Axe attack Dusseldorf

Get in! the religion of peace strikes again!

Other urls found in this thread:

Motives are not clear yet. They say it isn't a terror attack.

funny how our (((((((media)))))) is reporting it as an ((((axe attack))) and "nothing is known about the attacker or his motive".

I vomited after I read it...

0.8 refugees have been deposited in your birthplace/ account




Wait and see

Maybe they were Druids seeking revenge


Axe attacker looked like a German drug addict, a witness said.

Of course ((they)) do..

0.9 Mosques have been built in your village/account

Muslims are not the only crazy people in our country. Last year we had an half-Iranian Nazi shooter or some shit.

1.2 Sharia courts have been added to your province/account

>Implying German drug addicts are not brown people chewing khat.

NOOOO! Mohammed, what have you done?! Call me!

We wuz lumberjacks n sheeit


>here's a pic of your average german
Top kek

Mostly war veterans from Yugoslavia or Caucasus region.

The lizard people did this.

3.33 kids repeating of course has been raped in your area of origin

explain this germoney

....there's at least three Germans in that picture

I did not understand that sentence.

It's the Muslims sometimes, but not every time, that's all.

Pictures of the unsub?

I think the police are being racist nazis again, don't you?

German media ...

I can't see a white blue eyed german in there, what the fuck is going on.

>I did not understand that sentence.

0.8 English lessons have been minus from your account.

fuck Germany. Fuck the EU

Sup Forums is so desensitised to happenings now

Nothing, goy

>have been minus
Don't you mean deducted? what the fuck are you doing sadiq.


When I read comments like this, I think you deserve what's happening to you. It's just a shame you guys are our neighbours.

Burning down Europe 3 times in a century. kill yourself hans.

Where did you get that picture from? What's the context? Which city?

>Travellers and bystanders are kept away by police outside the Duesseldorf, western Germany, main station (Federico Gambarini/AP)


The " 4 chan " mention in the middleof the page...


Yeah, usually it's those crazy trucks... Or axes gone wild. But hardly any muslim because this one time it was an iranian...

Djeezus fuck hans. you deserve all you get...

>You like Sami Yusuf and the Nasheeds?
>They're OK...
>Their early work was a little too westernised for my tastes, but when My Ummah came out in '14, I think they really came into their own, religiously and politically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of Islamic fundamentalism that really gives the jihad a big boost. He's been compared to Osama bin Laden, but I think Sami has a far more bitter, malicious sense of destruction.
>Hey Abdul.
>Yes, Hans?
>Why are there copies of the Quran all over the place, d-do you have a roommate? A little refugee or something? HAHAHA!
>No, Hans.
>Is that a turban?
>Yes it is! In '16, Sami released this, Akbar!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Salil as-Sawarim", a nasheed so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of beheading, and the importance of Baghdadi, it's also a personal statement about the caliphate itself. [raises axe above head] Hey Hans!
>ALLAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! [enriches the German]


The context is that your country is fucked and full of cucks. Fix it.

We're a board of peace. Like Islam!

Okay Hans. I guess Germany doesnt need fixing after all.


Wake me up when there's an actual happening

"Er beschreibt den Mann als zwischen 30 und 40 Jahre alt, im Aussehen an einen Drogensüchtigen erinnernd. Er habe wie ein Deutscher ausgesehen."

>He desribes the man as between 30 and 40 years old, his looks resembled a drug addict. He looked like a German.

Dieser Kotz-Köder kriegt auch noch (du)s. Diese Kackseite macht mich manchmal echt fix und fertig, Alter.

Was macht meine Aussage in deinen Augen zu einem Kotz-Köder?

Na, Kotz-Köder war vllt übertrieben. "half-Iranian Nazi shooter" is ziemlich gut uezs.


Kek'd and checked

He looked like a German.

Like these "Germans" I bet.

Yeah, it doesn't mean anything of course. But we will see.

Back to the Schulz cuckreddit

what does 'german' look like?

Bringin this outta retirement

Germany YES!

Fucking fuck you Hans.

