Recently I've noticed the general discussion and narrative of Sup Forums has returned much closer to normal (Nat Soc/race realism). Is it just me or have things here actually started to shape up again?
The general narrative of Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
All of you edgy cucks don't even know what fascism is, you would probably be the first one to die under fascist rule
We literally invented fascism. Roman empire aside, they were the best 20 years in the whole italian history.
100 years laters, we are still benefiting from the massive work made by Mussolini.
shut the fuck up
Who else path 5 here?
There's only that path.
>implying a fucking 70 iq shitskin b*snian knows what fascism is
Fuck off muslim nagger
You tell me. There is an entire thread right now of /nu/pol saying why they're not racist.
Sup Forums btfo
>White as the driven snow
Ya I'll probably be the first to get purged.
path 1 is the only way to really see things change for the better
Shill thread, plebbit fags seem to flock to them.
>doesn't know how to crosslink threads
Back to lebbit.
So easily fooled you are.
What's the statue in line 4?
It isnt. Stormfaggotry is retarded bullshit and you nu-Sup Forums tryhard assholes need to leave
No I'm an idiot who is multi tasking that shouldn't be
The fourth picture is spot on.
>stormfags = nu/pol/
holy FUCK please leave
>t. CIA
Stormfront has been a thing since longer than you've been alive
Nevermind, found it. Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra by Francois Joseph Bosio.
no shit, and you newfags who came here mid 2016 and try to fit in by being edgy as possible are annoying faggots and are ruining this board.
viva il duce
>mid 2016
NatSoc has been a part of this board since its creation. Just because you came here during the /r/T_D election flock doesn't mean stormfags did.
Libertarianism is starting to make a come back which is nice. Christianity too. I still think stormfags are annoying as fuck but at least their better than (((trs)))
Now we only have to get Ron Paul back as the #1 and we're golden.
unwarranted surveillance of Americans is treason
It fills me with something every time I look at it. Pride? Hope?
>NatSoc has been a part of this board since its creation.
it was a meme that was shilled in 2013. Then you newfags come along and try to fit in by being annoying assholes and virtue signaling to everyone "LOL LOOK HOW EDGY I AM HEIL HITLER!"
Please educate us on what Fascism is o wise one
Happens every election year.
Stormfags were here early on but this was a pelocon/paleolibertarian board first.
Yea that been a thing since /n/ but that doesn't automatically mean facism
Private property with public control
It's an indirect form of socialism which is public property with public control
>everyone who browses Sup Forums eventually turns into a n*zi
you are wrong my child
the red pill works differently on everyone
Nah bro, I can confirm.
Sup Forums was basically created to keep politics off the other boards because the politics were always so extreme, you know, because Sup Forums.
If I'm being honest though, I prefer neo-nazis over Trumpcucks.
I never understood why Sup Forums became so radically right wing. Leftists are mocked viciously and shunned in just about every thread
Sure, this used to primarily be a libertarian board, but you can't say there wasn't Natsoc back then anyways. It's like marxists and leftypol on Sup Forums today, except there were a lot more natsoc, especially around 2012-2014, started dying out in 2016 election
Short answer is that Sup Forums became "Known" as the edgy center of the internet to the general public around the same time that the established norms in general society had shifted away from the right wing. Basically flipping the paradigm of rebel / traditionalist that was the status quo for so long.
People really don't think a lot about how important the last 20 years have been from a social standpoint in terms of change.
In short the left won the war of ideas in the public arena.
< apparently we revert when not shilled :(
>Implying Sup Forums wasn't already in line with Stormfront from the get go
>Implying Sup Forums doesn't do literally exactly what that image is claiming Stormfront does(disseminate WN info)
>Implying the OP in that pic isn't JIDF/shill
Lol, its not shunning or bullying, its group therapy: this boards recibes droves of new Sup Forums friends every month, somebody has to help them. Filter every Hitler pic for some straight-citizen you like, and every "jews" for "self-interested scum", etc, and you end up with Sup Forumss message clean of triggering fnords.
Ethno-nationalist ancap here. Physically remove all who threaten individual sovereignity.
kek, fucking neck yourself loser