Ever notice white women hate asian women with a burning passion? Why is that?
Ever notice white women hate asian women with a burning passion? Why is that?
Ever notice how there's a bot posting the exact same threads with the same pictures? Really makes you think.
Trying to start a new meme?
No, I haven't noticed that, yet if I did ever see that for once in my life, it'd be because a lot of Asian women aren't lazy, unskilled idiots who don't want to be maternal like 90% of white American women
Also if OP is still at "1 post by this ID" after 10 posts, then everyone stop replying because it's a shill thread.
Ever notice we have this thread often?
>Ever notice all women hate all women with a burning passion?
only things weebs imagine and or wish for
Jealousy. Men in general prefer Asian women, there's been research on this, it's not just a weeaboo thing.
Because they represent competition. White girls like being a monopoly so they can dictate terms and act as shitty as they want.
White women hate asians because they remind them of their own failures as women. We all know this already, now stop shilling asian women on an anime image board.
Yeah its totally CIA amirite
>giving a fuck about the mind of the mindless
evolve or dying, virgin faggot-cunt
Because of their tight vagoos and slender bods
Ever think we have this thread every day as a thinly veiled excuse to post a microselection of nips with extensive plastic surgery?
i don't hate them i think they're really cute
i bet they smell like candy and flowers
Stop trying to cause controversy when there is none, shill
The gook is the eternal enemy of the Aryan.
I would literally convert to islam and change my name to Mohammed Gout-fukheer to take all 4 as wives.
Literally turn my almost pure white bloodline into a shit stain for them
They are very jealous of Asian women. A pretty Asian girl is you average white girls Tyrone. They know any self respecting man is going after a pretty Asian or White chick so they naturally hate competitors just as much as you do.
Are we having this every day? Then i'll repeat my experience.
>She looks different than me but people call her pretty :(
>I don't like her voice
I've sat in a cubicle over the course of a month, listening to two stuck up cunts, with a few divorces each, talk shit about one of our Japanese associates who handles more upper management business than them, married to a handsome white guy 7 years strong, works out on a regular schedule, and drives an Audi.
Literal jealousy
All women hate all women.