Grow a dick and a pair of balls you fucking effeminate faggot.

The Munich shooter was half-Iranian though. Whether he was a Nazi is not clear, but according to people he knew he apparently liked Hitler and was "very nationalistic", or so reports say.

Yo what the fuck is it with Germans and wanting to blame das internet so fucking badly? I mean first it was that stupid "killerspiele" crap, now this.


They're not blaming the Internet, that article is more a description of what happens on Sup Forums, likely written because of the attention the site got through the attack and it allegedly being part of the "dark web", which that article clears up.

how german did he look exactly

Do people really still believe that Sup Forums is actually "the dark net"? What about Tor sites? Adhoc groups?

Is still here?

Good job dealing with that faggot, i like you user

Sup Forums condemns the action of radical Sup Forums

top kek. can confirm that's exactly the picture you expect of the average population taken close to the main train station in an average german city.

At first it's depressing and you question your sanity, but then you just put on your "lol, white genocide face" and it's okay.

Fucking ridiculous, but watcha gonna do about it.

Coincidentally, back in July there was also an axe attack on a train in Germany by a 17 year old Muslim. They said it was an ISIS related terror attack. I'm sure this was a terrorist attack too, but I highly doubt they will end up reporting it as such. In fact, there have been a shit ton of *questionable* axe attacks lately. Apparently axe attacks are the new trendy thing.

2ccs of refugee semen have been deposited into your anus. Thanks for shilling with DeutscheShill

Why have Russia did this?

If WW3 keeps delaying itself I won´t be able to fight it. Come on guys, you have 10 years, let´s start this shit once and for all

>The Fuhrer died for this

each comment like this will allow me to be even more smug in the end.

The Fuhrer shot himself because he saw that coming.

i see none m8

If only those people kept themselves at arms length distance from the moderate beheaders, this wouldn't have happened.

That's pretty much what I meant, but too drunk to think.

Nice trips btw


Damn, I rolled trips in this thread two times. And you're all going to be proven wrong in the end. Haha.

Nee, Kotzkrücke triffts eher....

So a nigger, then.

Dusseldorf? Is Johan back?

Don't be a fag. There are at least 6.

Not counting the cops (2 in front, 1 in back).



Very nice
reminded me of this

Watch it be a gay trans Asian who made a blog post about Trump making him do this just before the attack

Near or East Asia?

>eyewitnesses claim that Mohammad al bin Abdul Yassir Moustafa bin Achmed screamed and I quote "Allahu ackbar death to the infidels praise Mohammad open bracket pee bee you haitch close bracket" before butchering his victims. His motives remain unclear.

nope links definitiv pole, 2ter links betacuck der zählt nicht, genauseo der dritte und vierte der "einzige deutsche den ich "sehe" ist ganz rechts.....(trauriges gesicht weil er weiss das unser land vor die hunde geht....)

I didn't realize there was a difference

"Bei dem mutmaßlichen Amokläufer handelt es sich um einen 36-jährigen Mann aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien, wie die Polizei unserer Redaktion sagte. Er lebe in Wuppertal und leide wohl unter psychischen Störungen."

>Axe attacker is a 36 year old man from former Yugoslavia, Police said. He lives in Wuppertal and his mentally ill.


Sooooo there's a chance he's Muslim, yes?

>and his mentally ill

Sure. But his motive probably isn't Islam but war trauma, drug addiction and madness.

Achso, versteh ich jetzt erst... Ich sollte wirklich mit dem Saufen aufhören. Nix für ungut, Kamerad. Hast recht.

nope PTSD i guess maybe too much booze and a fkn rage against the düsseldorfer bahnhofsvolk.


listen to the gif

Do you really need to ask anymore?

We are BTFO.

>When I read comments like this, I think you deserve what's happening to you. It's just a shame you guys are our neighbours.
Do you have no self-awareness, Dutroux?

>he looked like a German
Maybe like a new "German"?

>He desribes the man
Who is this "he" they speak of? Is it a BBC anchor?

funny guy. I'm stealing your jokes for reuse.