ITT we list the good ones
ITT we list the good ones
here ya go
It is literally impossible to dislike Gottfried.
Best scene in that show:
Just remember:
>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
Leonard Nimoy?
Begin list:
End list.
No. Fuck Larry. He's a lib who expressed his strong opposition to Trump.
That whiney jew voice tho
Like anything good ever came out from down there.
this one always cracks me up
All of them.
beat me to it
meyer lanksy
is that ben's wife? holy shit shes a hottie
Haha I haven't seen that one yet!
I like you
He's a cynical opportunist keeping his role in holywood. He doesn't give a shit one way or the other.
not his real voice
austrian economists are retarded. this guy's just looking out for his shekels
Cool argument
Mark Chabenisky (Cuban)
Dr. (((Stein)))
Drunk as fuck, he's still amazing, even if everyone else bitches about it.
I guess all the jews from Seinfeld...
fine, if you want arguments: upward-sloping aggregate supply curve, sticky wages, multiplier effect.
the only one I know
you're not exactly making a case for him
hes jewish? holy shit never noticed. Whats his real name?
Bobby Fischer, the only redpilled jew.
Shlomo Santostein
>engaging in organized crime makes you a good jew because organized crime is cool.
Otto Weininger.
I strongly suggest you guys read his book Sex and Character, it's good for redpills and laughs. It's basically about why women and Jews, (he really fucking hates Jewesses) ruin everything.
While being despised by the Jewish community in Austria, he was held in very high regard by a lot of writers at the time, and Wittgenstein considered him to be a genius.
>get a life, jews!
Are you ready for the new season?
What does Carlos Bianchi has to do with politics?
merely a stealth goy, but still...
Silber Zandtstein
Only good answer
Senor Abravanel