Germany yes! Axe attack in the Düsseldorf trainstation, several people injured, 1 or 2 attackers.
Guess the skin color of the attacker:

source: spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/duesseldorf-offenbar-axt-angriff-am-hauptbahnhof-a-1138111.html

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What is the difference between a shitskin and a sandnigger ? Probaly nigger muslim since they always skill melee weapon, while sandniggers go for long range dmg/fire dmg.

No happening.
According to police it was only a Yugoslav with psychological problems.

Why does his skin colour matter to you? Humm... are you a racist or something?

Opposite of what happened in Canada at the mosque shooting

really makes you do things with the brain

Fuck off cunt.

Source on Yugo? Because that's what I predicted with trips:




It's what police officials told the papers.

Btw not bad that prediction


It has been already officially stated that it was a Yugoslavian

he better have been attacking sandniggers

maybe Bosnian?

Could be, police don't specify.
They only say "guy from Wuppertal originally from the former Yugoslavia, apparently with psycholgical issues"

Yugo it seems (acc. to police).
My specific bet is on muslim from Kosovo or Bosnia.

Ja, Bruder hat in der Drogenhilfe gearbeitet. Der weiß, wer da so rumläuft.

According to the 2011 Census, 95,61 per cent of the population of Kosovo were Muslims.


>Last straw

Yeah, we didn't find out about Holmes, Lanza, McVeigh, and others for days.

What are those "mental problems"? The belief in Allah?

>psychological problems
>psycholgical issues

And it's Islam.

Is it the Sup Forums child killer? What happened to him?

Yugoslav = Bosnian Muslim

Did you expect something different from Sup Forums?

The suspect — described only as a 36-year-old man from the former Yugoslavia living in the nearby city of Wuppertal

go back to plebbit

Why do German cops always look so alpha and red-pilled, when they're the enforcers of perhaps the most self-destructive and cucked society of our century?

No he got caught earlier today

Ban assault axes

>Kraut sad because of his unsafe country
>Tries to pirate a good pc game so he can relive stress
>gets fined 900 Euros



its not HIS fault!
he only did it because of his religion!
stop being so intolerant!

>According to the 2013 census, 50.7% of the population identify religiously as Muslim

"We are not using the words 'rampage' or 'terror'," the spokesman said.

They never even found conclusive evidence that the white kid did it. To this day he is still only labeled as a suspect.

Le fires da neurons.


Aryan genetics
Jewed minds

Anyone looks alpha wearing a balaclava

>They never even found conclusive evidence that the white kid did it. To this day he is still only labeled as a suspect.
So they released him?

Das haben wir nicht gewollt. Nobody could have forseen this.


Maybe he was molested by some rabbi or a priest like Milo. Western values you you know.

people's body parts weren't eaten so that rules out ethnic german
if two attackers then it must be premeditated so that rules out black
usual suspects methinks

lol who are these fake soldiers with running shoes on. are these the famous beudenshwegers?

Soldier btfo
Rogue is where it's at

Omg you cant make this shit up

>Attacker of Düsseldorf identified
>lives in Wuppertal
>Police says he is known for having " psychological problems "

They are doing it again.


What about the attack in Switzerland?



you think

The guy was seen by a lot of people and jumped down a bridge and now is in hospital.
He fits the description of the witnesses.
You can't fake that.

50 krautshekels says it was a shitskin

i keked

What's wrong with being racist?

Literally nothing. It's natural.


It was a psychologically disturbed man from former Yugoslavia.

Sup Forums needs a lie-down.

Coulter's law

>being attacked by axemen while travelling
Old Germanic traditions coming back to life.

Was haben ihr am dieser abend vor
? ich bin an der apotheker uni gegangen, heute fruh , und hab ich meine ganze wohnung geputzt und jetz ich liege auf meinem bett


Ich errinerre mich jetzt. Gab es heute eine bomb drohung in dusseldorf auch? Und ich glaube die behorde haben die strassen gesperrt und geraumt? Ich denke die lugen presse hiest es eine welt krieg bomb