why is Hitler considered worse than Stalin?
Why is Hitler considered worse than Stalin?
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Hitler killed jews.
Stop shitposting nigger.
Because the jews control the medai
YoU CaN't CoNtRoLl Us
Hitler only killed (((them))), but Stalin killed everyone.
Stalin wins because he isn't raycismun
Hitler started it.
>killed (((them)))
Hitler didn't implement agents to further his agenda in the west using the media.
The kikes don't want you to focus on Stalin, because then you'll start focusing on communism and realize how bad it is, and the kikes don't want you to realize that because they're trying to force it on you.
Just think, in a world where kikes didn't try to subvert and brainwash the populace, fascism wouldn't be a bad word, but communism would because of all the horrors it produced. Stalin would be the "Hitler" in that world.
Because we were never officially at war with Stalin. Did we still each other sure but at the end of the day it wasn't "official"
Because of the Jews.
Fuck off Emma
>Implying Marx's conception of communism was anywhere close to the shit the USSR implemented
Marx was envisioning a hyper advanced society where work and services were primarily automated. Literally when the model for capitalism breaks down because people no longer have jobs to perform to earn wages to then spend and help fuel the economy.
Why do you consider Stalin worse than Hitler? Feel free to back up your claims with relevant citations.
You're disgusting.
Friendly reminder communism has exponentially killed more people than fascism. Crush the commie
Stalin was on the defence.
> 20+ million dead > (((6 million dead)))
Because of the Jews.
Because muh 600 trillion ukrainians.
OK, luddite. Sure.
Frogfu thread?
If we're just talking about the kill count, Mao wins.
So why is Stalin considered worse than Mao?
Because the US is absolutely reliant on China and vice versa when it comes to our trading deals. War would be disastrous for both of our economies. So it's kind of an unspoken rule that we're not allowed to talk trash about China.
>making an ideology for WORKERS for a time when they can't work
Hitler Killed a group america fought to protect/
Because Russia isn't a pussy bitch country like Germany. There is no profit in bitching about Stalin.
Because he lost the fucking war.
1. Stalin was on our side
2. Stalin won
Hmmm, i wonder why...
Stalin is worse and more stupid than Hitler.
Who controls the schools?
Who controls the media?
Who did Hitler kill?
(((our))) side.
what was her expression trying to convey?
Because Stalin won and hence we were subject to years of communist propaganda.
Christ, she is perfect.
Because trying to get gibs from Russia at that time was like asking money from a bum
Stalin wasn't ethnically motivated (well mostly)
Aw yes, it's my favorite thread.
Because our communist media and socialists fantasize about Stalin's caterpillar moustache
I hate them both.
He killed the communists suspected of being disloyal to his nation. In any situation, that's a lot of Jews.
Stalin only butchered Slavs
Hitler butchered JEWS
i like this post.
Why didn't OP care about the rules?
Mods are gods and I am grateful that they made explicit the already attaining forbidding of redundant threads BUT
The biggest problem here was not redundant threads, it is one-line writing prompt one-posts. This format allows a spammer to quickly bombard us with brainless spam and drive good threads off the board before they can be archived. The brainlessness of the non-discussion offends the character of the board.
Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.
fugof and let the greatest Sup Forums thread to thrive
he lost
...or Pol Pot or why does everyone know who Josef Mengele is but has never heard of Unit 731? Or why does everyone know about auschwitz but never heard of the rape of Nanking?
It's because no one gives a fuck about non white people or slavs.
People think Stalin was more incompetent than he was psychotic. They think his policies were bad and poorly thought out which they think caused the mass famines such as the holodomor. They consider Hitler to be worse as the holocaust has been told as an event of purposeful extermination out of Hitlers hatred for other ethnicities.
Though what they don't realise is that Stalin was the most cold blooded bastard imaginable. He knew what he was doing, he just didn't care about others suffering. His psychopathy is pretty obvious from the mass purges like the great terror or the doctors plot. To him it was all about staying at the top and pushing everyone else below, especially those close to him. Kirov being a good example.
