How can we fix the middle east?

How can we fix the middle east?

>hard mode: no nukes allowed

Other urls found in this thread:–Iraq_War

Kill all 12 semitic tribes including arabs.


Glass it

anthrax and incendiary bombs

Let china solve the problem


Put a handful of jews in charge of each country to govern (((benevolently))) over a large brown underclass like colonial africa.

Let Iran and Turkey roam free and settle things. We can watch from a safe-distance.

They're immune to it

nuke it

>>hard mode: no nukes allowed

No nukes? How about we just neutron bomb those sand niggers and call it a day?

mass suicide psy-op, the leftovers get gassed

genocide all of them

Stop overthrowing secular, authoritarian dictators who maintain order in their countries and kill terrorists.

Everything to Turkey (except Iran) and make provinces according to the people who live there

Reintroduce communism, and this time allow it to eradicate the previous culture and religion.

The recurring factor here is Islam. The protestant reformation in Europe was the best thing to happen to us. They need their own protestants to start becoming like us.

Build a big wall around it, ignore it, shoot everything that gets past the walls. In 100 years you done

Erase the US from the map.

All problems will solve themselves then

I like that idea!

kill off all of their sheep and goats

sexual tension will make them submissive

Would only work if jihad weren't a thing

this and genocide their puppet master, might not need to remove US if all goes well

from the moon

Build a wall around it keep them from coming to western countries and let them kill eachother off

I know something they aren't immune to

Discover something old, older than their beliefs.
Makes them question relegion, start killing each other
Kinda like alienilluminaticard


This is an easy one, gay bomb, Its illegal to be gay so the problem solves itself. proof

>Put 150 million Asians in the Middle East
>Convert everyone to literally any other religion
>Establish Bill of Rights


Support Iran and let them police the region. Glass Saudi Arabia.

Divide the territory among Turkey, Persia and Egypt.

They're called Shiites lad. There's a reason Iran is the only worthwhile country in the region.

give iran Israeli nukes

>Allow Kurdistan independence

>Split Iraq into Shia and Sunni states

>A real Israeli-Palestine compromise with an independent Palestinian state

>Stop fucking toppling leaders and allow Arabs self determination, even if it is sharia law

carpet bombs

Stop funding insurgent groups and stand behind the secular regimes.

>no more foreign aid
>no more allowing them to migrate to the west
>no more fighting wars there
>cut off all trade

let them sort it out the hard way and come out of the dark ages like europe did 500 years ago.

relocate The jews to Madagascar

Nippon you are wise, I like you

Give them all cold war era weapons and let them kill each other.

you know I'm talking bout

Of the Mayne streem kind?

only way is a soviet style dictator ship

Stop supporting Saudi Arabia and other gulf monarchies.
Islamic terrorism will decrease by 90%

trump will hopefully weaken them enough so they start balkanization

Ship over all leftie comedians. They'll destroy themselves in two years tops.


>dark ages
>500 years ago
Typical leaf

Remove Israel. Palestine is rightful British clay

destroy the cube and somehow make them blame eachother for it

checked. too bad burgers only have retarded ideas

also go full deus vult on the region it's about time for another crusade, these pakis are getting uppity

Not electing Hillary

like a rowboat or a yacht?

>trying to like a post on Sup Forums

Get the fuck out.

because of all the goat fucking?

Let Jews or Saudi Arabia control it.
They just want to be happy desert merchants with a strong religious government. They don't want wars they want security so they can gain money

The Crucifix

I've seen +1 used countlessly on the chan special fag

More like we should just give it all to Israel. Since the USA is so "Joo controlled" according to Sup Forums, we shouldn't have any more issues with terrorism if Israel simply rules the entire Middle East.

CNC generals, my man

That's because you are all newfaggots that should go back.

Persian Empire
done EZ

Wtf, I love anime now.

but without islam ofc

kinetic bombardment
nukes would leave a radioactive zone that roaches could stay in

Re-form the Byzantine Empire. Deus Vult!

nuke israel

they are the sole reason of Arabic radicalism post-WW2

Bow down to the Sultanate of Oman and their Ibadhi people.

According to all of the Mudshits posting under European flags ITT, America is the Great Satan not Israel, though.

Since Muslims hate the West, we should just feed them all to Shlomo for the lulz. At least Israel actually likes us (even if we are all at the mercy of the JOOOOluminati).

Quintuple Alliance between US - Europe - Russia - China and Napalm Manufacturers, the rest is obvious.

>no nukes

why even live?

We must be ourselves. We must be Men of the West and neither Lapdogs of the Jew nor Sponsors of the Salafist nor Conspirators Against Shi'ites. We will be countries and they will be countries and we will work out something imperfect but better than what we have now.
Obviously in order for that to happen we should use military force to kill every man, woman, child, and pet in Langley, Virginia.

Sponsor Iran's rise as a regional super-power

Buy less gasoline.

Oh yeah that's a good one.
Tell the Chinese "you can have the oil here if you invade".

Cue the middle eastern population flooded with Chinamen and bred out of existence.

remove Islam, remove catholicism

>Sponsor Iran's rise as a regional super-power

Yes, we need more countries celebrating Death to America day... ?

He's a tanned Frenchman. Of course he celebrates that.

This is the only correct answer

Yeah, that's what happens when you cooperate politically and economically with a country
People wish you death because you bring peace and wealth


Jews are filthy snakes who feeds from the blood of the West. They are ironically the most eugenics based race on the modern world. The West owes them nothing. Their invasionist stance fired radical Islamism in Arabic countries who were sprouting democracy in 1950s.

He's right you know.

Israel, Iran, Turkey should co rule others except Egypt.

Invade all of it, the areas that the United States has invaded like Iraq and Afghanistan retake them and make them Colonies. The rest of the Areas like Egypt and Syria go back to being under Colonial control. Everywhere becomes a Colony of a Civilized nation. Turkey will be Divided up and to appease the Russians give them a large part of it. Completely go on a hunt for Radical Islam. If the British Empire and French Empire never ceased we wouldn't have these problems.

Well your country has a strange habit of funding and supporting sunni terrorist groups.

My guess is, your governments are fucking morons, but it could also be voluntary.

Agreed to that. Colonial groups under colonial rule were more respectable. Despite what liberal media tries to sell you the civilizing mission was a success until we decided to let go like fucking morons.

Here respectable French Congolese soldier under colonial rule.


Wow.. and look at average congo man nowdays.

>How do we fix the middle east
let's just leave. it wasn't our problem and we only make it worse. both the republicans and democrats have supported our presence when their guy was pushing for it, opposed it when it wasn't. let's try the libertarian approach, and stay out altogether.


Put a huge 50 feet thick glass domes over it and wait 700 uears

Eradicate ISIL. Remove Assad. Implement no-fly zone and create safe zone for refugees. Divide Syria up and hold elections under U.S./European/UN supervision. Divide up Iraq by Shia, Sunni, and Kurd. Kurdistan becomes an official country (Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan). Divide up Yemen.

Israel returns to its pre-1967 borders and stops building settlements. All countries including Israel recognize Palestine.

nu/pol won't name the actual problem with the middle east

a counter-revolution in Iran would be for the best. Erdogan and the Egyptian generals also need to go.


The Iraq War might've been a mistake but the "SADDAM WUZ A STABILIZER HE DINDU NUFFIN" meme needs to die.