>wtf I love muslims now
First, saudi isn't apart of the muslim ban and now selling them weapons?
Is this 8^8D chess or something that I can't understand?
>wtf I love muslims now
First, saudi isn't apart of the muslim ban and now selling them weapons?
Is this 8^8D chess or something that I can't understand?
>sage in 2017
based saudis have always been /ourguys/ you fucking CIA shill. FUCK OFF.
>Saudi Arabia demands arms contracts from American weapons manufactures
>America sells them to make profit
Were you expecting a full 180 overnight or something? You can shit on a country like Saudi Arabia and still sell those sandniggers guns
>implying Saudi hasn't been the main exporter of fundamentalist Islam around the fucking world
Fuck of you dumb sharia shill.
Good point, giving them more weapons will help them kill each other.
Why should they be part of the travel restriction?
What the fuck?
Why is Donald allowing this?
It's never been a chess game, numbskull. Trump is fumbling in the dark here. Always has been, will be doing so until he gets heart-attacked by the deep state. .