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So cucked

>when you thought you defeated your foe for good but they just come back in a new form.

It looks Presidential!

why don't she die already, what's her motivation to live anyway.

Yessssss, keep yourself in the news, run again in 2020 Hillary, insure a Trump second term, Muahahahaha

>new haircut

It's the official white genocide uniform

new haircut same as the old haircut



Its so nice to know I will probably be alive to celebrate her death one day.


desu, it really is a nice, "time to go coffin shopping" hair style.

Don't worry. John Titor will return with the sword of destiny soon enough.

And then they die again anyway.

She's wearing a fucking wig

This is the haircut aging women get when their hairline is receding. My grandma currently has it and it's ugly as fuck.

Now she needs a choker and a hot topic tee.

She's like 70 isn't she?

What's that on your head

Look what I can do

Looks like a cancer patient in a wig

I say, what's that on your head?

>powerful message
top jej, this soulless cunt wouldn't know a powerful message if Bill was fucking it on the side

i'm in.
how do we prove this?


>All eyes on Hillary Clinton's new haircut

would not fuck


These crusty old sluts pay thousands of dollars for some fag to put a bowl on their heads and trim around the edges.

kekd what an exceptional edit

it's "yaassss" not yes

>this is newsworthy

Sad desu.

2020 is the year when the history will be made! Scared yet, dumpflings?

Just like her daughter's pancakes

Nice. Now I want to rip out her eyes and skull fuck her to death.

She's going for that 9 dead in church shooting look

Future Barron

fuckin' woosh, idiot

It hides the earpieces better.


good job burger

Now she needs plastic surgery....

It looks bad. Like Lena dunham

Isn't it really sexist to focus on something so superficial about hillary's appearance?

Anyone have the infograph on women cutting their hair after a traumatic experience? Example includes Megyn Kelly after her interview with Trump.

Must of ripped it out....

that's not a haircut she's just not wearing a wig

that's her thinning, frayed hair

Serious question:
Why does security think that putting those tiny windows by her face is going to stop a shooter from taking a body shot?

Are there scientific experiments on YouTube that I can watch that window deflect a bullet?

>all eyes
>the dying left wing echo chamber

those are teleprompters breh

Trump will get impeached years before 2020. It will most likely be Clinton vs Pence.

this is why women should not be allowed to vote

most women would legitimately be inclined to vote for the woman with the best hair

She's going for the Nicola Sturgeon look. She's just as annoying so no surprise.

Looks worse than her previous haircut.
I guess that's one way to fuck yourself over more than you already have.


and then they get revived again but this time with a insane power up

Trump's reelection will be epic.

I don't understand. Why are they still slobbering over this whore? She is incompetent, out of touch, and corrupt as they come and she lead the DNC into an absolute slaughter in Nov. Whyyyyyy are democrats so fucking stupid? Democrats are why I left the Democrat party.

If Trump gets impeached Hillary be executed within a month.

PS that haircut looks awful.

just fuck me up, Rust Belt

Because she is still sucking the
Life out of those babies.
More babies!
More babies!
The hyena-fallen angel hybrid screamed
More baaaabies!
I need my babiessssss!

great shoop!

Wig? Does she have cancer?