I cant even fucking start to guess what it says on this sign. And this is supposed to be in preparation for the Sweden elections in 2018.
How fucking cucked can my country be?
I cant even fucking start to guess what it says on this sign. And this is supposed to be in preparation for the Sweden elections in 2018.
How fucking cucked can my country be?
Dude, sorry for the pessimism, but i legitimately think your country is the only one in Europe that is going to die while all others wake up. Get the fuck out when that happens.
That's rough dude but I am happy to see that the green party is fucking joke in other countries too
We're becoming the new Brazil.
Am I in MENA or in Sweden?
Wait a minute
This. I think Europe is waking up but Sweden, man, goodbye.
Nope. You are becoming worse.
Seems like a job for Captain Sweden.
It says "lets work together to progress sweden"
No more hope for you you cant uncuck the cucks
Sorry, they have the ultimate dogwhistle, it's exactly like Spanish here
RIP sweden
Thinking of fleeing to Denmark when shit hits the fan. It is hard to think of anything good about this country anymore.
RIP swedebros
Is that memeing the Saudi flag? Someone needs to cover it up with an Arabic translation of "bullfittor och kuksugare".
Also it says "people have the right to study with their original country language"
Have fun learning arabic with niggers
This is from the 2014 election. Still fucked.
i fucking hate you
Flee now, cuz norway already said they're gonna pop a cap in whoever tries to cross the border when shit goes down in sweden and denmark is even less cucked than they are
Ever since the Green Party became part of the government, they have lost over half the votes in polls. Right now, it's unclear whether MP will even make it into the parliament next election. Meanwhile, according to recent polls SD is the biggest party, having doubled their votes since the last election. The Islamist infiltration of MP is probably a large part of the reason why they have dropped so much.
Why? Is the truth too strong for you
you were obviously mistranslating, my troll sense was tingling
I think MP is currently at around 5% and they were heavily overestimated in the polls last election. Even if they make it past the 4% barrier they will hardly have any seats and the Social Democrats will most likely not want anything to do with them. Would be interesting if we get S+C vs SD+M+KD (if they make it past 4%)
Try translating from "العربية" in google
Why would he be mistranslating? It sounds just like what they would have in their ad. I'll try to translate it and check if it sounds reasonable though.
Not the same scribble, rusemeister
So the Swedish green party was shown to have some rather shady connections to Swedish salafists, but instead of doing anything about it, your green party decided to double down on the muslim dick sucking?
I sure am thankful that Denmark has the privilege of bordering the two biggest meme countries on the continent.
You should leave now. Other European countries have talked about blocking "Swedish refugees".
Ok smartass lets see you translate it
you just can't ruse me, "arab"
yeah we don't have muslims here and we don't go around teaching our people some random desert language
You guys are whiter(for now) and that's the only thing you've better
Deep down you know what i said is true you just cant accept it "burger"
"Let's work together to better Sweden"
"People have a right to study in their original language."
Sounds pretty much in line with green party style shit.
Not saying Zinedine Zidane over there isn't mistranslating, but it does sound pretty plausible.
Well my english is a bit poor
Bah, old news then.
How are your arabic overlords treating you?
nervous kek
Sweden is a hundred times superior to Brazil in every category.
>caring about the environment
Go to any black or brown neighborhood on earth and you will find the filthiest place on earth.
The Minister of Housing had ties to Turkish AKP and Muslim Brotherhood. This had been speculated about for a few years on flashback with a decent amount of evidence but was ignored by MSM until he was photographed at an event with an AKP affiliated youth movement. Another guy, Yasri Kahn, refused to shake hands with a female reporter for which he receieved a backlash and resigned. But the party is completely infiltrated by islamists so it won't make much of a difference. The same is true of V, the left (formerly communist) party.
>Not saying Zinedine Zidane over there isn't mistranslating,
he did translate it properly
To be rewasonable though MP wont even make it to parliament, they're currently below 4% , and it is widely known they are infiltrated by islamists
I was thinking, I believe 2 people die in the Nazi invasion of Denmark, so sandniggers have already been worse for Sweden than Nazis were for Denmark
it tickles your neurons, really
>You guys are whiter(for now) and that's the only thing you've better
How about better culture, safer/less crime, less corruption, richer, more developed, better education, higher iq, better infrastructure, and much more?
When we talk about Sweden going to shit we mean shit from a Western European standpoint, not as shit as third world countries like Brazil. Sweden is better than Brazil in every way.
>is widely known they are infiltrated by islamists
who would've guess just seeing their propaganda
I will go and help you tomorrow, plus swedish chicks are hot, might as well be europeans to cuck the swedeshits
Yeah, I doubt C is going to cooperate with SD ever. They would rather break up the alliance block. The best chances for the left is S+C(+V+MP) which according to most polls is at >50% right now, though given how they usually overestimate C,V and MP and underestimate SD it seems unlikely they will even beat the 50% mark. I doubt they could attract FP without kicking out V and MP, and FP is still only like 6%. M+SD+KD seems like an almost certain alliance if they have a chance of winning, but they're still only around 40% and even with FP (assuming they would cooperate) it's only ~45%, and under 50% in all polls except sentio (which is also the only one that got correct values for SD in both 2010 and 2014 instead of drastically underestimating them).
well, Brazil in all it's glory doesn't have the muslim problem.. he could be on to something, today a 15 year old killed, yesterday 2 people killed (one beheaded , one shot)
>he could be on to something, today a 15 year old killed, yesterday 2 people killed (one beheaded , one shot
3 people murdered. Okay? Hundreds of people have been murdered in Brazil today. They literally had a riot where like 50-100 people were beheaded a few weeks ago.
Just look at this image . Brazil has more murders than almost all European countries + big parts of Asia, North America and Oceania.
Yes, but I've lived here my whole life , the speed things are accelerating is insane. Arab ghetto wars between 18 gangs just kicked off, expect more from sweden.
Me I'm fine with it as long as they keep killing themselves, but the rapes though....
also, we are barely 10 mil inhabitants
Sweden....God love you bros....but I'm starting to give up hope.....
> he thinks green is about environment
Green is the party for middle class kids stuck with a plain boring life that want everyone being fucked in the ass so they feel a little bit better.
This is also why they keep getting votes despite all their ideas being accepted as straight up retarded even by normies.
>The green party
>strong ties to islam
You can't make this up guys
That's a great fucking ad for the swedish democrats instead kek
>sweden has grenade attacks
>killing their own culture
>in the eu so corrupted as shit
>richer only per capita
>better infrastructure(for now)
sweden is becoming us, but more cucked
just learn arabic and convert, it's your only choice Sven.