everything else is illegal in your state. But you can open carry a Bowie knife on a sheath on your waist, provided your city doesn't ban it.

Fucking kek. Id have loved to see that. Honestly, most people are weak and will back down if you don't. Ive had a Mexican taller than me by half a foot back down in front of his boys because I was ready to fight him. Just grab whatever and beat them with it until they stop moving.


tough break buddy

This is Share Blue shilling to both threaten and intimidate people for their political beliefs and try to egg on violence.

I really wanna travel to the US one day

>cucking yourself
Just get a lawyer there will obviously be plenty of evidence from cameras and witnessed to get a not guilty verdict
Alternatively join the NRA
Free representation for all gun related charges if I'm not mistaken


You can also bring a long knife if it's not concealed.

Good to see there are still some reasonable people here who have actually been outside and/or been in a fight.
People who call others weak for wanting to carry self defense have never been in a fight.
IDC about ur gainz or how many karate lessons mom took you to, when it's 1 on 3 or 1 on 4, you're gonna get fucked up.
It's not like the movies where they fight you one at a time and get KO'd in one punch.
Faggot kids have never seen people paralyzed or seriously injured in street fights, sorry kids but I have shit to live for and I'm not gonna end up in a wheelchair forever because some spick doesn't like my shirt or wants to grab my gf's ass. And they are always in groups, cause people don't do that shit when they are alone.

It's your duty to protect your wife and children, other than providing for them, it's like the only reason that nature even needs you after you knock a woman up.

A firearm you fucking idiot

This. One time this old irish lady at Safeway told me "god bless you, good for you for wearing that shirt!" when I had a Trump 2016 shirt on.

Couple people have walked past and just said "I like your shirt man"

The people who don't like it just give me dirty looks and keep moving. Though I don't order any food in trump shit, don't really want a bunch of spit or whatever else they put in there.

So what are you advocating in terms of self defense?

All this "If you kill your enemies, they win" cuckoldry.
Carry a lethal weapon with you, faggots.
Pepperspray should merely be an additional tool.
if you want carry pepperspray use one with jet stream, meaning a ballistic, focused stream of spray.
The fog sprays are completely useless if you spray them against the wind. In a self-defense situation, you can´t change positions easily.
If you encounter an enemy, don´t fuck around.
You don´t pull out your weapon to threaten him.
You walk towards him and kill him / disable him.

I wore my MAGA hat to the whole foods in petaluma, just a few looks but nobody got in my face

These faggots never fight 1 on 1

learn how to defend yourself like a man?

not being a tubo autist 55,000 who has no friends and gets beaten up all the time?

"juss kick ther ass u pussy" hurr durr
This is how real adults know you're still in High School, because real adults don't WANT to get in fights, whether they are going to win or not.
If you win, you risk being identified, potentially arrested ("it wuz self defense tho!" doesn't matter, you're still gonna be in jail for a few days until your arraignment, and then you're gonna spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to prove who hit who first, IF you even can), losing your job, or retaliation later on by the guy when he brings a bunch of his faggot friends or brings a gun and comes to find you. And of course that's all assuming that you win and don't even get injured at all, which would cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in either lost time at work, or medical fees or both. Oh then you can also be sued civilly, even if they find you not guilty criminally, and Chuy\Pedro can win a fuck ton of money from you, and do you really think a San Francisco jury/judge is gonna side with the "racist hateful Trump supporter who beat up this poor immigrant while he was out in a MAGA shirt obviously up to no good?"

If you lose, you risk having the shit kicked out of you and sustaining permanent injury, which could put you out of work. And you could STILL get arrested for battery.

If you can't see how both of these situations are avoidable, you obviously don't have anything to lose, and think that the internet gives two fucks about your cool fight story bravery.

user is correct. Fox or Sabre Red.

I don't think so, but it depends on what county you are in, whether or not you're an upstanding member of the county etc.

I read something a while ago that said that they were denying CCL's saying that rising crime rates weren't a valid enough reason for them.

As far as I know, the only people who can get them are people who carry large amounts of cash/goods for work. Like a jeweler or something. You have to prove you're a likely target of a robbery, etc.

I'd bet if you volunteered at the sheriffs office in your county for a bit and kind of got in with some people and proved you were a good dude, you could get one.

I'm a felon so it's out of the question for me.

He is a shill or a desperate little cuck craving for attention.
You can be a karate master, but if your enemy has a gun, you are fucking dead 8/10 times.
Same goes if you are lightly trained and muscular, but there are 5 enemies and you don´t have any weapon.
If you can get a gun, get it. You can save your own life and the life of others, defend women from getting raped and houses from being broken in to.
If you want to virtue-signal by "well i don´t carry a gun, i honor human lives" or mentally masturbate by telling yourself "hurr durr i am stronk and a human beast, no one will dare to touch me" you will heavily regret it, when you encounter a self-defense situation where the odds aren´t on your side.
The leaf (I guess he is a kike with a proxy) needs to kill himself for being such an obnoxious little cunt. If you are afraid of guns or killing somebody with lethal force, you should buy a tampon for your big fat mangina, because you are not a man.
If you think you are invincible because your parents paid you a year of kickboxing, you should take your meds or also off yourself.

A assault rifle uses a medium powered round by definition, moron. Are you from a country that doesnt have guns? Oh, I see.....

Everyone in this thread who says if you don't kill people and carry a gun you're a pussy:


These are the kind of NEETs who talk tough online and go to a protest with 120 rounds on them and then get 10 years for pointing their manhood-extender at the crowd.

use pepper spray, the sabre brand is dope. they combine pepper spray + CS tear gas and you can get it on amazon for about $7. ;)

such is life in Stockton

May I recommend

I'm OP and I am not Shariablue.

I was working in SF for a while and I did not feel comfortable at all with the thought of announcing my political beliefs; meanwhile I was surrounded by lefties proclaiming lefty ideology and political candidates. They're in their element and I want to be a stark contrast. A reminder that not all of their neighbors are of one mind.

How much money does it cost to have a lawyer ready for the legal battles that would ensure a confrontation, including ones where pepper spray or tasers are used? Are we talking a few thousand dollars and then I just have a lawyer on standby I can call when SHTF?

Thanks for the tip on the NRA, but I'm not going to be owning guns anytime soon. I wonder if they also appeal to other forms of self defense? I mean their name DOES include RIFLE.

>being this autistic

yikes now i just feel bad

I like your words user.

Like I said in some other comment, I personally have never been in a fight, however I know people who have (or at least claim to), and I've seen enough gore vids to know just how fragile our bodies are. So I know that a physical confrontation, even with just fists, can end with like you say, paralysis, being crippled or even death. In the words of a person I look up to, more or less he said: "stupid people don't stop beating their opponent when they're down. They don't stop, and that's how they end up murdering people". Again I'm paraphrasing but I don't ever want to be at the mercy of someone's heel/fist.

I'd pay a few hundred dollars to take a class where all the teach is "street smarts" and how to handle confrontations + when to call the cops and what to do. I have lifeguard training and it's ingrained in my subconscious (I've acted without thinking multiple times in emergency situations thanks to repeated training), and I'd like self defense training similar to my lifeguard/first-aid training