'One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic' - Joseph Stalin
>on the defence
>invaded 10+ eastern european countries
Genocide is okay according to liberals as long as you target everyone and not just a race/religion.
nazi war criminal expat confirmed
edgy trips
She has the best feet of all time and she know it.
He is well known for the Holocaust and Stalin was in the Allied powers during WW2
Vae victis.
Because of Jewish hegemony over public opinion, especially through the mass media.
It's that simple. Same reason why "Nazism" has a worse stigma than Communism (created by the Jew Marx), even though Communism killed a lot more people.
Holocaust deniers need to fuck off.
That was mostly run by Lazar Kagan.
To the OP question:
If people knew about communism then they would see that Hitler was reacting to them and that he was correct to concentrate subversives away from the rest of society.
top kek fuck off to /his/
you know why
I too like this post. Short and to the point.
because the jews. not even meme-ing bro
Reminder that this was the main orchestator behind Stalin's victims.
Are you retarded?
Jewish Financing systems are opposed to Communism.
Yes, goy, that's why the first thing (((al qaeda))) did when the Jews toppled Libya was to set up a private (((Rothchild))) central bank.
Here's the thing with the original communism (Soviet communism).
Communism was founded by a Jew, Karl Marx, who is related by blood to the Rothschild bankers.
You see, the Bourgeoisie wanted a system of complete control, so that the masses gave them 100% of their wealth voluntarily.
So they got this Jew, Marx, to indoctrinate the poor fools into giving their wealth to the "state". Not only that, but he also indoctrinated them with ideas that the family unit, national borders and all those things are bad because of "capitalism".
The problem was who runs the state?
The Jews. Via the Central Banking system usually owned by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and all these powerful Jews, and in the USSR, the Soviet government.
Look at Venezuela, it has a Central Banking System.
Why do you think people never become rich in Communist nations, only poor? Why so many people starved in the USSR?
The solution is to End the Central Banking Systems and the Federal Reserve, and the Jewish hegemony that comes with it.
>he hasnt heard about the pogroms
Uncle Joe was just as efficient at killing kikes as Hitler was
There are billions of dollars in dead jews. There is not a penny in dead russians or chinese or dead cambodian peasants.
Because he started the war and lost. If the Soviets were the ones to do that then we'd be giving awards to movies about the six million that were killed in the progroms and there would be protest signs with Trump shooped as Stalin. The Zionists control all sides of every conflict and will use whatever happens in the aftermath to their advantage. WWII was their biggest false flag
>Because he started the war and lost.
Also Hitler is the reason for political correctness and the death of ethnic nationalism.
This. Stalin was more of a loose cannon than a jew puppet. True that he may have gained the power that he did thanks to them, but he was mainly driven by his own insanity and paranoia. The purges he ordered involved quite a lot of Jews themselves. Extending as far as to have Trotsky assassinated.
muh six gorillian
>Hitler is the reason for political correctness and the death of ethnic nationalism
Wrong. You don't understand leftists very well.
Trotsky was a worse cannon. Whether you want to consider Joe "Jewgasvilli" was a Jew or not is your own opinion.
Exterminating the Trotskyites was for the best.
A real hero.
really gets the noggin joggin
YOU THINK that if germany would have won , Hitler would be the bad guy today? obviously no
Canada has hope yet.
>1 post by this ID
>same emma watson pic
this guy is such a Nigger shill
>why is Hitler considered worse than Stalin?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
> youtube.com
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Stalin was very, very nasty when it came to some minority groups. They were just ones that aren't as widespread as Jews.
Stalin killed approximately 10 million people by non-Cold-War-propaganda measures. Mao killed 20 million or so by similar measures. Most of these deaths came from famine. The majority of deaths from Marxist-Leninist regimes were from those two. That's roughly 35-40 million worldwide in about 90 years. Fascism and WWII killed between 55 and 85 million in 1/15th of that time.